Minutes 1958-10-30 ~.~6 _ _ ~rroyo Grande, Calif, oetober 30, 1958 The ~ity Council met in an ad~ourned session with Mayt~r Bur~ pre~iding. Upon ro11 eall Counci].m~:n Lee~ pence, Jacobs and ~artwig reported present. Ma~ror Burt asked Mr. Harris 't~o conduct t~e heari.n.gs on Fair aaks No, ~t • and Fair Oaks ~To. Mr. ~arris asked if there were any p~ote~ts in.on Fair qaks No. there Were none and no one pres~nt protesting, a motion ~s ~ade by Council~n..Pe~+~~ seevnded by Council.man Lee to cle~e the hearin~ as to pra~ests. ~otiou carri~d. A a~tion was m~de i~ ~ovnc~.3xnan ~iartsaiga seeonded by Gouncilman. Jaeobs '~a cantiriue the hearing on Fair Oaks No. to ~ovem~er 5, 195$ a'~ 5~30 P.~. Motion earried. , I~. Harris then asked if there were an,y ~rritten protests ar at~yone present prot,e~ting on Fair Oakg No. 5. The~e bei.ng n~i'~her wrritten prote~te or no on~e pr~s~nt protesting~ a motion was made by ~ounci7.man L~e, secondsd by' CbUriG$ZTilari P@ACC', 'to close the hearing as tc> prote~fis. ~IotiOn carried. Ii~arris read for the lst time the 4rdi.r~arice for the Ann~xation_c~~` Fair oaks i3o. 5. The participation on drainage in Tract ~io. 131 was disct~~ed and a ~tion m~ade by ~oun~i.l~nan I'enee' $eeonded b~r Gouncilmaxi Jacobs that the ~ity ' part3cipate ~380.00 to take care of draina~e from the Hal.cyon B~ad Area. Motion carried. It wa.9 agreed to hold over the discussion on the Water Zine in the Wizeman Tract. . On moti.on of ~ouncilman Lee, s~~auci~ed bp Councilman ~'enee, ,_i.t xas 8~reed to call for bids on 300E? feet o~ 8" and 3t~?0 feet of 6" ce~ent asbestc~ pipe. Ths bids to be opened No4ember 25, 195$ a~ 7:3C) P. I~. I~ation Cst~ri~d., Nir. Lowell Kraatz s~as present ~nd discus~ed amending or revising the - subdiv~i.sion Ordit~ance or Aesolution. RE~4LU~ION N0. l~07 RESflLUTION 0~ TI3E GITY COUhCTL OF THE CITY t3F .A~R~YO GBA~tDE TO AMEND SECTIOI~ 3.2 B OF RESOLUTION N0. 2?6 4NLY CONVEN~IONA3~ TYFE GURB AND GU`~~ IN StTB~IVISIt7NS, On rn~tion of Couneilman ~arti~i.g, seconded b~ Councilman Zee and Uy the follow3.xig rcll ea11 vote to wit: .AYES: Councilmen B~art, Lee, ~'ence, Jacob~ and Hart~r3.g ~ NOES: Nor~ ABS~N`t': Nc~ne the foregoing Resolut3on ~as e~d,opted. P~r. Anderson asked about sewers on the Huasna ~d,-as ~e~era7. house~ ~ere b~ing built~ ~hieh would agravate.the san3.tary conditiar~ alon~ the road. Tt ~ra~ agreed some estimate vould have to be pr~pax~d before the people could be contaeted. The Clerk wa~ asked to get infor~a.tion from the ~ity of ~~.Luis , Obispo about having a new , Cer3svaa, It ~as moved and seconded to ad~ovrn the ~eeting to a~r3U P. M. ~tov~ember 5, 1958. ~ ~ f~ , ~ ,.?!'~r.y. ~ : ..%'{y ,~TT~ST: , ity lerk yor . . Arroya C~andee, Ca).iP~ , 5:3o P.M. ~tov. 5, 1958. Adjoiarned ~eting of t~he City Cotuicil with Mayar Burt presidi~~ Present Coune~.I~en Penee and Hart~r3.g. ~bsent ~ouueilmen Lee sad Jacobs. Harris read for the lst time, the Urdinance prepar~d for t~he annexat~.on of ~air ~a1ts No. 1~. Nc fur~her business the meeting ~d~ourned. ATT~ST: ; C~ "C / ri~..~ ~-2. c ~.Yo . Arroya t3rande, Calif. Nov~ember 12, 1958 The City Coun~il met in regular session with ~ayor B~art presiding. Upon roll call ~oune~.l~en Lee, Pence, an.d Jaeobs reporte~l present, ~ouncilmaxi Hart~ri~ arrived later. The minutes of the previous regular meeting xere read and appro~ed as read. Mr. ~nder~on reported he had ~alked ~ith ~r. ~'hrasher and the ~chool ~o0ss3~ was t.aken car~ of. ~ short reeess was held until 8:3a P. M. for the hearing an &mezatic~ Of I''gj,r' Q8k8 NOs 6 83~d NO• 7• Mr. Harris asked if there Were ar~y t~ritten pratests to th~ ann~xation of Fair Oaks No, b. ~'here wer~ no ~rritten protests and no ane presan'~ prmtested. motion Was then ~ade by Councilm~an Hartw3.g~ seconded by Cc~unci].~ Pence to close the ma.tter of protests on Fair Qaks ~o. 6 l~cation Carried.