Minutes 1959-02-02 llrroy~ Grande~ CaliP.
~ebruax~r 2, 19~$
"~djourned m~eting of the City Cour~eil ~1i.th 1~ayor B~art pr~a~iding. IIpc~~,
roll ca11 Gouncilmen Lee, Jacobs az~d Haxtwi~ reported gresent, Absent
Gaunctilman P~nce.
~'ina.]. Map af Tract Na. 131 'approved b~ I~r. ~nderson was pre~ented.
Mr. Woods reported a bcnd for ~12~C~4 ~itten b~ the ~ounders Ix~. ~o,
~a~'Y 3~~ 1959 was bein~ ~31ed to the ~it~r of ~rroyo Grande. Bond B3A,
18506. Al.so a, bond for ~6~2,~4 ea~erir~~ the sewer 13.~e b~ing installed by
W. M. ~yle~ ~o. was to be mai].ed ~t€~ the ~it~.
t3n motion of ~ovncilman Zee, seconded by ~ounci.].n~an ~a~cobs Pinal
A~ap af ~`ract No. 131 was aceepted by thc~ ~itg and the Clerk instructed t~
sign for the City. Motion carried.
No further business appearin~, upon ~tifln the meeting ad~ovrned,
, 7
~ ~ ~
A~'T.EST; ~ . ~ ~
ity lerk y
llrroya Gx'ande, ~alif.
' Febr,zary l~, 1959
The City Couneil ~et in regular session with F~ays~r Bvrt presidin~.
Upo~.roll call ~ouncilman Lee, Pence and ~art~ri.g reported present. ~.bsent
Gnuncilma,n Jacobs,
Minutes of th~ previo~as regvl,ar and ad3ourned mseting were resd €~nd
agproved a.s read.
~ petition from property owners requesting cost es~ima.tes o~ far~tic~g
af an Improvement ~i.strict to open and e~tend ~er~a Street was read and
di~cussed. ~nderson was instructed to haqe a svrvey to find thes cost
Af forn~i.ng a district. It ~rould be raecessary to get thg assessad val.uatic~~
of the area and set the li~i?t~ of t,he district.
~ request for install.ation of a fire plu~ at the Poole and ~hit~eley~
intersection ~ras received from property owners,on ~h3..tel~y Street south of
Ide Street. A~r. Anderson ~eported it ~ras planned ta ir~stall a~rharf h~~tt
on t~e end c~f the line on ~iteley ~t.reet.
Sev~ra], petit3.ons for ann~ca.tion to the ~i~y were received frQ~ pragerty
owners on Sunset Drive and other areas,