Minutes 1959-04-07
2'he C],erk wa~ instructed ta draw a warrant for ~2C37.fj0 ta Ross and
~farguerite Abel as settlement in fu11. of ConderAnation ~ud~ement for an
No further business, the ~eting ad~journed.
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A3'TEST: ,-~'`~C,/,...~~ ,~r ~ r ~-~f-~~'~
Arroyo Grand~, Calif.
April 2, 1959
An informal meeting with repr~sentatives of the ~ceano ~"ire D~partment,,,
Mr, Qarian and Mr, Ga~.braith and Mr. Bade~ from Oceana Water nepartment,
Mayor Burt presided and present was Counct~l.man Lee and Hartwi~. Coun~il-
man Penc~ arrived later. Councilman Jacobs wa.s absent.
~`he Oceano representatives asked if the ~ity Council had set a South
and West Bo~~ for the.City as they~ were interested in ~he area bet~reen
Pike and Farrel ~c~ad. The~ ~rere told a request for annexa.tion of One Parcel
fronting on Pike had been made and ~aas being considered at th3s ti~.
The Couricil infor~d ~hem the~r were not asking anyone to come in
but if requests for annexatior~ were made they would have to be considered.
No final actions were taken and the ma.tter could be di~cussed further
should any thing develop in the area.
Ato further bu~iness~ the meeting ad3ourned.
~,TTEST : , ~ ~ C.c- ~ ~
CI I, . Y
Arroyo Grande, C~,1~f,
5:3o P, April 1959
Mayor Burt, Gouncilmen Lee and Pence met with ~r. Anderson for a
report an removal of euealypt~s trees. ~e reported Mr. Waterman would
remove the 17 or more trees on S. .Alpine and a number on Grand Ave, Z'he '
charge would be ~1~C~.4p and would not include remc~val of the stumps ar
Mr. Andersan was to contact the P. G. and E and the Pacific ~'~lephone
and Telegraph Co. to see i.f -they would participat~.
~to action was taken but approval was ta be given at the re~ul.ar `
meet3.ng Apri1 1~th~ 1959.
Meeting ad~ourned.
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