Minutes 1960-04-19 ~.9p Mr. Anderson also a~reed to check on the ~ity Lot on East . ? ~ t; ~ ~ ~ . . ~ , Branch as Mrs~ Roc~riquez had reported some damage was be~g ~ar~e> .wr! to her property. Mr, Johns tiras present and his franchise was discussed and after discussion Mr, Johns agreed to put up Y~is bond and he was given 2 months to pay up for the 2 years due on his frane~iise, Mr. Harris repo~te~l he would give Mr, Peterson notice to di.scontinue service inside the City as of I~tay 15th, 196U. A Motion was made by Counci].man Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Hartwig to tran~fer ~5000,00 in the street budget from construction to material and equipment rental. Motion carried. arrant It was agreed to hold up General Fund~~792 to the Pacific Engineers > for $122l~,37 for further study. ' Bil1s against the General Fund for ~17,l~t8,29~the Water Fund for ~3890.26l, the Sewer Rental Fund for ~l~.68 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~3~~2~ were ~~~diapproved and ordered paid. No further business appearing upon motion. The meeting adjourned~ ATTEST : - \ , ~,(~'L. L~iL~~ . CI CL YOR ARft0Y0 G:;ANDE, C.ALIFORNIA APRIL 19, 1960 The City ~ouncil m~t '~o canvass election returns of Apri1 l2~ 19~0. PRa~ror Burt presided and Councilmen Lee, rence~ Jacobs and Hartwig reported present, The Gity Council acted as a board to tally the eleven absentee votes. Totals of. the votes cast at the regu].ar election and the`absentee votes were read, _ RESOLUTION ~ I~38 A RESOLVTION ~F THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY QF AI~ROYO GRANDE, CALI~ORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNTCIPAL ELECTION HELD II~ S.~ID CITY OF ARR:OYO rR:'~TDE ON THE 123'H DAY nF APRIL, 1960, DE~LARING 7'HE RESUI,T TIiEREOF AND SUCH OTHER NI~iTTII~.S A~ A~.E PROVIDED BY LAW: 1~1 T~HERFAS, a::~r~gulax general municipal election was held and conducted in the Gity of Arroyo ~rande, Couxz~y of ~an Luis Obispo State of ~alifornia, on Tuesday~ the 12th day of Apri1, 196U~ as required by law; and WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and regulax~.~ given in t3me, form and manner as provided by law; that votin~ precinets were proper2y established; that election officers were appointed and that in all respects said election was held and conducted and the votes cast thereat~ received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as requ~xed by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California far the holding of elections in general law cities, and TrJ~I~..ftEAS, on the 19th day of April~ 19~r ; at the hour of 7 P.M., the City Council duly assembled at its usual place of meeting and has canvassed the returns of said eleetion and as a result of which~ the City Gouncil finds that the number of votes cast and the names of the persons voted for~ the office each person was voted for~ and other matters required by law to be as stated hereinafter; NOW, THII~~FORE, THk~ CI2'Y C~UNCIL ~F 3'HE CITY OF ARROY~ GR~NDE, CRS,IFORNIA DOES RESQLatE AS FOLLQ~IS: SECTION l. That there were l voting precinct~ establzshed for the purpose of hol.ding said election consisting (of cansolidations} of the regular election precincts in the C3.ty of Arroyo Grande as established for the haldin~ of state and county elections. ~ SECTION 2. That said regular general municipal election was held for the p~.rpose of electing the foll~ar~.ng o£ficers of said City as required by the laws relai;ing to general law cit~;es in the ~ State of Galifornia~ to wit; 3 Members of the City Council of the said Gity for the full term of four ~ears; (A City C1erk af said City for the full term of four years;) (A City TrEasurer of said City for the full term of four yeaxs; ) , Section 3. jhat the whole number of votes cast in said City (except absent voter ballots) was ~.87. That the whole number of abs~nt vote~r ballots cast in the City was 11 making a tota.l of ~.98 votes cast in said City. Section ~l~hat the na.mes of persons voted for at said election for Menber of the City Couneil of said City are as follows; George A, Burt til~0 Claude Deverea~ 2 John B. Loomis l ~ Leo Mallorg 1 Jack U7.lom 1 ~9'Z Virg31 Walton 1 John Robertson 2 Robert Jacobs J~29 John Skehen 2 Harold E. Lee }~31 Kaz~lo Skeda. 2 ( That the names of the pe~sons voted for at said election for City ~~:erk;of_:~said City are as follows:) Nlargaret L. Wilson .~a / Joseph G. 4~dilson l / ~ (That the names of the persons voted for at s~id election for City Treasurer of said City are as follows:) Leonard R, Fin].ey ~~~o Wm. 0' Connor / That the ntunber of votes given at consolidated prec~nct and the number of votes given in the City to each of such persons above named for the respective offices for which said persons were canclidates. Section 5. The City Council does declare and determa.ne that: Geor e A. Burt was e~ected as Member of the ~ it~uneil of said ity for the fu11 term of four yeaxs; Robert V, Jacobs was eleeted as ~ember of the Ci~y Gouncil of said City for the fu11 term of four years: Haxold E. Lee was elected as Member of the . it~ Council of ~a~.d City for the full term of four years; Margaret L. Wilson was elected ~ity ~lerk of said City for the full term of four years~ Leonard R. Finley was elected City Z'reasurer of said City for the full term of four years; Section 6. The City C1erk shall enter on the records of the City Gouncil of the said City,, a statement of the result of said election. _ Section 7. That the City Clerk shall irrmied3ately make arni., upon compliance by the persons elected with the prQVisions of Section ~.533 and Section ~536 of the Elections Code of the State of california, shall deliver to each of such persons so elected , a certificate o~ election signed by him (her) elnd dulp authenti- eated; that he (she) shall also administer to each person elected the oath of office precribed in the State Constitut~on of the State of Californi.a and shall have them subcribe thereto and file the sarr~ -~_n his (her) flfficef He (She) shall alsq require from each of such respective nersons so elected the required loyalty oath and file the same in his (her) office. ~hereupon, each and all of said persons so elected shall be induct~d into the respec- tive office to which they have besn elected, Section 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this reso3ution; s~hall enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and shall make a .~rdnute of the passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceectinge of the City council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. On motion of Councilman Ha.rtwig, seconded by Councilman ~ Pence and b~.r the folZowing roll call vote to-ti~it; AYFS; Gouncilrnen Bui~t,~ Lee, Penee~ Jacobs and Ha.rtwig. the foregoi.ng resolution was adopted this 19th day of April, 1960. Attest; I %~`L4. ' " ~f .-~_`J ` ,~r, ~ , ity lerk of the ity of yo yor of t ity of Arroyo Grande Grande The newly elected offic~als were administered ~he oath of " office by the retiring City Clerk and the meeting was then turne~i ovei~ to the new Officials. Attest; \ ~ ~ ~ , ~C' ~ . ity lerk l~ayor / ~ A motion was made by councilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Jacobs to appoint Councilman Burt as Mayor and Councilman Pence as Mayor Pro-Tem. The motion was adopted by the following ro11 call vote, to-wit: AYES: Lee~ Jacobs, and Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: None Abstain from voting; Burt, Pence. Mr. Rex Thurman read a poem "Ballads of Asroyo ~rande", in the honor of I~`irs. Schilling's Retirement. A motion was made by Councilman riartwig to have the Council's appreciation to Mrs. Schilling for her years of service to the City, be placed in the reeord. The motion was seconded by Councilman Pence and Councilman Jacobs and all members voted aye. Meeting Ad3ourned. ATTFST: ~r~ ~~s~~~._. CITY CLERK . MAYOR