Minutes 1959-12-08 16~ R~soz,u~toz~ rto, i,2~. ~ ~ xFSC~zUrz~~r a~ cz~ couNCrL oF ~x~ cz~t OF ARROYt7 GRANDE GONSENTING T0 THE GOI~'CF~lENT OF' 11NNF.~X~TION FROCEEUItt~TGGS FdR THE ,~It1~,tp~L~,TION TO THE CITY t7F Af~R0Y0 GRAND~ OF CII~.TAIN T1VI~CBITEU AND UNII~(7R~'4R~,TEII T~tI`.~ORY IN TI3E CQUNTY OF SAId LITIS OBISPO~ 3T~TE OF ~AI,IFOR2dIA, COI~T'i'IGUOUS TO THE GITY OF ARROYO i.~RANDE DFSIGNATED AS "t~EANO A.NNEX~ On motion of Councilma.n Jaeabs and ~econded by Gouncilman Pence and on the following ro]1 ca11 vote; ; Councilm~n Burt, i,ee, Pence ~nd Jacobs. NO&S: None ABSENTa CouYSCi.].n~an Har~wig ~ the fore~oin~ Resolutian w~.s adopted this lst da,y of I~Q~mber, 1q~9. `The Fare Department asked for authorization to spend ~129.9~ plvs 'tas for a Hydraulic Jaek or Re~cue Kit. Request r~s.grant~d by ths ~ouncil. I~otion to ad~avrn by Cauncilmm~ Jacob$, Seeonded by Counciiman P~nee. A11 members voted Aye, % ~ ATTBST: _ ~ G~-u~ I G Arro3ro Grand~, Calif. T3eeember 8, 1959 The City Council met in re~u3.ar session with ~layar Burt preeiding. Upon roll call. ~ounci].n~en Lee~ Pence ~nd Hartwig reported pre~~nt. .~bsen~ Counci].man Jacob~. , M3rnxtes o~' the previous regular and ad~ovrned ~eting were read and ~.pproned as read. 1'he request of .~Aaron Williford to resone Lots 1 thru l~ in ~lock 7.4 Prom ft-1 to C..2 iaa.s read and a~t3.on was made by Couneil~ Hartwi.~i ~econded by Counc3.].~nan Pence to refer the request ta the cit~ Plsnning Co~i.ss3on. A~. Ander~on reported John I~oomis Y~ad contacted him about draina~e in Pront of t~e propertg on East Branch and he t~a.s ta write a letter t~ the Di.vision of H3.ghway abc~'~ participation on the co~t. The eatima~ed cost xould be arnund ~2600 and part of the eost wc~uld be borne by the property owner. The ~ity had nothing budgeted to take care of t~ie pro~ect. .~66 Mr. Harris agreed to have an ord3.nance for t,hs control of dogs read~r for the next meeting. He agreed ~o discuss the a~ree~ent with the Woods t~nimal Shelter in regard to a~ite and removal af builc~ngs if they were on City property. Mr. I~nderson reported I~archmont Ihrive w~ar to be repaired wher~ ths ziet~ water line had been con~tructed. tent~tive plan to enlarge the Justice ~ourt was studied and after di.~cussion a motion was made by Councilman Lee to submit the ten~k.ati~ plan to ths ~oaxd of Supervisors on a 5 year rental basis ~nd the ~c?nth7~ rent~l of ~].~t4.0(3 per month was suggested, the motion ~ras seconded by Counci].~an ~'ence and ~17, m~~abers voted Aye. Mr. Ander~on was to tak~ the propasal to the ~oard of ~upervisors or tc> Snpervisc~r A,lton Lee. The 20 f"t. strip af l~nd eaet QP Halcyon Rc~ad leading to Tract No. l75 vas diseuese~d and it was t~c~ b~ referred to the Planning Ca~.s~~.on for their recommendation, ~hief of Police ~ichardson requeeted ta leave the 'State for ~~eeks and it was maved, seconded and carried the reque~t be granted. ' RESOLiTTION A10. 1~2~ d, RESOLUTIO~t OF THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF ARROYQ GR~,IVDE TO CANGEL QENEE?AL FUND WARFt,A,NT Nfl. 2~8 t~tzTT~t oCTOBEft 13, 1959 FOR ~i3~.~0 E~D AUTHORT2ING WAR.RANT NQ. l~72 T4 BE 1~i.ITT~~1 TO REP3.~.CE N0. 2~.8. On ~otion of ~cuncilman Lee~ s~conded byr Counc37.man F~art~aig and by ths following roll eall vote t~e~ ~r3.t: AYES: Coun~ilmen Burty Lee, Pence arid Hartwig NO~: None ~.BSENT: Cc~uncilman Jacobs~ The foregoing Resolution was adopted. I~. Po13n resubmitted a request for variance on his property on ~ ~rand ~outh and east of Barnett Street. Zt was referr~d fi.o the City Plannir~~ Co~ai.s~ion for their reeom~nend~tion, The ~ui.lding Depart~nt reported the adoption of the 1958 ~t~i.id3.~ig Code changed the fee~ and the new rates would be a little hi.gher. P~. Anderson aaked abaut hav~.ng the State ~efie3ency Report made by the firm making the Planning ~urvey. He was to ask what the cost would be if they could work it in with their work, 167 Bills a~ainst the Gen~ral Fund for ~7 ~ 760.5? i the ~atear I~vnd far ~12,01~7.72~ th~ Sewer Rental Fund for ~+6.03 and the ~ater ~posit Fund ~or ~t~l~.00 jiere sudited, apprcved and ordered pa~..d. On motion of ~ounc3.l~n Hartwig,~ seconded by Ec~ur.Qilman Leei Qouchers Dio. 26 t~rough 32 were approved for transPer. Motion carr3.ed. Nv ~urther t>u~iness appearing, th~ ~eetin~ ad3our~d. ; ~ ~ ATTESTa ITY L - y Arroyo Grande Cal~, ~ P,M. Dec. 1959 Special I~leeting called to adopt the resoluti.on prepar~d by l+~r,, n Fisrri~, . Pre~ent P~ayor Burt and ~ouncilmen Yencae and Hartw3.g. Abssnt Councilmen Lee and Jacob~, ~ RESOLUTIDN N0. 1~26 ' A ftFSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNGIL OF TI~ CiTY OF .ARROY~ (3~RAND~ ACKI~OWLEDGING 2'HE R~GEIPT ~F A COPY OF 1~QTICE OF IN`,TEI~iTI~N TO GIRCULATE PETZTION F()R THE ANNE~tA.TIaN OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "OCEAN~ ANN~~~ AND A~t AF~'IDiAVIT OF PUBZICA,TSON THE~RmF .AND . APPROVING THE CIRCULATION 0~ THE PETTTIOBT. On ~t3.on of Counailman Hartari~ and ~aecunded by Councilman Pence and on the Pollowing ra11 call vvte: AYESs Councilmen Buz•t, Pence and Hartwig, AtOES s Ak~ne ~ ABSENTs Counci].~en Le~ and dacob~, ~ The foregoing re~vlutior3 was adopted on the 1,1ath day of vec~xmber 1959. ~ ° No further bus3.nea~~ the ~eeting ad~ourn~d. A.TTEST: ~ ` : . • C ~ ~Y