Minutes 1959-05-19 139
It ~,tas agreed ta hav~ Cle~
Up W~~k~ I"fa~r 2~th to 29th,
Ccutusilma~z d~cobs requested tentat3ae bud~ets be ready by the ~e~3.~g
Jvae 9th,: e~o ~he~ aould be pasaed on ~;-:~he lst e~' the fi~aal year.
83.11a agair~st the Ger~eral ~'und for 24~t.09 ~nd the ~ater Fu~d f~r
#~,~99.01~ ~ere audited~ e~ppraved and ordered paid,
It was ~oved and seccraded that Qoucher~ No. 68 throu~h Ato. 76 be
authoris~d Por tr~fer.
Caur~i.lman Jacobs sug~est~ed ha~ c~aers be e~vtntirsged to pl~nt tre~~ in
fro~at of the h~es te3 keep down w~..md and ~'or beauty.
~io fur~her bu~~ss appearibg it w~ maved' seconded arad ~arr3ed t~
ad,journ the meeting to 7 P. M. ~'ue~da~~ Maq 19'~f 19'~9.
ATTIsaT s ~ ~ ~ ° ,
JlrrOyc Grar~d~~ C~1if.
p, ~ 19th, 3.959
Aid~ouraed ~et3mg c?f the ~itg Cauneil s~ith :t~layor Bnrt presicii~g.
Upon roll Qa11 ~t~ux~i]~ Lee, ~'enee, Jacabs and Haz*t~ri~ reporteci pres~n~,
Nr. C~earge Pearsen went over the praposa3. for plannixig sud an~rered
qu~ation~ cancernin~g a I~aster P1an ~epart.
l~r. Pearst~n agreed to it~e~tigate ava~3.lable 3fi.~te and Fedsra~l ~''u~d~ oa
PL~ting. N~r. Briaco ~as pre~ent and said he tmderstood ther~ wer~ Federal
~ds availabl.m for ~c~trueti.on of s+~,tsr~, ar~d Mr. Pear~oz~ ag,reed to eh~tak
on t.h~.t al~a and report next w~ek.
No further bu~~e~s, the meeting se~jo~~d.
~ ~ ~TTEST s ~ j~ ~ ~ ~ ~
CL l~