Minutes 1960-03-08 ~ ~:a~ Arroyo Grande, Ca1if. 1Nareh 8, 19b0 2he City Cvuncil met in reg~ul.ar se~sion ~rith ~layor Burt presid3ng. Upon roll-call Councilm~a Lee~ Pence, Jacobs and Hsx~twig reported present. Minutes of th~ regular and ad~ourned meeting were read and approeed as read. Bids ~rer~ opened for the installation of' sewers o~ South ~'raffic ~ay and taken under advise~nt. I~. Harris read the reaQ~endations of the ~ity Pl.ann3.rig Co~i.ssion denying the rezor~.i.ng of Lats 1 through 14 ~lock 7~. ~ in the ~1~stern Addition from R-1 to ~-2 and alse the report made by Mr. Kettering, ~r. Andre~w navid spoke on behalf of ~r. ~i]liford and ~illi.fard and Martin Po7.in spoke for the rezoning. ~hose pratesting rezoning were Frank Ki].mi.nst~r and Rev~. Renneth ~riswell~ Pastor of the M. E; Church representing property ot~mer~. Rev, Dorman Buttram presented a letter pro- testing the rezoning and J. H~ Lindhol~ representing the Baptist Church protested the rezoning. I+~. Jaraes Norman spake in fa~or af re~oning and I~ev. Chesterman of th~ Episcopal ~hurch and ~r. Percy 1'~ermau spoke in favor of ~ rezor~in.g, and Joe Se~.be1 also favored rezon~.ng vf the area. ~larsnce Linstrum representir~g the F'resbyter3.at~, Church protested the rezoning. ~kfter lengthy diseussion by both sides, a motion was made by Councilman Hartwig, seeonded by Councilman Jacobs that the hesring be closed. Motion carried. Councilman Zee reconunended the Council take action as he .felt the study had ~one on long . enough and he felt the area shoc~.I.d be commercial rather than residential. Councilman Jacobs spoke in favor of ~he rezoning and reco~mended Old Highway 101 for Ca~rcial traffic rather than Hal~yon Road. Mayor ~urt ~tnd efluncilman Pence indica~ted they felt that the zoning should be cammercial with the rest of the block as it was not good zoning practise to hqve C-2 next to R-1, ~ 1~2 ~ouncilman HartWig felt that it was unfortunate that such decisions had to be ~ade and stated he ~rould go along with the reeom~endations of the -;Planni.ng Commj.ssion. ~ip,~ Couneilman Lee made a motion to override the Flanning Cor~nissions denial., the motion was seconded by Councilman PEriCE and on ro].7. eall vote, I`~ayar Burt~ and Councilmen Lee~ Penee ~.nd Jacobs voted Aye. ~ovncilman Ha.rtwig voted No, ~ motion t~a.s t,hen made by ~ouncilman Les~ seconded by ~ouncilman Pence insfi,ructing the City Attorne~ to prepare a statement of findings and prepare the Ordinance for n~.xt , meeting. Motion carried. Mr. Andrew D~v3.d representing a number of ~ar~rs and . ranchers in the area around Valley Road No. 1 protested the annexat~on as the subdiviaion would probably be zoned ft~-1 and they felt it,would interfere with spraying and raising of Crops close to a resident~„a~, area. 1~'. Harris explained the hearing on annexati,on had been advertised and held and the ordinanee had been read once. After discussion a motion was made by ~ouncilman Pence ~ to continue the 2nd readin~ of the t3rcli.nanc~ to Mareh 22nd~ the ~tion was ~~condsd bg ~ouncil~en Lee and all ~exbers vot~d Aye, , On t~he bids for gasoline, a motion ~ras n~ad~ by Caune3l~an Ieee~ seconded by Counc~.lman Jacobs tc~ accept t,he bid at' the Rich~'ield Oi1 ~o. ~tion carried. ()n the Halc,gort Roa.d building lines it ~ras moved~ ~econded and carriecl to authori~e ~are qnginesring to deter~.ne the set ' ba.ck line. P4r. Anderson repc~rted the ~tilities were i.a on the Gayn~`air Tract and reco~ended the Traet be accepted when the ~onding areas had been despeaaed and the gutters had been cleaned. A motion was made by Councilman ~artwig, seconded b~ ~o~ancil~an Jacobs tc> accept the t~ract and t2~eir ~nney reieased when an agreement Was ~igned. ~ot3on carri~d. ~ RESOLUTION N0. 433-A , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, OVERRULING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AGAINST RE-ZONING THE "WILLIFORD PROPERTY" On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Pence, and on the following „ roll ca11 vote, to-wit; AYES`: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence and Jaca~s OES • Councilman Hartwig ~SENT: Noae the foregoing resolution was adopted this 8th day of March, 1960. . Banducci, Gordon and ~are '~'ract was discussed and an ~greemen~ was to be prepared for Ma3nfi~a~ance af the ponding area. ~ rnotion was made by Counci].man dacobs, seconded by ~ouncil~~an pence to release the bond on the ~ract upon the e~~cution of the agr~ement by the subc~.viders. M~tion carried. Huasna Raad sewers were discussed and an agreement far the engineeringa ~ter discussion it was agreed to mail a letter 't.o the groperty cywners i.n the area to be present at 8:30 P.M,y March 22nd to cl~.scuss th~ Se~crer D3strict farmation. ~hief ~ichardson was gi~ren per~r5.~sion tc> attend the Police 2one meeting in Paso Robles. ~he Counc3l members ha.vin~ had copie~ of a propo~ed garbage ordinanee~ i~, Al'iCI.B~'SOA W8S to - texx~n the ordinance over to I++~. , Harris so it could be drawn up for passage. RFSOZUTIOId N0. ~.3}~ R,ESOLUTION GIVING NOTICE OF PR(7P{3SED AAtNEXATIt3N Tt3 THE GITY OF ARR4Y4 GRANDE t7F CERTAIN UNSNHABIT~ TEftRIT~RI~S DESCRIBEll H~IEIN AND DESTGNATE~ AS TMFAIR OAKS Na. 17r', "FAIR OAKS NC}. 18", AND GIVING N'OTIGE QF TIME AI~tLI PLACE FOR HE~RING OF PROT~STS. On mc~tion of Couneilman Lee~ seconded by ~ouncil.man Penee and b~ the follo~in~ rc~ll call vote, to wit: AYE~S: Councilmen Burt~ I~ee, Pence~ Jacobs and Hartir3.g, NOES: Non~ AB~&NT: None the foregoing resolution t~as adopted, Bills against the General Fund for ~10,698.lt8~ the ~ater Fnnd fop #93~i.~3~ the Sewer Rental. F''und for ~11.81~ and the Water ~pos~.t Fund for ~.00 were audited, appraved and ordered paid. It ~ras moved, seconded and carried that Qouchers No, !t6 through No. 51 be approved for transfer. ' No further business appearing, the meeting ad~ourned. , ~ , A7'TSST: ~ ~ c~ cy ~ Yo ;