Minutes 1959-11-10 ~~6 Arrayo GrandeiCalif. November 1.0, 19~9' The Cit~ Covncil ~t • in regular sess3.on wf.th l~tiayar Burt presidi~g„ gPcn roll cali Councilmsn Lee, P~nae, Jacobs and I~~wig reparted pre~e~t. A~Ii3.nutes of the~previous regular mseting were read and approv~d ~a read. Bids were opeaed fro~ Cr~~e ~o. and Johns-~1anv3.lle for 6 and 8 3nch Ce~ent Asbe~ttc~s pipe. ~he Johns-~anville°bid being the lc~we~t, a~tion waa~ mad.~ by Councilman Pence~ secc~nded by Councilman Jaeobs to aecept the lc~r bid of ~1.65 per ft,~ on 6" pips a.nd ~,32 on pip+~. Motion carried. Property ~er~ from Beeeh and Pecan Streets wer~ present to get ~ore 3nformation on ins+tallation of curbs and gutt.~r~. Anderson ~.s t~ have rr~rre inftirmation on the draina~e from Beech and Pecan 5treets at J the n~t ~etin~. The Property c~ners f"ram Beeeh Street reparted they vould have the work done by contractors or ~ome indi.cated t~hey would da their o~m ~rork. Pecan St,reet c~mers ~ere ncjt 1~0~ in favcr at this time, ~i~n they are reac~y the~ ~ity x3.11 set the ,~rades for the eiarbs and gutters. I~', Pinnell repc>rte~d Mr. Harr3.son's Attorney ~as holcl3.ng up t~he ~ agreement to look 3.r~to fi,he liabi~i'~y t~n -~he ~air~ge a~reerr+~~ant. ~'o agre~e- ~nt was needed on the ~tat~r ix~stallation, as the ordinance specified the ~ity xould p~y #,he flifference an th~ larger pipe if t,hey felt the increast~ ` t~a~ necessazy, Consulting Engirieers of the fir~ of ~'hippla,+~a"~,~ Mwrphy a~d: Fear~cu~ ^~;re present to e~lain the fc>rmation of a dist~c'G fcr the ix~taYl~.t3.on c?f Hu~sna Road aewers and the imprc~ve2nent of Rena ~fi.r~et. .~f'ter disctxs~ient a a~otion: wsa made by ~otuicilman Pence~ secaxid~d by ~ot~i~ril.~an Jacob~ aut~ari~ing the Supt. of Pubii.c'Works to have pet3.~ians eir~ulated ~c~g t.he property owne~rs ~i.thin the Cit~ limits who xovld be a~sessed to ~g tor the se~er ins~a~lation. 2~tion earried. ~ motion made by Councilman Jacobs ~t.a authori~e tlle S~t. of Public~ works ta check the ~3.~atures on th~ R~na Street petitions to see if the necx~sary 60 per cen~t of ~he propex~tp hac3 bs~n signed up~ th~ ~tic~n ~a aeconded by Counc3.lm~an i~e and the motion carried. l~i@„ Jo~aph Schr~,eider was present and had a cc,py of ~n a~re~~~ for cantrol of dcg~ by the Arri~al Shelter ar~d a copr~r of an ardi~ance. B~. H~rr3.~ x~.s tc look over the a~reament and report baek ta the Council. Schneid~r repc~ted they ~,rould ].3.ic~ to be able to ~t~rrt ths control af dQg~ as of danwary lst, 1$6(3. , -163 I~. Harris reported the new agreement on the McElrag Pence ~muld be rear~y fcu~ the ne~t mseti.ng, Mr. Martin Polin1 s request on ~aning of property on tt3rrand .~ve. ~~tas re~erred to the Planning Co~mdss3on ~'or the3r recc~mmendstSon, The ~ouncil authori~ed a letter be writt~n to the 8oard of superv3.sora requesting the Justice ~ourt to remain in the City of .krroyo C~rr~~d~, Bills again~t the ~eneral Fund for ~8322,~.61, the W~,ter Fund fc~r $~t, 996.$2, the SeWer Rent~al. Fund far ~9.95 and the 1~ater ~epoait T~tuid fc>r ~668.0~ xere aud~.ted, spproved ~.nd ordered paid. Tt t~as mcaved, s~conded and carried that tran~fer Vouch~rs No. 18 through 25 be appraved. No further busine~~ appearing, the ~eeting ad~ourned to Tueadsyi Aiovs~nber 17, 1959 $t 5 s 30 P. M. . : ~ ATTE3T s ~ r ~ Jlrrc~yQ 43a~a~da~ ~a~.~fy ~ s 3Q P. M. No~r. 1T„ 19~9 ~ourned ~reeting of the ~ity Goun~31 h+,~l.d ~r3.th Ma~r B~ presiding, Preserat Counc3,lmen Pence aa~d Jaeobs. Absent ~ouncilm~en Lee and Har~~3.g, The agr~~ent prep~red 'ay ~hipples Ac'l~mson, ~urphy and pearson' Cansu~,t3~ ~;iigineers far a Land Uae an~l Street Plan xas read and ~tudied and a mc>tion ~de by G~~ Jacob~ ~ seconded b~r ~aunei].n?an Fenc~ 'tc~ accept the agreem~ut and the Maycr ~as a~uthori~td to s3.gn ~ar ths ~ity, Moticn aarried. ' Nc ~'urther busine~s ~ppear3ng~ uPon ~otion th~ ~e~ting ad~jc~d. ATTEST s ' ,C~ z.~ ~