Minutes 1959-08-25 15i aR~zu~~c~ ~o. i35 oR~t~c~ a~ ~ cz~ o~ ~zo~o ~~ms T4 3~T~BLISH I~AND~CAPED ~'R~~WAY~~ ~ PRd- 9I33ING PE~t~iI,TIFS FaR VIOS,ATIaN 2HER~C3F. O~t ~otion of Gotu~il~aEl Penee~ ~econded b~ ~vuncil~n Lee, and c~ the ~ollowing ro11 call vote, t,c~-~,rit: AYS5s Counciln~on Burt, Lee and Penee 1~tC3ES: No~e ABSE~dTz Councilm~n Jacobs and Hartwig. the ~oregoin~ ~rdinance ia ~dopted ~hi~ 11th day af .t~.igust~ 1959. r I~r. Haxris read the Orc~.nance prepared tc adop~ rti7,ess regu3.~t~f.ona and specificatioras for standards for the cor~s~.iction af ~treets, curb~ ~nd ~utter~, Water ar~d se~rer ma3.r~s~ etc• Hills against t,he General ~''und for $l~~92$.63, t~he water Fuad far ~~s977.11 at~d the ~'a~er Deposit F'und fc~r ~28.aQ were ~uditeda ~PProvet~~ , and orde,red paid. It ~s ~ved, seconded and carried that t,ran+~fer of Youchers 1 tht~t 6 inclusive t>e apprav~d. ~o fur~her bu~3.ness appearinp,, upon mot3on the meetir~g ad,~ourMed, ATTEST s `F-~ Arrcr~ro 4raride~Galif. _ ~ugust 2~, 1959 Z'h~ ~3.ty Conarlcil. met ir~ regular ~~ssion w3.th Mayc~r Burt presid3.r~. Upon roll ea11 eeuncil~en Lee~ p~nce, Jacobs and Haxtwig report~d preserit, Minutes of the previaus regular meeting wers read and appro~red as re~d. Jta~eph 5chneider of the Wood's .~nimal. Shelter was preaent t~? giee a prc~posal ~tc~ car~ for the 3.icensing and eontrol €~f dc>gs t~.t~ii.n th~ City. H3.s office was to lieense ths dogs and 14;~ of the Iieense fees t.a g0 to the Git~* and ~uggest~d the fees by ~2.tX3 ~or mal~s and spayed fe~3.ee and ~??~.UO for un~payed fem€~l~s. ~.e~ ~o,~.a i~e the ~ity to sell c~r lease ~ 100 x 150 f"t. site for a shelter. `~he Socie~;~ ~rould erect the ~helter and ruatirays~. Som~ ~xugge~t3.on was made ta 1ea~e a site at the sewer farm~ but no definite action was taken. Couacilman Lee made a motion ta aceept ~he resignation of QPficer Hoeking~ the motion Was se~anded by ~ounci7~nan gence and mo~ion carried. 152 ~ I~fr. and l~rs. Bert Catto3x ~re pres~nt ta discuss the water line t4 th~3r house. They c~b~ected to a 10 ft. easement the full ler~g~h o~ 't~e3z praperty for ~~ture ~se. The Gouncil agreed to talk to Mr. ~obison to sae if he tt~ould be wi113ng to give the additional easemsnt b~yond the 2C10 Cattoirs are wil.ling to ~ive. Permi.ssin~ wa~ given to hoak Georgs Gr3.ebs neW hou~e to the s~wer. Improvement of Grand Ave. was cii.scussed az~d it was agreed to ch~ck xith the propert;~ o~mers to see if th~y ~c~u1d be willir~ to pay f€~r curbs and gutter~ and also to cheek with Supervisar~ Lee~ to ~es if they could give some aid on Grand ave. and Hal~yon Road. Mr. ~dd3.sc~n Wood asked about ra]1 curbs and gtztters 3.z1 ~ract Ncc~. 13~. ' The subdivider~ felt apprc~val had beea given for the Tract at the time Tract l~ci. 131 was apprnved. After .d~.~cussion, ~ motion ~s mad~ bg Councilman Hartwig t4 allow ~oll curb and gutter on Ledo ~tith a d~ coa . 'VCri'~'.~.OI38.~. curb on Brighton and an 8" coneentional on Grand ~ve., the. motion was seaonded b~r ~ouncilm~n Jacabs and all members vpted .