Minutes 1959-07-14
Arroyo Grande, Ca1if. .
Juty 1l~, 1959
The City Council met in regular session with Nbayar Burt presiding.
Upon roll call Covnci].men Lee, Jaeobs and Hartwig reportsd present: Abs~nt `
Councilman Penee. > ~ ~
Mirrutes of the previous regular and adjourned meeting ~ere read and
approved as read.
Bid for a 10 ft. strip of land on the ~orth~asterly side of Lots 21
and 22 Blk. 28- A of Beckett's Crown Hill was opened. ~'he att?ount of tt~iie
bid wa.s ~10.00 and it was agreed to continue the hearin~ to July 28~ 1959.
The minutes and reeommendatians of the Arroyo ~rande Planning
Commission was read and discusged, It was agreed to have a new Subdi.v~i.,sion
Regulation Resolution dras~n up to set up feea to cover ~~enses on
checka.ng subdi4i.~ion maps and regulations for lot split. Mr. Harri~
agreed to prepare the ~es~3ut3.on ~.f Mr, Ander~on would bring him the ~ _
i.nfarmation. Fees were cliscussed and the fil3ng fee of ~35.00 and ~~.40
per lot over 1~ lots as reco~nded by the Plant~.ng Gomndssion was appF~v~d•
2~ Inspection fee on i~rovements with no re~und was also approved. A ,
fee of ~10.00 an lot split under 5 lot~ was tentat3.vely agreed upon. Other
recommendations of the Planni,n~ Commission were that f~.re hydrants be ~
installed When water lines w~es~e put in and the City furnish the hyc9rant ~.n.nd
designate the location~ the subdiv3.der to be respon.sible for the installatioa
and cn street eonst,ruction only plant mix be approved. '
I~. Kilmi.nster a~ked if the ~ity would pave the street 3:f the property
owners instaLled curbs and gutters, The ~ouneil reported no f'unds were
available for the street pavin~. .
Mr. Anderson reported Mr. ~inslow Evaxis requested the City to Waive the~
20~ penalty on the #330.00 for his share of the sew~r installation on 013.ve
Street. The r~quest wa~ den3.ed.
Mr. Anderson reported the est3.mate for the fenee between the City praperty
and the McElroy property would be araund $}~t3(3,00~ approval was given fi.c
replace the fence sub~ect to an agreement to be drawn up by Mr. Harris.
1~. Anderson explained the figures for cos~ estimates on the Rena
Street Improvement ~istrict and it was reported petitions were being
2'he Huasna Road ~ewer costs were discussed but no aetion taken.
' ~.Il.s against the G~:neral Fund for ~9302.68, the Special ~as j'a~
Street Improvement Fund for ~7.07~.85, the ~ater Fund for $!~l~.7~.7b and
the Water Deposit Fund far ~26.0~ were audi~ted, approved and ordered
paid. .
~ On mc~tion of Councilman Jacobs~ seconded by ~ouncilman Lee~
vouchers No. 86 ~hrough No. 9? were autharized for tran~Fer. ~
• It was agreed to change the lock on the ~as Pump and have
3 Ke~ and the gas be measured and a reading taken each night,
No further business appearing, it ~as moved~ t~econded and
caxried tc~ ad~ourn the ~et3.ng to 7 P. M,, July 21, 19~9.
~ ~ ~ ~
ATTEST : ..__....c~~~,~: . - .C.'~ Z ~
ITY L I~YO~~~~
Arroyo Grand~, Ca7.3.f.
' 7 P. M. July 21, I959
2'he ~ity ~ouncil met in an ad~ourned meeting with Mayor ~urt
presiding. Upon roll call Coun~ilmsn Lee, Pence, Jaco~s~ and Haxtwi~
reported present,
A motion was made by ~ouncilman Lee to hire Richard Hocking~
po].ice offieer, as of Ju1y 20th, 1959 to serve at the pleasure of the
Council, the salary to be ~378.00. Motion was seconded by ~ounciZman
Jacobs and a13 members voted ~ye.
. 7'he Subdivision Resolution was discussed but no aetion taken.
Estimated revenues for the coming year ~ras discussed and the
. amount was ~130,1lt0 ~rith ~10,(XX3 to be ~et asida for the balance at th~
close of the year~ leaving ~120~3.l.~.0 to spend during the yea;c,
Prelimir~.ary approval was given to s~veral of the budgets and ~ouncil.-
man Jaeobs agreed to work up the budgets and meet at 5 P.M. Mond~ay July 27,
1959 to go over the budgets,
Nieeting ad3 ourned.
~ ~ ~ ATTEST: < G~~ ~ '~~,~-t.~~
~,rroyo ~rande, Gali f.
a,~.~ 27, i959 5 P.r~..
Informal meeting of the ~ity Council with ~ayor ~urt presiding.
Pregent Councilmen Lee~ Penc~, Jacobs and Hartwig.
Caunc3lman Jacobs ~rent over the budget figures and they were
tentatively approved ~o be presented at the regular meeting July 28~ 1959.
Meeting ad~ourned.
~ ? ~j