Minutes 1959-09-08 _ Arroyo Grande, Calif. September 8, 1959 The City Council met in regular ses~sion with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon ro11 ca11 Councilmer. Lee, Pence and Haxtwig reported present. Absent Councilman Jacobs. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were xead and approved as read.; A petition and letter protesting the groposal to locate a dog pound or animal_shelter on the City Farm was read and discussed.s Several persons present protested having the shelter so close to residential areas. Mr. Jack-Pearl reco~nend.ed the mat~er not be dropped and suggest~~ finding another site if the.City Farm was unsuitable. Mayor Burt appointed Councilmen Lee and Hartwig to work with Joseph Schneider of the animal shelter about location of a site and arrangements for care of animals. Mrs. Alton Fleming also requested the-City to install a fence on the City property to pratect children from getting-rat poison or drowning ' in the drainage water from Sunset Drive and Elm Street which the County ' allowed to drain on the City Property. Planning Co~ission members were present to discuss new zoning and zoning of unzoned property, planning and drainage problems. After discussion Mr. Harris suggested the City Planning-Commission t~nrk with ~ the County Planning Commission on drainage and zoning and suggested a meeting of the City Council and City Planning Co~nission with County . officials be held : to talk the matter over. ~ Mr. Anderson was asked to arrange a meeting-with Mr. Robert Born and Mr. Rogoway and call a meeting of the Council and Planning ;Commission. The abandonment of Harrison Street was discussed as a property owner had purchased property which had been sold at a tax sale and came in far a building permit and found the property did not have a street front. RESOLUTI~N N0. 421 RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEIDINGS HAVE BEEAT INITIATED ~ BY TEiE CWNCIL ,OF THE CITY OF ARit0Y0 GRAI3DE, TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY, CERTAIN PARCELS OF UNINHABITED TERRITflRY ' DESCRIBED HEREIN, SAID PARCELS OF TERRITORY ARE DESIG~TED RESPECTIVELY AS "FAIR QAKS N0. 15,""FAIR OAKS AtO. 16" AND"UPPER ARROYO N-O. 1" AAID ~IVING NOTICE ` OF SUCH PROPOSED ANNEXATION. On motion of Councilman Pence, and seconded by Councilman Hartwig, and on the following roll call cote, to-wit: AYES: . Councilmen, Burt, Lee, Pence, and Hartwig. I~OES : None ABSENT: Councilman Jacobs ' The foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8th day of September,,1959. 1a~ A matifin was-made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded b~,Councilman i~ence to reappoint Mr. L. A. Brisco and Claude Devereaux to serve a 4 year term on the City Planning Coffiission. Motion carried. A first reading on Ordinance No. 136 was had and the same on Ordinance No. 137. Larger quarters for the Judieial Court-w~re discussed and Supervisor Lee was present and agreed to see about increasing the rent to take care of larger quarters. A rough sketch prepared by the building.inspector was laoked over and was to be studied further Bi11s against the General Fund for $7,802.65, the-Water Fudd for $2,279.12, the Special Gas Tax St. Imp. Fund for $523.OU and ~he Water Deposit Fund for $28.00 were audited, s~g~oved, and ordered paid. On motion of Councilma.n Pence, seconded by Councilman Ha.rtwig Vou~her's No. 7 through ll were approved for transfer. No further business appearing it was moved and seconded the meeting adjaurn. . _ ATTEST• L ~ CITY CLERK, MAY Arr~o C~rande sept. 22, 1959 2'he City Council met in regul,ar session with Mayor Burt presidin~. U~pca~ roll Ca11~ Councilmen I.~e, Penc~, and Hartwig report~d pr~~ent. Councilman . Jacobs arrived a 73ttle later. Minutes of the previous regular meeting ~rere read and approv~d as read. Judge Dana asked about enlar~ing the Judge's quarter~ and was told there had~been no word from ~upervisor I.ee on the rental i.ncrease. The Cc~~mxni.cation from the ~le~entary School r~questing a l~ mils per hour 'sign on Haleyon Road and an officer to regulate traff"f.c on Dalley Road and Traffic Wa~ intersection, ~s read ~.nd discussed and Counc3lm~ri Lee reportecl he ~tould ~eet with the Schaol Officials ar~d the Police Chief to talk oner bheir requests. The Council approved painting the curbs red south of the crosst+ralk on 3'raffic Way at the Valley Road inter~ection and also on Cherry Ave. wher~ the school bus load3ng ~one is. Councilma.n I?ee made a motion to appoint Francis Z,, Hixan police patrQlman to serve at ~he pleasure of the CQUnci1, the motion was secor~dsd 'by Couneil~an Pe~ce and a11 members voted Aye.