Minutes 1958-11-19 1Kr. Harris explained to thase present that anly prc,tes~s from propert~ c~mers i.n the ~.nuexatio~ Area~ could be considereds Bill~ agaiast the General Fund for ~1E3,565.b2, ~he Water Fuxid fc~r ~1~1~88.~,,and the ~later Dsposit Fund for ~I2.~0 w~re audit,ed, appro4ed ~i ardered paid. I~t wss mc~~ed~ s~~onded and carried th~~ tra~sferr +l~Tm~her~ No. 27 throu~h No. 32 be appr4ved for tran~Eer. Tt Was moved and seconded the meet3ng be ad~ourned ~to ~ednesd~y~ Noeember 19~ 1958 at 5:34 1', M, tc~ report on the .Assesaed Qaltaatic~r~ of the protest~ 3.n Fair Oak~ ATo. ? Motion carried, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"~i ~'!"t'~ST: , ~ r~c ~ i~y erk . ~.rroyo Grande~ C~lif'. 5%3f~ P. M+ November 19, 1958 The Gity Gowncil met in an adYjo~rned ~etix~ with Ma~ror Burt pre~idin~. Upon ro11 call Council~aen I,ee, Penee ~d Jaeoba rs~rted present,. Absent Gounci3.~narn Hsrts~3.~;. A~tion was ~ade by Councilman Jacob,~ ~econded bq Co~3.lman Psnce to fiu th~ val.uations of #~he Citys 2~8 acres at l~,IX~ .and the ~ aere reserec~~,r site at C~?l~.tKJ. Mot~.on carried. Tota1. 4a].uation of Fair OaEks 1d9. 7 af~sr adding the ~ity Fropert~r xas 85~ 83lt and the v~,].~tion of the pratest,s r~a.s 8, 9~d. The protests filed wer~ no~ rsufficient to prevent the ~nnexaticm of Fair Oaks Ido.. 7. Mr, Harris read for the fir$t time an ordi.nance prov3.ding for the Aruiega.tion of Fair D~s No. 7 QR~INANCE N0. 130 QRDIN~NCE ~F THE ~I7°Y' aF ARROYD QRANDE PROPIDING FOR THE .ANNExATION OF CERTAIN UNINHA.BiTED 2'~tRI- T(}RY TO THE CITY OF ~iRR0Y4 GRA~ On ~tion oP ~ou~cilman Penee, gecor~ded by ~ounailman Jacobs~ and on t~.s followin~ roll cal7. vote, to-wLt: AYES: Gouncilmer~ Burt, I,ee, Pence and Ja~obs NOI~S: Pton~ . A&SENTs Council.man Hart~i.g. the foregcin~ Ordinance ~ adopt~ed this ~9th dag of Noe~~ber~ 19~8• No f'urther busines~ appearing the ~eeting ad~ourned. - , . ' LTTEST. ~ ' A.: ~ ~ ity Clerk , yar