Minutes 1959-07-28 1'4g Arroyo Grande, Calif. duly 28, 1959 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upan a~.1.ca~.l Councilmen Lee~ Pence~ Jacobs and Hartwig reported present. Minutes of the previo~.s regular, ad3ourned and informa~, m~e~tings were read and approved as read. . Mrs. Campbell~s bid on the 10 ft. strip of land on the easterl,p. side of Lots 21 and 22 B1k 28A of Beckett'g Crown Hill add'n to the City of Arroyo Grande was discussed and the Council felt the bid of ,~1~.00 was too low. Mrs. Campbell was present and agreed to raise her bid to $200.00 for the strip. RFSOLUTION N0. 418 RESOLUTI~N OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO ACCEPT THE ~3ID ~F ~200.C~ FOR THE 10 FT, . ~ .'-'STHIP {~~"'LAND Oi+T THE ELY. SIDE OF LUTS 21 AND 22 BZK, 28A OF BECKETT~S CROWN HILL ADD~N TO THE CITY OF ARROYO G~NDE AIVD PREPARE THE DEED FOR THE PROP~TY. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Hartwig and by the f~3~lowing ro11 ca].7. vote~ to-wit: AYF~: Ciiunci.lmen Burt~ Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. ; Nflr~ : None AB~ENT : ATone ~ . , The foregoing resolution Taas adopted. A petition from property owners on Whitelsy and Paole ~treets request- ing information on the cost of curb and gutter installation was read and several. of the property o~rners wPre present and asked 3.f ~the C~,~ would improne the street if:c~rbs and gutters were in. ~'he Council inforrr~~eed them th~re was no money ava.ilable for the street imprc~vement this year and Mr. Anderson agreed to plan for improvement next year and work up esti.mates for the property owners early in the spring and send out notices. , Mr. Anderson presented Annexations a~f Fair Oakg #15 and #17 and Annex- ~ ation #16, ~rhich had been approved by the Planning Comml.ssion. A~tion • was made bp Councilman Fence, seconded by Gouncilr~an Jacobs to initiate , the annexations. A proposed annexa.tion of Fair Oaks #18 was tabled when it was fo~nd to be south of Pike ~ttreet, as the 8ouncil had agreed on a Pike St. South boundary when they met in~ormally with the 0ceano Fire 3~istrict and School Officials. Lovett and Wood requested release of the bond on improvements in ' Tract #131. Mr. Anderson reported they had taken eare of the man hole and several small items but suggested money be eteposited to take care of the paving along the edge o~ Halcyon Road when the County cuts down the grade. Mr. Lovett agreed to deposit $558.00 for work of paving on Halcyon Road along the Subdivision and if additional mar~~.Tis requixed they would pay the ~lifference. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig„ ~econded by Councilmian Jacob~ to accept the improvements in Tract ~131 and release the bond. Motion carried. Mr. Harris agreed to have an ordinance to adopt the 1958 plumbing Code ready for the next meeting. Mr, Harris also agreed to look ever the Resolution on Subdivision regulations and have them ready for a 5:30 P.~i• adjourned meeting on July 29, 1959. Mr. Harris read an ordinanee to provide land-scaping of the freeway through the City. ~:~9 $udgets prepared for the 1959-60 Fiscal year were read by Council Jacobs,ansi.~m~ter r~ading and some discussion a motion was made ~b3r Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Fence tc~ adopt the budgets as presented. All members vo~ed Aye, Councilman Jacobs said he would like to ~ake a study on Salary Structure and set up a range for stepping up eaeh year ba.sed on the length of serviee. He al~o wished to set up a leave schedule and wou3d report on his studies at a late~;° da.te. Counc~man Hartwig requested permission to leave the State A,ugust ~'th to 25th and it was moved~ seconded and carried that his request be granted. ~ Mr, Winslow Ei~aizs asked the Council to ~,raive the 20~ penslty on his~sewer payment on Olive St. After discussion the request was denied, Bills,against the General Fund for $3,1lt5.02 were audited, approved and ordered paid. . It was moved and seconded to ad~ourn the meeting to ~:30 P.M. . July 29, 1959. . ~ , ~ A3'TEST : ~i-~ ,~-.._Y`'~__~~~ CITY CI,ERK N1A,Y0 Arroyo Grande, Calif. 5:30 P.M. Jul~r 29, 1~59 .~d~ourned meeting of the City Council wi.th Mayor Burt presiding~ present Gouncilmen Lee~ Pence and Hartwig~ Absent ~ouneilmanTJacobs, RESOLUTION ~~;,~:.1.~.7.9 " & RESOZUTION OF THE CITY OF ARROY~ GRANDE, AP~ENDING THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF .ARROYO GRANDE, REPEAI,ING ALL F~~ ~$,UTIONS OR PORTIONS THII~FAF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, PROVII)ING P&+TAT,TIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Penae~ and by the following ro11 call vote~ to wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt~ Zee, Pence and Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Jacobs. The foregoing resolution was adopted, Na further business the meeting ad~ourned. ~ ATTFST : ~ ,..~i1 CITY L ~ ~ ~