Minutes 1959-03-24 3.~1 A petition signed by a~mber of property owners on the County Park R4ad ~ras read requesting a cost estimat+e for the farmation of an assessment 1}istrict ta hav~e sewers i.ri~talled to that area. l+~r. Anderson ~a~ asked to prepare esti.mates but the sewer could only be extended ta areas w3.thias the Cit~ li~ai.ts, Mr. Anderson reported a Isaching line from the' H3~.1 Top t,rail~r park was too close to the ~ity ~later rla.in and after discussion I~. Harri~ was to write a letter notifying them the ~rater ~tauld have to be ~hut off in that area unless the leachir~ li.nes were ~ved to a s~f'e distance fram the water main so there wo~ul.d be no d~nger of poll.utior~. Bills against the General Fund for ~7~1~~9.23, the Water Fund fcrr ~ ~2, i61~.92 the Se~rer Rental ~'und for ~1~3.92 and the Water I)eposit Fund far ~22.04 were auclited~ approved and ordered paid. - It was ~oved and seconded that ~'ouchers No. thro~zgh No. E~f7 be authorized for trar~sfer. No further bus~.ness appearing~ the meeting ad~ovrned. A~.'TFST: ~ ' ~ ~ ~ _ ~ CI CL ~ Arro~o ~rands~ ~alif. i~iarch 2tt, 1959 The City Council met in regular se~sion t~ith Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call Gouncilmen Lee, Pence and Hart~r3.g reported present. Abs~nt Cour~cilman Jacobs. . NliTtuteg of the previous regular meeting ~re read and approved as read. ~'ire Chief I~arsalek reported a traini.ng meeting for firemen ~wa.s to be held in Fresno in ApriZ. Chief Maxsalek and the Assistant Chief were given perm~.ssion to attend, if they could arrange to lea~rs. RESOLUTI~N N0. l~10 R~SOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL 4~ THE CITY 4F AR~tOYfl GF~A,NI?E TQ SL~ ~~PEED LII~IIT. ~F. 2,~. II~fTTLES (~N VAII,LE'Y RflAD FRa~t HIGHWAY 141 T~ THE CITY LII~ITS. On ~otion of ~auncilman Hartwig, seconded b~r Councilman Penes and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: ~ AYFS: Councilmen ~urt, S,ee, Pence and H~rtr~ig. N~ES: None AB~ENT: Councilman Jacabs the faregoing resolution was adopted. ~ e ~32 1~, Anderson reported he would ha.ve the s~,c~p sign placed on the south ~rest corner of the Ze Paint and Mason Street inter~ection. It was agreed to leave the stop signs on Cherry ~ve, a~a.d t)rchard Stree~. Chief l~i.ze reported ~he cross walk should be moved from Allen street to the South side of Val.ley Road and a cross walk across Valleg Road on the west side of Traffic Way. N6r. Anderscan reported Mr. Waterman was to ~i.ve him a report on removal of the euealyptus trees in a few da.ys, No protests on Anne~tion of Fair ~aks No. $ Mr. Harris read the ordinance he had prepared for the annexation of Fair Oaks No. 8, Harris recomm.ended that Fa~r Oaks No. 9 and No. 10 be held until the ~pri.l ].J~.th ~eeting. Fair Oaks ~10. 13 ~eld over to consider a change in the boundary, _ RESOLU i ION NQ. ~.11, RESOI,UTION D~GLARING TH~T PROCEIDINGS HA.VE B~EN ~ II~ITIA~'ED BY THE COUNCIL. OF THE GI'I'Y 4F .AR.RQYO GRAND~, TtJ_ ANNEX Td SAID CITY C'+ TAIN UNINHA~3ITED TF~?.RITORY ~~SGRIBED Hgi. ~;~IN AND ~FSIGNATED UND~ THE NAMES . AIVD TITLES OF nFAIR OAKS N0. 