Minutes 1959-11-17 ~163 .
P~r. Kax~ris reported the new agreement cn the MaElroy fence ~rould b~
rear~y for the ne~t raaeting.
1~. Martin Pclini s reque~~ on zaning of prepert~r an t~rand .~va. ~ xas
x~eferred to the Pl~nnixig Commission for the3.r rec~.datian,
The ~ounc3.1 autharisad a l~tter be xritten to the Bc~'d of 5u~aerv3.sa~ra
requesting ~he Just3ce ~ourt tc remain iia t~e Cit~ of Arroyo t~ra~nc~. -
Bills against the ~eneral Fund frnc ~$~22~.613 th~ Water Fund it~i'
996.$2~ th~ 8e~r ftent?~t1. Fund ~c>r ~9.95 ~d the i~i'~t~er Hepo~tit ,P'und ~"t~'
$68.00 were audited~ ~pproved and ord~r~d paid.
It waa moved, seconded and earried that transfer 9ouehers No. 1$~
thraugh 25 be agproved,
No ~ther bus3,nssa appearin~~ the ~eeting adjourned to Z'u~~day'~
Aiavember 17, 1959 5 s~~. M•
~TT~T t ~ G~ 1r'"
rAxrrQ~ro t~' ~+~,~#,f. _
~s3p P. M. Ncg. x~~, 1~~9
~ourned ~~ting cf the ~3ty Coun~31 h~.7.d j~3.~h Ma~or Bt~t gresidin$.
Present Couneilm~n Psnce and Jacobs. Abaent ~ouncil~s Lee and Hart~ig,
The agrse~ent prep~red by ~hippl~~, Ac~on, ~iurFhY ~nd Pesrson~
Cansu~.ting ~n~Sneers ~or a?~and Uee an~ 5t~reet Plan ~vas read and ~etudied
and a moti,an ~ade by Cfluncilman Jacobs, seconded bg ~ouncilman Pene~ 'ec~
accept the agree~ent ~nd the Maycr wa.s authori~~d to ~i~n for ~he ~3.ty.
Motion carri.ed.
, No fvr~her businses appearin:ga uPon motion the ~e~~ing ad~c~ued.
ATTES~ s ~ ~ ~ ; ~