Minutes 1958-11-25 .7~22 ~ Arroyo Grande~ Calif. l~ovember 25, 1.958 The Gitg Council met ixi re~ular sess3.on with Mayor ~urt presiding. Up~n roll call ~vuncilmen Zee, ~'ence and Jaeobs reported present. Absent councilman Hartwig. ~ ~irmtes of the previous regular an.d adjourned ineetings w~re read and approved as read. ~ 2'he request for ann~ation of ~'ract No. 1l~0 ~ras read and discussed. ~r, ltnd.erson was to contact prapert~r owners ac'~join:ing to see if they were interested in anne~tion. I+~. Harris woul.d prepare the ncst3.ee to the BoUndar~r Commi.ssiog when he had the description and r~a~e of the area to be annexed. Bids to furnish pipe w~re~opened from ~rane ~o. and the Joh~.s.~anville Co. Z'he Crane ~o. bid w~ the lowest and a motion was made by Council.maA Les~ seconded b~ Co~~ilman Jacabs ta accept the bid from Crane Co, for 6" pipe ~ 1.69 per ft. ~nd th~ 8" pipe f~ 2.39 per f't. Motion carried, It was agreed t,o replace the broken boa.rds in the Swa11 fence. ORDII3ANGE ~10. 13l ORDINANCE OF THE CTTY QF AFtt20Y0 GRANUE PROVIDING , FOR '.CHE ANN~A.TION OF GERTAI~+f UNINIiABI~tID TIl3RI- TORY 7'd THE CITY _0~' ARROYO GRA~3DE . On inotion of ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by councilman ~'encs, and on the follow~.ng ro1.l call vote, t~-wit: AYES: Burt~ Jacobs,,Lee~ Penee. NOES: Nane . ABSENT: HartWi:g the foregoing Ordi.nance was adopted ~his 25th day of Nove~ber, 1958. Request f'or annexatian of David Bowen's property ~as read. l~r. ~iderson yaa~ to prepare maps~~and descriptians for Annexations of property aftsr he had contacted property owners ad~acen-~ to ~r: David Bo~en's propert~r. ~ouncilman Lee reported the ~'ire bepar~tment ha,d requested the Yearl~r ~ontribution payment and the ~Zerk was instructed to draw the warrant. 8~1.].s against the General Fund for ~33,~.3.16 ~rrere audited, approved and ardered paid. No further business appearing, the meeting adjourneci, ~ ~i ~ ATTEST: ' ~ , ~ GITY CL I~AY