Minutes 1959-02-13 3.28 The ~fair property owners requssted the annexati.on of their property be expedi.ted as quickly as possible to help in financir~g the subdivisic~. Mr. Ilarris a~;r~ed tc~ check ~ai.th the Boundary Commission and prepare the Resolution setting the time and place for the heari.ng on the.~nnexatioa. Couneilman Le~ reported t~ie fix~ house was praetieal7.~ ready to house theequipment and finishing of the office and f'1.oors was bei.ng dane by th~ valunteers. . ~ Bills against the General Fund for ~7~~26.~3~ the Water Funci far ~2,615.20 and the Wa~er Depasit Funci for ~32.00 were audited, approved and ordered paid. On ~tion of Counc~.],rr~a.n Fi~rt~ri,g~ seconded by Councilman Pence~ ~ouchers No. !~7 ~hrough ~53 were authoari~ed for t,rans~er. Mr. Anderson reported letters requesting bids on gaso7.ine were 'tc~ b~ sent. The bids to be opened at the F~;iaruary 2la,th ~eting. Tt was moved and se~onded that the meeting be adjourned to Friday~, Febr~za,ry 13th at 5:3~ P. M. Motion carried. ATTE.ST: ~ ~ ° 'v~. Cit~r Clerk ~er Arroyv Crx~ande f Cali.f, 5:3a P.M. ~'rid~y, February 13, 1959 Ad,journed ~eeting af the City Cau~ncil yrith Mayor Buur~ presiding. Presen~ Couneilmen Lee, Jacobs and Hartw3g. Absent Council~n gence. R~,sozu~zoN r~o. t~o9 RES~LiJTI~N DECLAR~IdG TT3A.T PROC~IDINGS HA.VE BFEIQ INIT]:ATEI) BY' THE G~UNCIL OF THE CZTY OF ARROYO GRANDE TQ A~TII~tEEX TO SAID CITY f~TAIN UNINHABITED TF~R.ITORY IB~ ' ~Z~. : ` Q~ ~Q. " ' AND GIVIIdG I~OTICE OF StTCH PR4PO~ED ~F~XATI~~t, ~n mot3.on of Couni~i7.man I~artwi~~ seconded b~r Co~,cilman Lee a~d~by the fc~llow3.ng ro1Z call vote, ta-wit: AY~.S: Caunc~.lmen Bur~, Lee, Jacobs and Hartwig, N0~ : None ~,BSENT. Councilr~an Penc~, t,he forego3ng resolution was adopted this 13th day of F~bx°taary~, 1959. No further business appearing, the m~eeting aci~aurned. ' ~T~~s~: ~ cz o~