Minutes 1960-01-26 ..r _ ,1T2 _ ~ Arroyo ~rande~ Calif, January 26, 1960 The City ~ouncil met in regular ses~ion with P~ayor Burt presiding. Upon roll call `ouneilmen Zee~ Pence and Haxtwig reported present. ~bs~nt Ca~cilman J~cobs. Nb.riutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. , Three bids-were opened for the addition to the ~ity Ha.ll and a motion was m~de to take the bid~ under advisement, the motion was seconded and . carried. . w Bids were opened from Christianson's ~hevrolet and Ma,ury ~rennan to supply a truck.and the bids were taken under advisemsnt so they could be ehecked by the Engineering Department. . ~ ~ ~he recormnendation fram the City of Arroyo ~rande Planning Commission for rezoning of the Ledo Heights Subdivision was read and diseussed and a motion made by Couneilman Pence, seconded by ~ouncilman Hartwig to set the date of the hearing on the rezoni.ng February 23rd~ 19d0 at 8 P.M. Motion carried. Overtime parking on Branch street was discussed and the chief of Police was to notifg the Merchants that the overtime parking would b~ strictly enforced as of February 15th, 1g60. Chief of Police Richardson re~,uested Stop signs for several locations and ~r. Harris was to prepare the resolution. R'H.~SOLUTION N0. 1~29 RFSOLUTION OF `.CHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE EST~IBLISHING LOCATIONS FOR INSTALL~,TION OF ST~P SIGNS IN THE GITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of ~ouncilman Hartwig, seconded by ~ouncilman Lee~ and by the following roll call vote~ to-w~.t: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee~ P'ence and Hartwig. idOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Jacobs. . the foregoing resolution was adopted. Removal of trees on Pecan Street, Valley Road and 101 ~ighway was discussed and ~tayor ~.irt appointed ~ouncilman Ha.rtwig to check on the trees and report back. Mr. Anderso~ was to call a meeting with ~Ylr. Born, Harrison and Pinnell and the ~ngineer's to check on grading and e~ccavation of Tract Tdo. 161. 17~ ~ Chief•~'iarsalek asked about using the money in the budget for finishing the fire house. The men would do the work of painting the outside to seal and water proof and finish the ups~tairs as far as the money would go. He was given approval to proceed ~ri.th the work. .A request for e~ctension of the sewer line on south Traffic Way had been received and plans and specific~tions drawn up by Pacific Engineers. A motion was made by ~ouncilman ~ence, seconded by Councilman Lee to advertise for bids on the sewer installation. ~ids to be opened at 7:30 P. M. F~bruary 9~ 1960. Motion carried. I~r. Anderson asked about installation of a short sewer on Faeh Street. The money had been put up by Bayona and ~retan and $edias t2ie other property owner was to be charged a 20~ penalty when he hooked on if he did not put the money up at this tims. RFSflLUTION N0. ~.30 A RESOLUTIOI~ OF THE GSTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A~R.OYO GRANDE REQUF.~STING THE_BOARD OF StJPII~VISORS OF THE COUNTY OF.SAN LUIS OBISPO TO PF.,RMtT THE CQUNTY CLERIS OF' SAID GOUNTY TO RENDIl~. SPFCIFIID SEftVICES TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, REI,ATING TO.THE CQNDtTCT OF A GENIl~.AL ANNZCIPAL ELECTION TO BE HE~LD IN S,A,ID CITY ON APRIL 12~ 19b0. On motion of ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by ~ouncilman Fence~ and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence and Hartwig. AT~F~S : None ABSEiVTz Councilman Jacobs. the foregoing ~~solution was adopted, . Mr. FTarris read a do~ Ordinance which he had prepared. RFSOI,UTION N0. ~.31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ESTABLISHING SPEED ZON~ AND GONTIMTTNG THE ~ISTANCE OF PRESENTLY EXISTINa R~GULATORY SIGNS EftEGTED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA On motion of ~ouncilman ~ee, seconded by ~ounci3.man Hartwig~ and 1~y the ~o1low:ing roll call vote~ to-wit: AYES: Councilmen ~urt, Lee, Pence and Hart~,rig. NOES: None ,ABSENT: Co~cilman Jaeoba. the,foregoing resolution was adopted. Bills against the General Fund for ~3~70~.38, the Water Deposit Fund for ~26.90 and the Water Fund for ~2.00 were audited, approved and ordered paid. ~ The street and water department was authorized to pzax~chase #te:txel barricades for the City. ATTEST : 7 ° ~v~~ CITY CLFRK Y R