Minutes 1959-11-24 .1.i~7E _ Arr~yo Granc~e, ' Ca13.f, No~rember 2~, 1959 ~'he City CounciZ inet in regvl.ar session with Mayor ~urt pre~iding. Upor? roll call Couneilmen Lee, Pence and Jacobs repor~ed present. Councilma~n Hartwig arri~ed later. e Minutes of the previous regular and ad,journed ~etings were read and appra~ved as read. The Assessment District~ for Huasn~ Sewers and R~r~,a St. Tmprov~~nt were discussed and Mr. .Ander~on rsported I~ir. Pear~on thought it would be le~s csostly to run th~ districts at the saine tinue but it wa~ felt Rena St. could be accomplished sooner, as t,he p~titions had b~en sign~d, Councilman Penee requested per~,ssion to ].,eave the sta~ts and it wa~ moved~ seconded and carried the request be granted. Bills against the aeneral Fund for ~1~,336.51 were audited~ approqed az~d ordered paid. A mation was made by Gouneilma.n Jacobs, seconded by Couneilm~an Penea ~uthoriz3.ng the Mayor to sign the agre~~ent to replae~ a fenee on the Mc$lrcry property. ~to~ion carried. ldo fvrther bus3.ness~ it was moved, seconded and carried to ad~o~arn th~ ~ ffieting to Twssday 3~cember l, 1959 at 8 P. M. > A3'TEST: ~ ~ ~C,~~,;~ ~ ~ • C Y Arro3ro Grande~ CaL~if, Deeember 1, 1959 The adjourned meeting of the City of Arroyo CTranda City ~owacil ~s held at 8a00 p. m.~ on the above date 3.n the ~ity Ha11, Present ~ers Mayor 8~~, Counc~.].- ~en Jacobs, Pence and I,ee. Ab~ent Counc3.lman Hartiaig. A petition for the Ar~ne~.tion af the Oceano and Halr,yon Areas to the City of Arroyo Grande was presented by John Bade~. ~he Petition and names were read by I~ir. Anderson. ~he ~ouncil accepted the petition and moved ta turn t2xe _ ~tter over to the Planning Com~ii.ss3on. ~e M~otion was made by Counciln~an Pence, ~econded by uouneilman Jacobs. All members vated Aye, Couneil rece~eed at 8:1~ p.m, to await the decision of the Planning Comm3.ssion regarding the Oesano and Ha:Lcyon Ann~ation. ~ouncil Meeting re-opened at 9:0~ p,m. ~ Nir. Harris read the Resolution approved of by the Plann3.ng Conanission re~arding the anneaation of the Clceano and Halcyon Areas to .Arro~o Grand~,