Minutes 1959-12-22
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~rroyo Grande, ~alif.
Dec. 22, 1959
The Gity Council met in regul.ar session ~rith Mayor Burt presiding.
Upon roll ca11 Counci.lmen Jacabs and Hartwig reported present. Aba~e~i~
Councilmen Lee and Penc~.° .
Minute~ of the previous regular and special meet3ng ~rere read and
approved as read. °
Mr. Harris read the Interi~n Ordinanee which he had prepared.
~`he Clerk wa,s instructed to ~rrite a letter to the Grover ~ity 4fficial,~t
and offer to help or assist them in any way possible in their organi~ationf
and if agreeable an informal dinner meeting when ever it could be arranged.
It was•reported a grill was needed on the drain at the end of ~an
Court. .
Mr. Anderaon presented the final m~p of Tract No. 100 and a~notion
wa~ made by ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Hartwig tn accept
the final map with all roads and easements. On roll call vote al.l members
present voted~ Aye. Gounciln~en Lee and Pence ~bsent.
Mr. Harris had prepared a dsed for Mrs. Frances ~ampt~ell and it was
moved, seconded and carr3.ed to execute ~he ~ant Deed and Mayor Burt was
authori~ed to sign the deed for the City.
The figures submitted by the Er~gj,~,,~ers to make the City Street
~fieiency Report were discussed and it was agreed to have Mr. Anderson
prepare the report as the figures were higher than anticipated~
Bi11s against ths General Fund for r~?~,596,16 were audited, approved
and ordered paid.
No furth~r business appearing upon motion the meeting was ad~ourn~d
to 5: 30 P. M. '~us~tday, ~eeember ,29th, 1959.
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ATTEST: ~ < ~ Arroyo Grande, ~ali~'.
CITY CLERK . OR 5~30 P.M. Tuesday
' December 29, 1959
The Gity ~ounci]. met in an adjourned session with Mayor Burt presiding.
Present Councilmen Lee and Jacob~. Absent Councilmen Fence and Hartwi~.
The Heading of C)rdinance I~o. 139 was read and a motion made by'Council..
man Lee, seconded by Councilman Jacobs to dispense with reading the balanc~.