1~,~ a~rFAIR OAK5 NQ, 12~ r' .~ND t~FAIR OgKS N4. 7.lts" AND GIVING NdTICE OF SUCH_PROPOSED ANNEXATION. OId P~OTIOPT of ~ounci].man Lee, seconded by Couneilman ~artwig, and on the follow3.ng roll ca11 vote, to wi.t: AYES: Councilmen ~urt~ Lee, penee and Hartwig. NQES: None ABSENT: Cauncilman Jacobs. the foregoing Resolu~ian was adopted. Mr. Anderson asked about irr~grovement of 20th Street as a portion of 2 oP the street was not in the ~ity and after di.scussion it was suggested that an assessment District would be best. It was agreed it might be an advantage to have several projects worked at the same tirne. Mr. Ha,rris was to get information for g~r, Anderson. The Rena Street i~?provement~ Huasna Road sewers and the off street parking could be worked an by the sa~ne en~i.neering and bond counsel. RESOLUTION N0. l~1.2 ~ A RESOLUTI~N OF THE CITY COUNCIL tJF THE GITY OF ..AR.ROYO ~ GiR~1NDE, AS'KING 1H~+ S`I'A~'E LFCrISLATUR~. TO II~tGI,UDE IN THE STATE HIGHW,~Y SII~STEM. AN EXTENSION ~F STATE ROU3'E No. l~t.? FROM I`.PS PRF.SEN`1' T~~NATI~N A`.P W~".+~ST BRAivCH S`.[~EEfi AND 101 HIGHWAY ALONG GRAND AVENUE FRaM HIGHWAY 101 Z'4 STATE ,j~iIGHb~TAY I~O. 1 On motion of Gouncilmarr Hartlai.g, ~.econded by Gounci3.man ~'ence and by the $~13.:s~.ng roll call vote, tc~-wit; AYES: Gouneilmen Burt, Lee~ Pence and Iiaz°tw:i.g. NOES: None . ABSENT: Gouncilman Jacobs, the foregoing resolution was xdopted. B3.11s against the Genera]. ~und for ~33g1.5~ we,re audited* approved~ and ordered paid. p It ~ras mr,vsd and seconded to adjourn the rr~eeting to ~s30 P. M. Tuesday, P~larch 31st, 1959. i ~ TTF.ST: ' A ~ C2Z'Y G~~'RK l~AY Arroyo Grandes Calif. 5:3o F. M. Mareh 31st, 1959 Adjourned meeting w:ith I~a.yor Burt presiding. ~pon ro11 ca31 ~QUnei1- men I,ee and Pence reparted present. Counei.lman I~art~,ri.g arrived later. Mr. Harris read the heading of ~rdinance ~o. 132 and a motion was >made by ~ouncilman Pence, seconded by Counci].man Lge to d:ispense ~rith r~ad- ing the ba.iance of the ordinance. ~otion earried. oRDINA~JCE 1~~, 132 ORDINAI~ICE ~F 1HE (;ITY.OF ARROYO GRANDE PR~oIDING FC1R THE ANNEXATIO~~ tiF C~TAI~1 UNINHABITED TERRSTOftY TO THE CITY QF ARROYO GRA.AIDE, STATING THE REASONS FOR AND DHCLARING THIS ORDINANCE TQ BE ATd EME~.GE~tCY ORDINANCE TQ B~JJC4ME EFFECTIUE IMI~DIATELY. On motion of Counci].man Lee, seconded by ~outicilman Penee, and on -~h~ following roll call vote, to wit: .A,YES; Couneil~en ~tart, Lee and Pence N0~'S: None ~.BS~: Councilmen Jacflbs and Hart~ri~. - the foregoing Orclinance was adopted. , Mr. Harris recommended that the Annexations af ~air Oaks No. 9 and No. l0 be rewr3.tten to omit Grover City ~ater ~i.strict prvperty other than those persons who have requested anne~.tion on Fair ~aks No. 9, ~n Fsir Oaks ~o. 14, the ~rover ~ity heservoi.r site and tne ~,ring propert~r to be ommitted and it be rewritten to take in others who have requested annexation. A11 ~ouncilmen present agreed to leave out the reservoir site and the other properties in the Grovex Gity '~ater District wh.o had no~ requested ann~aratio~,