Minutes 1960-05-10 Arroyo Grande, Calif,~ ~8~ May lo, 1960 H The City Council met in regul.ar ses~ion ~.th NIayor Burt presidingr On roll call, Councilmen Lee,. Pence, Jacobs and Haxtwig reported present~ The rr~inutes o~ the previous regular meeting were read and approved~ A letter from Petersen Disposal ~ervice was read and the attached cha~rt designated a11 accounts being serviced by tnem within the City Limi.ts . A motion was made by Councilman I~ee, seconded by Gouncilman Jacobs to reappoint John 1~T. I~ichardson as Chief of Police. Al1 members voted "Aye". A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs~ seconc3.ed by Councilman Hartwig to set the da.te for the hearing for rezoning o£ the Biddles property, on May 21~th, 1~60, at 8:00 P~A~~ at the ~ity Hall,~ ~ll members voted "Aye"~ It was decided to hold the recommended rezoning of the Mallory Propert~ on Ide St, until the com;~lete rezoning was finished, to avoid conflict~ Mr. Harris read the Heac~i.ng of the Ledo Tract ftezoning ~rdin~nce for the second time and a motion was made by ~ounc?lman Lee, s~conded by ~ouncilman Pence, to dispense with readi.ng the balance of the Ordinanee~ All members voted "Aye'~, ORDINANCE NO,~ lla.~, AN ORDINAI~CE OF 'iHE CI1^Y OF ARROYO GRA,NDE A1`~iEIdDIIvG SECTION ~ OF Oi~.DINANC~ NOQ 95 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion~of ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Pence, and on the following roll call vote, to-tait: AYFS;p Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Hart~.g NO~S; None ABSENT: A?one the foregoing Ordinance is adopted this lOth da,y o£ ~'~a.y, 19~U~ Ivir. Harris read the ~eading of the ~rdinance for the Rezoning of the Williford Property, for the second reading, and a motion was made by , ~ouncilman pence, seconded by ~ouncilman ~=artwig, to dispsnse with reading the balance of the ordinance~ A11 members voted "Aye'~~ ~RDTNAPdCE ~0. 11~.5 AN OR~TiVAiVC~ OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~ Ai~tENDIiJG SECTION 1~ OF ORDINA;dCE N0~ 95 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE„ On motion of Coun~ilman Pence, seconded by councilman xartwig, and on the following roll call vote, to-wits AYES: ~urt, Lee, ~ence, Jacobs, Hartwig N0~5: None ABSENT: None the fore~oing ~rdinance was adopted this lOth day of i°lay, 1960. 198 - The Certificate of Sufficiency of the signatures on the petitions for annexation of the Oceano-Halcyon AnneX. was presented to the Council. R~SOLUTION N0. Ia.1~0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DFCT~ARING ITS INTENTION TO C~1LL A SPECIAL E~ECTION IN CEftTAIN INHABITEJ `i'F~.RITORY CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY PROPOSF~D TO BE ANN~ED THERETO; FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUB- MCTTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN SAID TERRI- TORY THE QUESTION WHETHEft Oft NOT SATD 1Eft~tITORY SHALL BE ANNEXED TO THE CI~'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AND FIXING A TIME AND PLAGE iniHEN AND 1n'H~.E ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PROPEftTY WITHTN SUCH TERRIIORY T~.AY APYEAR BEFORE SAID CITY COUNCIL AND S~~OW CAUSE WHY SUCH `L~F~.RI`IORY S~~OULD NOT BE SO ANNEXED. (~~OCEA1`10-HALCYON ~NNEX~' also known as "QCEANO ANNEX~'~. On motion of ~ouncilman Lee, seconded by ~ouncilman Jacobs~ and on the following roll call vote: . AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacohs and riartwig. NO r~5: Idone ,pl35~tT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted the lOth day of l~ay, 1960, at a regular meeting of the city council of the ~ity of Arroyo Grande. RESOLUTION N0. 1~.L~1 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CZ~i.K TO PRr,PARE AND FORWARD Y~ITZ'EN COPIES OF 1HE MINUTES OF ALL MEETINGS OF THE . CITY COUNCIL, AND PROVIDING TiIAT WITH SUCH PR~'ARATION AND FORWARDTNG 0~ THE MINUTFS THAT SUCH ILiINUTES OF SUCH MEETING NEr.,D NOT BE READ AT ANY SUBSEQUENT MEETING dF THE COUNCIL On motion of Councilman Pence~ seconded by ~ouncil.man Jacobs and on the following roll call vote: AYES: ~ouncilr~n Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing ftesolution was adopted this lOth day of May, 1964. A motion was ~de by ~ouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Council.m~an Fence to have the ~ity ~lean-Up week from :"1ay 23rd thru May 27th~ 1960. .A~7_l members voted "Aye". _ N1r. Harris read the xeading of the ~rdinance for the Annexation of Fair Oaks No. 17 and Fair Oaks No. 18, for the second reading. A motion was made by ~ouncilman Hartwig, seconded by ~ouncilman Pence~ to dispense with reading the balance of the ~rdinance. Al1 members voted "Aye". , ORDINANCE N0. ].}a.6 AN ~RDINANCE OIi' THE CITY OF ARRaYO GRANDE PROVIDING FOR THE ANNr~ATION OF CERTAIN , UNINHABITED i'gt~~.ITORIES T0 THE CITY OF ~,RR.OYO GRANDE. On motion of Gouncilman Lee, seconded b~r Covs~.cilman Jacobs and on the follo~aing roll call vote, to-wit: AYESs Councilmen Burt, I~ee, Pence, Jaeobs, Hartwig NOES: None ABSENT: None - the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this lOth day of Ma.y, 1960. St was agreed to hold the ~ena St. agreement until a letter was received from Mr, Blake confirming the cost of legal feesp A motion was made by Co~cilman Pence, seconded by Couneilman Lee directing tha City.Clerk to write a letter to Whipple, Ada.msons Murph~r and ~'earson accepting the report on the ~ity Water System~ Master Plan as presented by Letter of I;sy 3, 1960, A11 members voted "Aye"~ A resident of i~ancaster I?rive reported he had a petition signed by other resident~ of Lancaster Drive protesting the change from Peterson ~arbage Disposal Service to Or~rille Cm Johns„ r'~r, Harris stated the franch~se could not be changed, Bills against the ~eneral Fund for ~6,1~.0,56, the Water Fund for ~3,81~5•02~ the Sewer ftental ~und for ~1~~~5 and the Water Deposit Fund for ~12.75 were audited, approved~ and ordered paid„ ~ouchers No. 59 thru 66 were authorized for transfer. No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned, ATTEST: ~ : ~ !b1 C~-~` CI` Y C~ .