Minutes 1960-05-24 ~~o Arroyo Grande, Calif. ~a3' 2~.th, 19b0 The City Council met in regular session with Ntayor Burt presiding. Presen~ Councilmen Lee, Pence and Hartwig. Absent ~ouncilman Jacobs. The minuteg of the May lOth meeting were approved as prepared, A motion was made by Councilman Lee~ seconded by ~ouncilman Hartwig to accept the resignation of Richard E. Werst and commend him for his service to the City. All members present voted "Ayp". Absent Councilman Jacobs. A motion was made by CoLtncilman Lee, seconded by ~ouncilman Hartwig to accept the final map of ~'ract No. 176, subject to deed restrictions sat~sfactory to City Engi.neer, approval of Drainage plans by City Engineer~ and az~proval of Improvement Bond by City Attorney. A11 members present voted "Aye'~. Absent Councilman Jacobs. A motion was made by Counci]~nan Hartwig that the telephone company be permit~ed to install an improved roadway of 12 feet in width upon the proviso that the telephone company shall agree to widen said road to a 20 foot improved roadway at ariy time the City demands that it do so and upon the ~urther proviso that the telephone company shall provide for the draina.ge in connection with said 12 foot roadway and also the extended width roadway if demanded by the City. Said permission sha11 not becoms effective unless and until the telephone ~ompany shall give us a~rritten acc~ptance of responsibility of these condition$, ~Iotion was seconded by Councilman Lee, and all members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Jacobs. 2'i1e cash S~rety Bond on Tract No. 1~.0 was approved for release to Gaynfair ~%nterprise~ as per the agreement.of April 28th, 1959. RF~QLUTIdN N0. ~.~.2 RESOLUTSON OI+ THE GITY CpUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF ARROYO , GRAA~,DE ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPftQVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREII~ENT FOR EY.PENDITURE OF GA5 ~'AX AZLOCATIDN FOR MAJOR CITY STR~ETS. On motion ef ~ouncilman Haxtwig, seconded by Couneilman Lee and by the following roll call note, to-wit; AYES: Councilman Burt, Lee, Pence, Hartwig. NOES: None ~.BSENT: Councilman Jacobs. the foregoing ~esolution was adopted. A motion was inade by ~ouncilman Lee to adopt the Rezoning of the Biddle Property and have an Ordi.nance prepared. Motion was seconded by Councilman Pence and al1 members present voted '~Ayef~. Absent ~ouncilman Jacobs. A petition received and presented to the ~ouncil, requesting the Willow Park ~ubdivision be designated as R-1~ was referred to the ~ Planning Commission. It was agreed the ~ity would retain the title of the park set aside in Tract No. 131, and would install a sprinkler system if the residents in the area would agree in writin~ to improve and maintain the park. A motion was made by Co~cilman Pence, seconded by ~ouncilman . Lee to approve additional outlay be allowed to install approximately 16 fire h~rdrants to afford better fire protection in new annexed areas. A11 members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Jacobs. May 2l~th, 1960 2~~' Page 2 The City Glerk was direeted to request a ne~ survey by the Board of Fire Underwriters for the entire City. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Lee, ~econded by Councilman Hartwig to accept the Reeds bid of ~105.08, to install and repair venetian blinds in the City Hall. All members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Jacobs. Qn motion of ~ouncilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Hartwig~ Margaret L. Wilson was appointed Clerk of the 1~later Department. A11 members present voted "Aye". Absent Gouncilm~an Jacobs. Mayor Burt reappointed Couneilman Lee to represent the City Council at the Planning Commission meetings and commended him for his service. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Cou.ncilman Pence~ Warrants against the General Fund for $3,808.55 and the Treasurers Departmental Trust Fund for ~2~b~.7.71 be approved and ordered pa~.d. All members present voted "Aye." Absent ~ouncilman Jacobs.: No further business, upon motion the meeting adjourned at ~:25 p.m. . ~ P . . ATTEST;- ITY C YO ,