Minutes 1959-01-07 12~ . Arroyo Grand~~ Cal3.f, ~ December ~3~ 1958 The-City Gounc33 met i.n regu7,ar session with Mayor ~urt presiding. Upon roll cal3 Counci].men Lee, pence and Jacobs reported present. Ab~~nt Councit- marn Hart~tig. Minutes of the previoug regular ~eeeting were read and approved as read, ~he dama,ge claim filed by A~r, and Mrs. McElroy was read and Mr. Harris recommen~led the claim be turned over to the I~surance Co. Mr. Anderson reported he had an estimate of ~6l~.,~.00 to do the plast~r3.n~ on the fire house, g£ter di.scussian'he wag g3.ven approval to ha~e the plaster completed so the building could be used, new garbage ordinaxice xas discussed and it was agreed t~at a new ardinance should be drawn up as there was a new disposal for the sauthern part of the Countp. - Councilm~n ~'enee~ Hartwig and Lee were the ~mbers appointed to stuc~y the setting up of a new ordir3ance, Se4eral requests for Axu~,e~cation having been received, the Fng3ne~r wa€~ instructed to proceed with the petitions for annexation now on hand, The Eng~neers cl,iscussed the sewer Iines in Tract No. 131 and it was reco~nnended that 2 booster pumps be installed instead of one. I~arger lines t4 'take eare of servi~ing property to the north and south should they deairs to come in was also discus~ed. It was suggested an agreement eould be made ~k,c~ reimburse the subd~.d~r should they hook on within 8 yea~E'~. ~ Bills against the (~eneral Fund for ~3~365,'jl Were audited~ approved and ordered pa%d. No further business appearing the mee~iri~ adjourne ~ ATTEST: ~Gl~~'t~ ITS.' CL~ QR ~tanuary7, 1959 5:3o P.M. ' An informal meeting was ~alled to discuss sewer installation on ~'ract No, 131. I'resent rxayor Burt~ Cc~uncilm~n Lee, Penc~ and Hart~iig, absent Caur~cilmar~ dacvbs. No action was taken bnt tentative approval was given for ths sewer lines : and appurtenances~ and ac'~ion or approval wou7.d be rrre~ade at the next regular meeti.ng. Meeting ad,journed. ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ z - ~ ^ ~ YO