Minutes 1959-01-27 ~26 Bills against the General Fund for $~1l~., 762.88, the ~ater Fund for $15,$01.69, and the Water Deposit Fund for ~16,~0 wer~ sudited, approved and ordered paid. On m4tion of Councilman Jacobsi seconded by Councilman Lee tran~fer of voucher~ No.~tl thru 1~6 was approved, . No further business appearing upon motion the meeting ad~ourned, .~TTEST: ~ ~ „ CI3'Y CLE~iK MAY~ ~rroyc~ Grande~ Cali~'. _ J~nnv.ary 27, 1959 . The City Gonne3.l met ir~ regular session x3.th l~a.yc~r Burt presiding. Upon roll call Cmv,ncil~nea Lee, Pence, Ja.cabs .~nd Hartt~i~ reported pre~~t, l~iutes of th~ , prev3.ou~ regul.ar . meeting were read and approved as r~~d, Mr. Wi~eman ~,ras present to discus~ t.he i.n~tallation of th~ ~ater 1in~ in his subdivision. 1~. And~rson estimated there ~rould be around 2t73 f'~ af line at ~2.~0 per foot~ ~9l~6.W azzd ].t~ servi.ces at ~2~.Oa ,each~ tot~aling . ~28t~.00, making a total ~f ~1~226.00, le~s the City participation o~' ~1aQ.OQ on the drain~age t~hich had b~en agreed upan to t~ake eare of drainagt fro~ , dlpine St~reet. I~. t~Tize~an agresd to depo~it the check ~or that amaunt. If additianal line was necessary he would be billed later. I~. Anderson asked about purchasing a bac~hoe and using the ~ugh I,QSt3s~ as a do~n pa~ment, ~he balance to be put in next years bv.d~et. He wars g3.v~n approval to ~et prices and inform~tion on differgnt p3,eces of' ~quipment Yc>r aPProval. A~r, ~nclsrson reported he ha~d n~at had time to check the final m~..p a~ Tract No. 131, but w~c~uld have it reac~r for ~onday ~veing and it wa~ agr~ad tu ad~ourn the ~et3.ng until 5:3~ P. M., MoAday February 2, 19~9 'bc> accept the final map. Bills against the General Fund for ~3,165.78 ~rere audited, approved and ordered pa3.d, , Ido further bussiness appearing, it Was moved and second~sd the n~etin~ adjourned to ~:3~ P. M. February 2, 1959. .~TTEST: ~ ~ n C3ty lerk pYor