~ye. The hea.ding af Ordinance No. 136 wa~ read and a motion made by Councilman Pence, secanded by~ ~ouricilman Zae to dispen~e w3.th reading the . balance of the Ordi~a,nce. ORDIIdl~NCE NQ, 136 AN ORDINANCE PR4VIDINa Faft THE ~tC1T~CTI{3N t~F THL Pt3BZIC ~iERLTB AND 5`AFL~TY~ R~QUIRTNG A P~MI2 AND II~SPECTIaN FUft THE iIriS~ALL- ATION OR ALTII~ATIUN OF Pi,U~IBING AND DR~,III~3AAGE SYS~EN~ ~ CREATII~ ~'HHE OFFICE OF PLUI~ING SNSPFCTQR AND PRESCRIBIIdG HIS fl13'~IES~ . D~FINING G~tT~Ilit TEE~,S; ESTABLISF~CNG MINIl~tIM REGULATIONS F~R THE II~tSTALLATION, AL~ERATION OR REP.AIR ~F PLUMBING .~tD ~TN- ~ AG8 SYSTffi~S AND THE II+ISFECTTON THII3~OF~ .ADOPTIAIG BY REFFRENC~ - ~'HAT C~i.TAIN FRII~TED ~~~t PLUMBING 4FFIGIALS UNI~'ORM PLUNIBZIVG C~DE, 19~8 EDITIONn• R~QUIRING THR~ GOPIES THF•R.EOF TO BE KEPT ON FILE IN TI~E O~ICE OF THE CITY CL~tK OF THE GITY f3F .ARR.OY~ GRANDEy PROVIDING Pr~tALTI~ FOR TIiE VIOLATI~N OF THIS ORDINANCE AND S.,~ID ~UNIFOR~M CODE~; Rr."~'EAZING ALL QR.DINANCES ; , OR PORTIONS TH~t~OF IId CQNFLICT HERE66~tITH. Qn motion of Councilma~n I.ee, seconded by Counci].man ~'ence, and on the followir~g rall call vote, to-t~i.t: ~ESt Cou~ctilmen ~urt, I.ee, Penee, Jacobs and H~rtwig. ~J(?ES : No~ _ ~BSENT: Atone . The fc~r~:~oi.n~ Qrdinanae ~ras adopted the 25th d~y of .~ugust~ 1959. The headi.ng of ardir~ance No. 13? ~ra~ read and ~ mo~ion madca b~ GoUneilman Pence, seconded by Councilmar~ Lee to dispense with reading ~he bal.~nce of the ordina~nae. - OftDINANCE N0. 137 ORDINANC~ OF THE CITY OF.~FtR0Y0 GRANDE PR~9IDING FGR ' P'REFi~RATION .QNl3 ~DOPTIQN OF ftULES~ x~tiLATIOI~S AND SFDCIFIGATIONS WITH RE..sP~CT TO STANDARAS FOR THI~ CpATSTRUCTI4N aF STREET~ AND RC?/1D6~ THE CONSTftUCTIDAi OF CURBS~ GI3TTII~S ~NI} SIDEWALK5~ TH£ CONSTftUCTI~N ~F WAT~ AND SEW~. i~INS AND I.INES~ THE INST.AIS,ATION ~F STREET SIG~i5~ TFiE INST,~LLA,TIDN AND CONSTRIICTION {3F DRAINAGE STRUCTUft~, ~,NI? ~HE INSTALI~ATION OF M4NDMFNTS FQft S~RL~ETS AND SUBDIVISZONS, FRaVTDING PENALTIE.S FO& VIO~,ATI~AIS. On motion of ~ouncilma,n Hart~rr3.g, and seconded by~ Cnunci].~an Jacob~~ and on the fa71ow3.ng roll ca11 vote, to-w3t: AYES; Gouncilmen Burt~ Lee~ Pencey Jacobs and I~artwi:g, N(3ES: None ABSEADT: Nor~e the foregoing ordir~n.ee ~ras adopted this 25~h day of ~ugust* 19~9. ftF~Sf)LUTION N4. 1t20 RFSQI,UTiON QF THE CITY GOiJ1~CIL OF THE CITY OF ARft~YO C~tANI3E, LEVYING T~1X~5 ~'~R THE GURRENT FISCAL YF`,~AR, 19~9-b0, IIP0~3 AZi, TAXABLE PR~P~tTY idITHIId THE CI~'Y 4F AftROYCi GRANDE~ ~TD FIXINa TIiE ftATE ~F SUCH TAX. ~n motion of cc~vnailman dacobs and secondad by ~ouncilm~n 7~ee, and an the follai~iu~ roll ca11 votg, ta-~rit: ~AYFS: Gounci].~uin ~urt, I~ee~ Pence, daeaba and ~az~tw-i~. NQES: Nonea . ABSENT: NoYSe i the forego3.ng resolution was ad~pted t~h3.s 25th day of Au~ust, 1959. I~r. ~der~on was to ~et bids c~n a aew truck for th~ street and saater depart~~ts, Mayor Burt wi~hed approqal to appoirit Mr. ~'i~lc'w t~c> serve ori the Planning Gflm~i.ssign for the balance of I~eril ~'si~ars term' and a ~tion ~as made by ~owacilman Fer~ce, secondeci by ~ouncilman Lee t~ approve the appo3.r~t~nt. Chi~f Richards~n reported the Hig~asy ~s chan~ing th~ ~t,ep sign~s at t,he Bran~, and Grand .~ve, intar~ec~ion. ~he ~tap would be o~ the narth bow~ lane - on ~.''raf'fic W'ay and Grand Av~e, and Branch St. xou~.d have 1~a stop si~. Bills against the Q~aneral Fund for ~3,697.82 were audited, apprav~d and ordered pa3d. No further business appearingr t~he ~eeting ad~ourried„ , 7 ATTE,ST s o~