Minutes 1959-10-13 ~.e_7 t 4n motion of ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by ~ouncilman Pence~ and crn the follow5,ng roll ca11 vote, to wit: .~,YES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwi.g. IdOES : None A&SE~TT: ` None the foregoing t3rdinance was adopted the 22nd day of September} 1959. The heading of Ordinance No. 137 was read and a motion ~ras mad~ bg Councilman. Hartwig seconded by Council.man ~ence to di~pense s~rj.th resding the balance of the Ordinan.ce. ORDINAI~E N0. 13? ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ~F ARROY~ GRANDE PROVIDING FUR PREPARATION AND ADt3PTI0A~ OF RUL~~ REGIT.Gl~TIONS AN~ SPECIFICATIDNS 1dITH RF~PEGT T~ STANT~RAS F'OR THE , CO~iSTRUCTIC}N OF STRFET5 AI~D RflADu, TH~ CaNSTRUGTION ~F CURBS, GtTTTII~S AN~ SIBEWAI~KS, THE CONSTRUC2IQN OF , . WATEft AND SE4+T~ MAINS AND LINES, THE II~15TA7,LATIfJN ~F STftEET SIGNS~ THE INST~f,LLATION AND CONSTRUCTSORt OF 1~iAIATAGE STftUCTURES, AND THE INSTALLATIdN OF MUNNUP~EN`r5 FOR STREETS AND SUBDIVISSONS3 PROVI~II~IG PENALTIES F'C?R VIOL~TIOI~S, On motion of ~ouncilman Hartwig and seconded by Council.m~a.n Jacobs and dn the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: ~ouncilm~n &irt, Leea Pence, Jacobs and Iiartw3.~. NOES s ~Tone ABSENTt None4 the foregaing Ordinance was adopted this 22nd da.y of September, 1959. Bills against the Gen~ral Fund for ~~.,6()l~.18~ the water Fund for ~212.5~, the Sewer ftenta7, Funci for ~1$8.80 and the Water Deposit F~d for ~2~..Oa ~r~ere audited, approved and ordered paid. No furth~r business appearing and upon motion the ~etin~ ad~ourned. ATTESTs " . . `L'. ~ . s _ L 0 Arroyo Grande october 13, 1959 The City Council met in regular session with Mayr~r Burt presiding. IIpon ro11 csll cauncilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig reported present. Minuetes of the previous regu.l.ar meeting were read and approved as read, Councilman Lee reported he and Chief Richardson had met ~ith School Officials to discuss their req,uest for palice to direct traffic ~t the Va11ey Road and Traffic Way intersections and other problems. The ~].ementary School requested permissian to use the dea<i end of ~rchard Street as a parking lot. The request was discussed and P~. Harris recommended the scho~il. make a written request on what they propose, ° Petitious presented for the improvement of Rana Street were dis- cussed and also the circulat3.on of pet3tions for sewers on the Huasna Road. Mr..~iderson was to contact ~r. Blake and have them discuss the acts and petition forms with I~. Harris so he would be able to advise and work with the Counc3l: on the Improvement Districts. 1~6 Mr. Anderson reported ~ney had been deposited for a sewer line on . Larchmont Drive to 1~ir. Levine's Praperty and Mr. ~ilkinson had deposited rrwney for a line to his prot~erty on Faeh St. Severa3, property otdners had deposited the money for a~,~e~~ension of 'the sewer line on Bennett A~ve. and Mr. Anderson was given approval to have the lines insta7.led. Water iine ins~ta].lation was discussed and A~. ~ndersan reported it ~rould be necessary to order 6 and 8 inch pipe, A motion was made by Council- man Pence seconded by Gouncilman Lee to advertise for bids on 2!~(X3 ft. of 6 inch and 2500 ft of 8 inch Cement Asbestos Pipe~ bids to be opened at 8'P.M. November lOth, 1959, motion carried. - Glen Pinnell was present to discuss water lines on the Subdivision z~.i~i of Grand Ave. It was planned to install a 10 inch line and the Cit~ to pay the difference betw~en the 6 inch and the 10 ineh, Mr. P~eru~.e11 was asked to prepare an agreement on the water line to be approved by Mr. Harris. The hearing on Anne~tion of Fair Oaks ~15, Faix ~aks ~16 and Upper Jlrroyo ~l wag read and there were no written protests on ar~p of the Annex- ations. I~r. Skidmore was present and said he taould prfltest if there were ~.ny fees to be charged on annexation of the property. The ~ouncilmeen assured him there would be no fees on the Annexation. Mr. Skidmore then reported he ~rould be willing to come in and did not wish to protest, l A. Motion ~ras made by Counci7.man Jacobs, seconded by CQUncilm~axi Fence to apbrove the At~ne~tions and Mr, Harris gave the firs~ ~~reacling of an ordinance to annex Fair Oaks ~'15, Fair Oaks ~16 and Upper Arroyo #l. I~. Becks letter akking for payment of the ~1,0OO.OQ on Huasna Road ^was discussed Councilman Haxt~rig was to talk to Nir. B~ck about th~ Street repairs and payments. The resigna.tion of Mr. Claude Devereaux from the City Flanning Co~ari.ssion wa,s read ~u~ no action taken. Mr. ,Anderson reported 3 benches had been installed oi~ the Street by the California Bench Co. and they were to be covered by their insurance carr3er. l~pproval was given to hire Don I,urieeford @~336.00 per month to serve at the pleasure of the ~ouneil. Bills against the General Fund for ~7,~83.~.$~ the Water Fund for ~1~318.76;, the Sewer Rental Fund for ~838.96 and t,he Special. Gas Ta~ Street Imp. Fund for $896.20 were audited~ approved and ordered paid. ~ . ~ e~~ Tran$fer Vouchers #12 through ~17 were approved far transfer on motion of Counci].mma..n Penee and seconded by Counci]~nan Jacobs. Motion carx~ied. Counci.lman J~las suggested the Council make a study of the recommm~end- ation of the City ~lanning Commi.ssion that a fee be charged on annexations. The Council members approved his suggestion, No further business appearing the meeting adjo~arned. ATTEST: ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CI~'Y I, Arroyo Grande, ~alif, october 27, 1959 The Gity Council met in ~~g~ztar session with Mayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call 6ouncilmen L~e, Pence~ Jacobs and 13astwi.g reported present, Minutes of the previous regular rr~eeting were read and approved as amended. On mota.on of Councilman Jacabs, seconded by councilman Pence the request of ~'ismo Beach for approval of an annexation ~ras unamimously granted. Ghief Richardson requested permission to attend a meeting in Salinas November l~th. It was moved, seconded and earried the`.request be granted. Mr. Edwin Nelson was present to discuss a refund on the sewer line which he had paid for on Wesley Ave. as a line was being install~d on Larchtnont~ Drive. The ~ouncil discussed the refund and indicated they would stand by the agreement made for refunds on the line. property owners from Beech and Pecan Streets were present to a~k for Czarb and gutter installation on those streetg, ~=.ey were told the property owners would have to put up the money for the improvements. They also asked if the City would pave the streets if the cur~s and gu.tters were installed. They were told no rr~oney was available but the ~ity would surface the area be- tween the e~isting pavement and the gutter as soon as possible. Mr. Anderson ~a.s to check the grade on the streets and report at the ~ovem~er l~th ~eting. Mr. Iiarris suggested the property owners make a check and see how mar~y were in favor of the curb and gutter improgement. If an As~essment District was formed the cost would ri;s~ higher than if the property owners put up the money and the City called for bids and took care of the work, ~he ma.tter was held overt~i~~t~ia meeting Ncvember lOth.