Minutes 1960-04-26 194 Arroyo Grande, Cal3.f. April 26~ 1960 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. On roll ca11~, Councilmen Lee, Pence, Hartwig and Jacobs reported present. The Minutes of the previous regular meeting and the ~nutes of the ~eeting to canvass election returns were read and approvedi sub~ect to corrections in Resolution No. 1t38. Mayor Burt welcomed ~he students from the Arroyo Grande High School, and introduced, Pam Gibson, Penny Dvorak~ Gordon Churchward, Judith Ryan, Mary Burler and Pat Kelley. Nlr. Forgostein, Mr. Galbraith and ~Ir. Varian presented to the Council petitions for the "Oceano Annex" to the City of ' Arroyo Grande. ~'he ~ity Clerk was instructed to check the signatures, and the City Clerk and County Clerk certify to the validity of the petition, and that the petition represented at ; least 25~ of the registered voters residing within the area of "peeano Annex". Fire ~hief I~larsalek was given approval to purchase additianal • hats and capes. The Ordinance for the Annexation of Fair Oaks Nos. 17 and 18 was read for the first ti~. A plan for the "Reaiignment of Halcyon Road" was presented to the Council b~ Mr. MeLennan. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Pence to refer the proposed plan to the Plannin~; Commission for study and recommendation. A11 present voted t'Aye"~ absent Councilman Lee. Rr,50ZliTI0IV N0. 1t39 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~TOPTING Ai~JI3 APPROVING THE MASTER AGR:~E1~iFNT FQR EXPIIdDITURE OF FUNDS l~LI,OCATED UNDII~. SECTIQN 2107.5 OF THE STR~;:~T3 AI+JD HIGHWAYS CODE. On motion of Councilman Ha.rtwig, seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Burt, Jacobs~ Fence, Hartwig. NOr~'5..: None ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing resolution was adopted. ~.95 ; Whipple, Ad,amson, Murphy and Pearson submitted to the Council a proposal to do the Civi1 Engineering Services for Rena Street Improvements. Mr. A~~Erson r~otified the ~ouncil, Nir. Peaxson stated he would accept one-half of the payment to commence the work and one- half later from the Assessment ~istrict, if the ~ity would guarantee the secor~d payment. A motion was made by ~ouncilman Jacobs~ seconded by Councilman Pence to accept Mr. Pearson's proposal, sub~eet to cla~ification of the cost of legal fees. A~'ES: Burt, Pence, Haxtwig, Jacabs. NOr~S; , None ABSENT: Councilman Lee. , The Ordinance for the re-zoning of the Ledo Tract was read for the first ti~. 2'he Ordinance for the re-zoning of the Willif'ord Property~ Lots 1 - to 10~ Block 1.l~., Western Addition~ was read for the first time. P~. Anderson was to contact Mr. Orvv~lle Johns and discuss ths clean up week~ to determine if Mr. Johns would provide the service this year, Mr. Pearson submi.tted an agreement on the Master Plan on the Arroyo . .t~rande City Water- System. A motion was made by ~ouncilman Pence, seconded by ~ouncilman Hartwig~ to aecept the agreement, subject to a Priority List being included in the Master Plan showing a17, vital information in numerical order of preference. All Ayessexcept, Councilman Les~ who was absent. Mr. Anderson reported repairs are being made on the construction Joints of the reservoir, at this time. The application of the Telephone ~ompany to improve Walnut Street ~ with 12 foot wide pavement was referred to the City ~ouncil by the Plannin~ Comrrrission with the recommendation the improvement be 20 feet wide and adequate draf.na,ge be provided. A motion was made by councilman Hartwig~ seconded by Co~~ilman Jacobs that the 20 foot wide recommendation be accepte~. and the na.me be changed f`rom Walnut St;, to Bennett Ave. by resolution. ~11 present voted "Aye"', absent Councilman I,ee. A motion was ma.de by ~ouncilma.n ~'ence, seconded by Counci].man Jacobs that Donald Menges be employed on a salary basis of ~325.0~ per month to serve at the pleasure of the Council. All Councilmen voted''~.~ye"~ 196 ~ On recommendation of the Planning Commission~ Loren Newman is to install curb and gutters and provide base to ~ity specifications on the South Section of the road for lots facing on Newport 5treet with the understanding the City will install road mix surfacing on that portion of the road Whenever the Council feels it is necessary and adequate funds are avaa.lable. ~ ~i motion was made by ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs to authorize Mayor Burt to sign transfer of the Cityy~s Security Bonds from the local Bank of America ~o the First Western Bank i.n San Francisco. A11 membsrs voted Aye. It was agreed to pay Herm~ecl~ and Miller ~2008.s0 whieh made 80~ paid~ plus additional work to bid. The request from the Fourth Judicial District Court for venetian Blinds to be installed in th~ new addition to the City Hall~ and supplies for the two rest rooms, was referred to Mr. Anderson for estimates. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig~ seconded by Council- man Lee to authorize Mayor Burt to approve the agreem~nt prepared by 1~ir. Harris on maintenance and liability on ponding areas retained by the City on Traets No, llt0 and 150. All voted "Aye". Mayor Burt ap~ointed the Fallowing Commissioners: Councilman Lee Fire and Police Com~.ssioner Councilman Pence Water Corrnni.ssioner Councilman Jacobs ~in~ance Colmn3.ssioner o Council.man ~artw:ig Street ~ommis~ioner Nlayor Burt appointed ~ouncilmen Hartw3.g, Jacobs and Pence as a CoYrunittee to take under consideration the wages of Mrs. ~chilling and ~rs. 1~ilson. Mr. Anderson presented a sketch to enZarge the park~tng area behind the City Hall, but no aetion was taken at this time, Bills against the General Fund for ~y;,~Q2g:.17~ were audited~ approeed and ordered paid, No further business appearing, upon motion the meeting adjourned to I~ay 9th, 1960. / ATTEST ; i~~ fi ~ t/~ ~y~~ ITY C 0