Minutes 1958-12-09 :~23 , ~ Arroyo Grande, ~alif. December 9, 195~ ~'he ~itv CounciZ met in regular session w~.th Ma~or '~urt presiding. Upon roll call Counciln~en Lee~ Pence, ~acobs and Hartwig repc~rted present, ~.inutes of the previous regvlar meeting were read and approved as read. N1r. Kettering's letter of resignation was read and a motion was made by ~ouncilmen Jaeobs, seconded by ~ounci7.man xax~twig to accept the resignation as of December 31~t, 195$. ~otion earried. ~t ~s agreed to hold over until later making a replacemen~. Mr, and ~'trs. McElroy were present to discuss da.mages to their property and fence, Mr. Ha,rri~ recommended the;~ file a verified claim w~ith an estimate of the damages. o The C1erk was ins~rueted to call Mr. Webster and ask him to remove the roller from the ~idewalk. ~'he check ~9rom Lovett and 1~ood for the w~ter lines to be installed to Tract No. 131 was to be deposited. Bills against the General Fund for ~9,339.95~ the Water ~und for ~1,919.91 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~16.€30 were audited~ appraved, arsd ordered paid. On motion of eo~zncil~n Jacobs, seconded b3r Councilman Hartwig, Vouchexs No. 33 to 40 inclusive were approved for transfer. Motion carried. It was agreed to have letters made up for the ~elco~ Wagon us~. It ~ras agreed to get all bills and figures on the fire house before finish3.ng up to see how the money was holding out. The building could be used after ths doors~ windows and approaeh to the bui.lding had besn co~leted, No further business anpearing~ the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: ~~V ~ ~ - ~ Gity ler~s yar