Minutes 1958-11-12 I~'. .Anderson. asked about sewers an the ~Iua~na Road,_ as sever~7. hovses were b~ing built, wh3.ch would agravate . the san~,tary cc~nditions along the road. It was agre~d som~ esti~te ~rould have to b~ prepar~d before the people could be contaeted. The Clerk ~,ras asked ta ge~ infcarr~ation frQm the Cit~r of I+u3.s . 4biapo about having a ne~r,Censvs. It ~s ~ved. ~a se~~naea to aa~o,~r~ tne ~et~~ to 5:30 P. Nov~ember 5, 1958. ~ ~f ~ il _ .~T`TFST : ~ ~ ~ ity ' lerk yc>r Arrogo Grandet Ca1if.. 5:3o P.M. Nov. 5, 19,~8. Ad~ourn~d m~eting af the ~ity Council with ~Ia,yor Bnrt presidi.~. Present Cot~nci.Imen Pence and Hart~r3.g. Abs~nt ~ouneiSmen Lee a~ad Jacobs. ~r. Harris read for the lst tim~e, the Ordinance prepar~d fer t~he azinexation af ~air Oaks A1o. No furt.her busine~s the u~eeting ~d~ourned, ATTEST: ,'~°~r~' ~ ~ ' C~'C ~ ~-2. v C ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ „ ~.F4 ~ . Arroyo Crrande~ Calif. Noeember 12, 19~8 Th~ G~.ty Counci.l met in regular session with May~r Burt p~esiding. Upan roll ca11 ~oune~en Lee, Pence, and Jaeobs reparted preser~t, ~ouncil~an Hartwig arrived later. The m3.rrutes of the previ.ous regul~r ~eetir,~; ~were read and appr~ed as read. Mr. ~?nderson reported he had talked with Mr. Tbrasher and the scheol acossir~ was taken care of. A short recess xas held uatil $:3t3 P. M. fo~ the hearing on ~me~atic~z~ of Fair (?aks ~o. b ar~d No. 7. l~r. Harris asked if there were ar.~ s~s~itten protesta3 to ~he ~nnex~tion of Fair aaks ~o. 6. ~'here s~ere no written protests and no c~ne present prc~ested. ~ mee~tion taas thsn ~de by Co~anc3.lman F~artwi~~ seconded b~ Council~aa.n Pence to clo~e the mstter of protes~ on Fair Daks ~o. 6 Motimn Garried, Mr. Harri~ read for the fixst time an ordinance providing for t.Yie annexation oF Fair aaks No. 6. Mr. Harris asked if there wer~ any t~ritten protests to ~ the anneu~atictn of Fair Oaks No. Protests were read from Yow~g Bro~. Sn~vestm~r~~ Co. ~.nd H. B. I~cCaslit~ and Hal Ladw3.g. protest to the ~.nnexation of Fair Oaks ~o. ? signed by Hcc~ra~e ~o~rle Pr~aident of the Fair Oaks ~ivie ~socia~ion and Part ~eGcc~+wne~ President of the Grover ~itp C3.vj.c Associatic~n ~as raad and ordered ~iled. ? mot3.8n was mad~ by GouzYCil~nan Zee, seconded b3r Counci.l,man Jacobs t.o clo~e tMe n~a~ter of protest on Fair ~aks No. 7. ~otion earr3.ed. A mation Sra~ mada by Cour~cilman Jaeobs to continus th~ hearing ~g Fair Daks No.-? to November 19~h, 1958 at 5:30 F. M.~ the ~notion was seconded by~~ouncilman Har~rig and all. members voted Aye. ~ ORDINANNCE N{3. 