Minutes 1958-12-23 ~2~ Arroyo Grand~, cal3.f. December ~3, 1958 ' The City Council ~t in regu~.ar session with Nlayor Burt presid3.ng. Upon roll cal3 Councilmen Zee, Pence and JacQbs reported present, Absent Coun,cil- IC~Tl H82' VW1g4 . 1~1i:nut~s of the previous regula.r tr~eeting were read and approved as read, .The damag~ elaim filed by Mr. and Mrs. McElroy was read and l~r. Harris recommended the claim b~ turned over to the I~,surance Go. Mr. Anderson reported he had an estimate of $~6~.5.00 to do the plasterit~ on the fire house. After d3.scussion'he was given approva,l. to have the plaster completed so the building cot~].d be used, d new garbage ordina,nce ~ras disc~a.ssed and it ~ras agreed that a new Ordinance should be c~a~m up as there was a new disposal for th~ ~outhern part of the County. Councilmsn Yence, Hartwig and Zes ~nere the members appointed to stuc~r the setting up of a new ordinance. Several requests for Ann~xation having been received~ the ~ng3.aeer was ix~structed to proceed wit,h the petitions for annexation now or~ hand, The Fmgineers discussed the sewer li.,nes in Tract No. l31 a~d it was ' reco~nn.ended that 2 booster pumps be installed inste~d of one. Irarger lines to tak~ care of servicing property to the north and south should they desire to con~e in was al,so discussed. It was suggested an agreement could be made to reimburse the ~ subd3~vi,de~ should they hook on wi~hin 8 yeau~'~. ~ Bills a~ainst the C~eneral Fund for ~3~365.71 ta~re audi.teds approved and ordered paid. No further business appearing the meeting adjourne~ ATTFST: ~3'~, ~G~~~'v CIT~'' CLIl~K pR J~~'r~ 1s59 5:3o P.~, . ~n informal ~seting was caL7,ed to discnss sewer installation on Tract No, 131, F'resent ~iayor Burt, Councilmen Lee~ Pence and Hartwig, absent Councilm~n Jacobs. No action was taken but tent,ative apprvval was given for the sewer lines and appurtenances~ and action or approval would be mad~ at the next regular m~eting. Meeting adtjourned. ~ ~a ATTEST s ~ ~ ~ CT C ~