Minutes 1959-07-01 ~.`'~C.~ Arroyo ~rande, Calif. , Ju1.y l, 1959 The City Council met in an ad~ourned meeting with Ma.yor ~urt presicling. Upon roll ca11 Couricilmen Lee, Jacobs and Hartwig reported present. .~bsent ~ouncilman Pence. . Budget f3.gures were d3.scussed and s~udied. Cc~uncilman Lee mad~ a motion to appoint Offieer Hatley to S~rgeant as of Ju1y 1, 19,~9 at ~394.00 per month, the motion was seconded by ~'ouncilma.~ riartwi~ and all members voted Aye. . z Eouneilman Zee made a motion to close the ~%ity ~ffiees FridB.~' Ju1y 3rd and the employees to have the day of~'~ the mot~3.on was seconded by ~ou~ilm~zi Jacobs and all n~mbers voted Aye. Z'he Heading of Ordinance No. 13~t ~s read and a motion made b~ ~ouneilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman ~iartwig to da.spense with' reaciing the balance of the ordin,ance., Motion earried. . . ORDINANCE N0. 131a. . q AN ~RDINANCE OF 3'HE CITY QF ARROYO GRANDE ZOII~iIING AI,I, ~ PRESENTLY UNZpNED PROPEftTY I,YSAtG WITHTN THE CITY LIlKITS OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, I}~CLARING THE ORDINANCE TO BE AN EMN~.GENCY ORT}TNANCE AND SETTING FORTH THE REASONS TFiF~tEFOR SUSPIIJUING ORDIN~IiiCL.S . - OR PORTIONS TH~tF70F IN GONFLICT ~i,E'~IITH DURIIVG THE ' EEFECTIVE LIFE OF THE Ot~DINl~NCE, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL COIJTINUE ~FF~+7CTIVE FOR 6 N~NTHS AFT~t ITS PASS~GE, AND PRF.SCRIBING FENALTIE.S FOR V.LOLATIONS F~tFAF. On mot3on cf Couneilm~.n Ka.rtw9.g, seconded by ~ouncilman Jacob~ and on the follow~.ng roll call vote, to-wit: AYFSs Gouncilmen Burt, Lee, Jaeobs and Hart~rig, ' NO ~ s None .ABSII~tT: Councilman ~'ence. the foregoing Orcti.nance was adopted this lst da.y a~ July,, 1959. On motion of ~ouncilman Lee, seeonded by Gouncilman Jacobs th~ Mayor was authorized to sign the agreement prepared by Mr. ~arrett for the pt~rtion of F.C. R~T lyixig bej;w,ween A11en St, and E, Cher~y Av~. Further budget studies were made and it was agreed to meet July 9th at 8 P~ M~ ~pr work on the budget. - It was moved and seconded the mee~ing adjourn. ~ ~ ATTEST: o~ ~ _ ~ - CITY CLERK MAYOR . .