128 ORDIt~ANCE 4F THE CITY ~F ~RRflYO GRANDE PRO~IDIIdG FY)R THE 1~NN~~CATION OF GIl~TAiN UNlNHABITED TF~EiRI- T~RY T0 THE GITY t3F ARR6Y0 (TRANT)E.. • On motion of ~ouncilman Pence~, seconded by '~ouncilt~n I.ee~ and oa the following roll call vote,~ to wit: AY'~: Counc.i.lmen Bur~, Lee, gence, Jacobs and T3artawi.g. Di0E5: No~e . AIISENT: Nox~e the foregoing 4rc~inan.cs wa~ ad,opted this ].~3th clay of November~ 195$. aR~I1VANCE No, 129 ~ftDINAI~CE OF THE CITY OF 1~RROYO GRANDE PRUVI~INC3r FOR THE AI~NEXATIDN flF GFaRTAIN UNINHA]~STED TgtR2- TORY TO THE CITY (7F ~RRDY~3 GRAIdDE. On ~-~tion of ~ouneilman Jacobs~ seeonded by Ca~cilman ~~art~r~.g, and on the follow3ng roll call vc~te, t,c~ wit: ~ AYES: Councilmen Burt, Zee, Pence, Jacob~ ~nd Hart~3.g. NOESs None 11BSSNT: D1one . the foregoing Ordi.nance was adApted this 12th day ot' November~ 19~$ Councilman Jacobs expressed gratifieation that there were only 2 legal protests to the !t Annexat3ons which indicated the desires af th~ people in the +~,rea~ being anneged. ~ . I+fir. Harris ex~,lai.ned to thase presen~ t.hat anly pratests From prc>p~rt~r owners in the Annexation Qrea~ coulci be cvnsidered. Bills agair~st the General Fund for ~1Q,5b5.62, ~ the ~Tater Fux~td far $1~1~88.~~,and the Water Deposit Fund for ~I2.t3~ were audited, approved and ardered paid. Tt ~Kas mc~ved~ seconded and carried th~t t.ranaf~ ~S~aq~uaher~ No. 27 t.hrou~h No. 32 be approved for trans~er. Tt was moved and ~eeonded the meet3n~ be ad~ourned to Wednesda~, Na~mber 19, 1958 at 5:3fl P. M. t~ repc~rt on the lssessed Valuation of the protest~s in Fair Oak~ Ido« 7~'~iti~. carried. ~,TT'ffiT : ,,~k ' ' , ~ ~ ~ Z- ~r ~i ___r__~. 3tg lerk . Arroyo Gra~d~~ Galit, _ ~ ~ Nove~ber 19y 1958 The City Council met in an ad.~journed ~eeting with ~aynr Bvrt pre~idirr~;. Upon ro71 eall ~ouncil~en I.ee, Pen~e and Jaeobs r~?~aorted present. ~bsen~ Gouncil.man Hsrt~.g. A~tion wa.s ~ade by Co~ncilman dacob~ $ecanded by ~o~ncilman Pence to Piu the valuations of the Citqs lt~ acres at 10,(~Q.and the 2 acre reser~roir site at ~7~..(~Q. Mot~.on carried. Total ~a1..u~ation of Fair Oaks No. 7 aft+sr adding the Cit~r Frap~rt~ was 8~~83}~. and the v~l.t~ation cf the protests ~ras 8,9~. The .protests Filed were not suff icient t€~ prev~ent the ar~nexaticn of Fair Oaks No« Mr. Harris read for the fir$t time an orcki.nance prov3.ding for the ~nne~.tion of Fair D~ks Na. 7 ORDINANCE N0. 130 ORDIN~NCE OF TI~ CITY ~F ARR4Y0 4R.~+1'DE PROVTUING FOR THE ANNEXATTt7N OF CF,R.TAIN UNINHABITED 2'~i.R.I- TORY TO THE CSTY OF ARftOY~ GRAN.D~ 4n ~ntian of ~ouneilman Penc~~ ~eeor~d~d by ~ouncilman dacobs~ and c~n t~he following roll eall vote, tc>--xtts &YESs C~uncilmen Burt, Lee, Pence and Ja,cc~bs 1~SS : I~QY1~ . ABSENTs Councilman Hart~rig. the foregc>ing Ordinance ~ras adop~ed this ~9'~h dag vf Nov~mber, 19~~. ATo further businea$ appearing the me~tin~ ad~ourned. , r ~TfiEST: 'iL,° City Clerk E yor