Minutes 1959-03-31 -~a~~ On motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Gounciiman ~'ence and by the ~c~].l~.ng roll call vote, to-wit; AYES: Councilmen Burt, Les~ Pence ~nd Hartwig. NOES : ~tane ~.BSENT: Gou~acilm~n Jacobs. the foregoi.ng resolution wa.g adopted. Bi11s again.st the General ~und for ~3391.55 were audited, approved~ and ordered pa.id. e It t~ra,s m~oved and s~conded to adjourn the r~eet3ng to ~:30 P. M, Tuesday, March 31st, 1959, . , f ATTEST; ~ ~ ~ CITY (;L Y Arroyo Grandes Ca1if, 5:3o P. M. March 31st, 1959 Adjourned meeting with P~ayor ~urt presiding. ~pon raZl ca11 Govncil- , men Lee and P~~,ce reported present. Coy.nc3.l,ma.n Hartwig arri.ved later. Mr. Harris read the headin~ of ~rdinance Na. 132 and a motion was vmade by Gauneilman Pence, seconded by Couneilman L$~ ta dl.spense with r~ad- ing th~ balance of the ord3.nance. ~otion earri~d. ORDII~tA:VCE N0. 13~ ORDINANCE OF 1'HE (;ITY ~ flF ARROYO GRANDE PROFIDING ~'OR THE ~~TNEXATIOP~ flF CERTAIN UI~tINHABITID TII~.RITURY TO THE CITY OF .ARROYf? GRANDE, STATING THE REASONS FOR AND DF,~LARING THIS ORDTNANCE TQ BE ATd II~i.GII~iCY ORDINAI~CE TO B;~Ct3~IE EFFFCTIVE IMMEDIATELY, On motion of Gouncilman Lee, s~conded by ~ouxicilman Pence, and on the foZlowing roll call vote, tfl ~rit: .A,YES: Counei].~en ~Urt, Lee and Penee NOES: None ABSEIQ`r: Councilmen Jacobs and Hartw~.g, - the foregoing Ordinance was adopt,ed. . Afirr. Harris recommended that the Annexations of Faix Oaks Na. 9 and Na. l~ be rewritten to omit Graver ~ity ~ater Di.strict prvperty other than thos~ persons who have requested anne~a.tion on Fair aaks No. 9, On Fair Oaks Nc~. 1~, the ~rover ~ity ~eservoi.r site and t~e ~g property ~€s be ommi.tted and it be rewritt,en to take in others who have requested annt~xation. A11 Councilmen present agreed ta leave out the reservoir site ancl the other properties in the ~rover ~ity Water ~i.strict ~rho had not requested annexati,ou. 2'he Clerk wa~ instructed to draw a warrant for ~2~7.()0 tt~ Ross and Nfarguerite bbel as settlement in f't~..l of ~ondemnation ~udgement for an easement. No f`urther business, the ~eting adjourned. ~ ~ AZ'TEST: ,,~C~.~' ' f ~~~'~N~ GI~Y CZ,~i.K : ~4YOR Axro~o Grande, Galif. April 2, 1959 An informal me~t3.ng wi.th representatives of the Qceano Fire ~epartment, I~. Qarian and Mr. Gs],bra3.th and N1r. Bade~ from Oceana Water I3epar~tment„ Ma.yor ~urt presided and present ~ras Counc~tl.man Lee and Hartwi~. Council- man Pence arrived later. Councilman Jacobs was absent. ~`he 4ceano represen-tatives asked if the City Council had set a South and West Botuidary for the. City as `Ghe~r were interested in the area betweeri Pike and Farrel ~oad. They were told a request for anne~.tion of One Parcel ~'ronting on Pike had been made and was being considered at this ti~, Th~ Council i.nforrr~d them the~ were not asking anyone to come in but if requests for annexations were made they would have to be considered. No final actions were taken and the matter could be discussed further shouid any thing develop in the are~. No further bus3ness~ the ~eeting acl~journed. ~ ATTEST: 4 ~ C.~.,,,' GI L . y Arroyo Grande, Calif. 5~30 P, M, .April 7, 1959 Mayor Burt~ Councilmen Lee and Fence met with ~r, Anderson for a report on removal of eucalyptus trees. H~; reported Mr. Waterm~n would remove the 17 or more trees on S. Alp~.ne and a number on Grand .Avs. Z'he eharge ~rould be $].~()QQ.~p and would not include removal of the stumps or brush. I~. .Anderson was ta contact the P. G, and, E and the Pacific ~elephont~ and Telegraph Co. t,o see if they would partieipate. bio action was taken but apprpval was to be given at the regular ' meeting ~pri1 7,}.~th~ 1959. , Meeting ad~ourned. a ATTEST. ~ Y~--_ CITY CZ YOR