Minutes 1960-06-14
Arroyo Cxrande~ Calif,
June 1.]_tth, 196~
The City Council met.in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding.
Present Councilmen Pence and Jacobs. Absent Councilmen Lee and Hartwig.
The minutes of the Ma~r 2ltth meeting were approved as prepared,
A motion was made by Councilman pence for the city to enter into
an agreement with the ~ceano Water Company for 3 fire hydrants at "~2.25
per month and ~.fire hydrants at ~2.75 per montl2 to be installed in the
Lancaster Tract and directzng the Gity ~ttorney to prepare the agreement
to be execute~l by the ~ity and the Oceano Water co. and that the l~ayor
be authnrized to sign for the ~ity of Arroyo ~rande. l~he I`~otion was
seconded by Councilman Jacobs and all members present voted "~ye".
It was agreed to set the hearing date for the rezoning_of the
Baxter property~ at 8:00 o'clock on June 28, 1960. -
lhe hearing of protests was opened for the Oceano-Halcyon Annex.
Valua~ions of the public owned property within the area was set as
follows: ~ _
A motion ~ras made by ~ouncilman Jacobs tnat ~870.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessment purposes upon those parcels
of publicly owned property shown on plat book 61 pa;e O1. ~otion was
seconded b~r Councilman Pence and all members present voted ~'Aye'~.
A motion was made by ~ouncilman Jacobs that ~1,260.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessmer.t purposes upon those parcels
of publicly owned property shown on plat book 61 ga~e 02. I~totion was
seconded by ~ouncilma.n Pence and all members present voted "Aye".
A mo-~ion was made by ~ouncilman Jacoos that ~2~Ofi~be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessment purposes upon those parcels
of private owned property desi~nated by Mr. Andrus as lots 32 and
33 ~lock ~.0, shown on plat book 61 page 02. Motion was seconded
by ~ouncilman Pence and all members present vated "Aye".
A motion was made by ~our~cilman Jacobs that ~~,260.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for ~ssessrnent purposes upon those parcels
of publicly o~,med property shown on p•lat book 61 page 03. ~'Totion was
seconded by Councilman pence and a11. members present voted "Aye".
A motion was made by councilman Jacobs that ~630.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for ~ssessment purposes u~on those parcela
o~ publicly owned property shown on plat book 61 page Ol~. ~°~otion. was
seconded by councilman ~'ence and all members present voted "Aye".
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs that ~2,070.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valu.ation for Assessment purposes u~~on those parcels
of publicly owned propert~ shown on plat book 61 pa~e 06. ~°Totion was
seconded by ~ouncilman ~'ence and all members present voted '~Aye".
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs that ~3,690.~ be accepted
as a reasona.ble ~ralua.tion for Assessment purposes upon those parcels
of publicly owned ;~ropert~r shown on plat book 61 page 07. P~iotion was
seconded by CQ~cilman P~nce and all members present voted "Aye".
A motion was made by ~ouncilman Pence that ~l~,290.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessment purposes unon those parcels
of publicly owned property shown on x~lat bcok r~l page 08. l~iotion was
seconded by councilman Jacobs and all members present voted "Aye'~.
A motion was rr~a.de by ~ouncilman Pence that ~~,~i10.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for ~ssessme~t purposes upon those parcels
of publicly owned property shown on plat book bl ~age 09. Motion was
seconded by ~%r~uncilman Jacobs and all members present voted "Aye".
A motion was made by ~%ouncilman Pence that v`~'2:C1b0..0~ be aecepted
as a reasonable valuation for ~ssessrnent purposes upon those parcels
of publicly owned property shown on nlat book 61 pa~e 10, Motion was
seeonded by ~ouncilman Jaco~s and all members present voted "Aye".
A motion was made by Ceuncilman ~'ence that ~1.~,230.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessment purposes upon those parcels of
publicly owned property shown on plat book 61 page 12. Nlotion was
seconded by Councilman Jacobs and all members present voted "Aye".
A motion was made by ~ouncilman Pence that ~1,800.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessrnent purposes upon those parcels of
publiclf owned property sho~an on plat book 61 page 13. i°iotion was
seconded by Councilman Jacobs and all members present voted "Aye".
A motion was ma.de by ~ouncilman Pence that'~780.00 be aecepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessment purposes upon those parcels of
publicly owned property shown on plat book 61 pa~.e 16. TZotion was
seconded by Councilmar Jacobs and a11 members present voted "Aye".
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs that ~h7,280.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessment purposes upon those parce~.s of
publicly owned property shown on plat book 62 pa~e 05. ~otion was
seconded by Councilman Pence and al1 members present voted '~Aye".
A motion was made by Gouneilman Jacobs that $1,080.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valua.tion for Assessment purposes upon those parcels of
publicly owned.property shawn on plat book 62 page 08. i`iotion was
seconded by Counci].r~an rence and all members present voted "Aye",
A motion was rr,~de by councilman ~'ence that ~25,052.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessment purposes upon those parcels of
publicly owned property shown on plat book ~S p~ge 16. Motion was
- seconded by ~ouncilrr~n Jacobs and all members present voted "Aye".
~ motion was made by Councilman Pence that ~30.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuatian for Assessment purposes upon those parcels of
publicly owned property shown on plat book 78 page 17. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Jacobs and a11 members present voted "Aye".
A motion was ma.de by ~ouncilman Yence that ~25,000.00 be accepted
as a reasonable valuation for Assessment purposes upon those parcels of
publicly owned property shown on map as bein~; a portion of the State
Park System. ~°iotion was seconded by ~ouncilma,n. Jacobs and all members
present voted "Aye".
Public owned property within tHe area was valued at ~88,792,00~
Private owned property within the area was value~.fron the last
equalized assessment roll at ~317,570.00 and lots 32 and 33 Blk 4~
at ~200.00 making a total assessed ,,*alue of ~~06,562.00.
4~lritten protests in the total amount of ~2,930.00 were filed,
A motion was made by Councilman Pence to continue the hearing ~
for protests to June 28th, 1~i60 at 8:00 p.m. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Jacobs and all members present voted "Aye".
~ nesidents from the Willow Park area were requested to obtain a
i deed from Addison ~ood for the ~ity Park area in Willaw Paxk
and present it at the next cour.cil meeting.
o Verification from I''jr. ~lake regarding legal fees on -the Rena
Street Improvement were received and accepted.
j~r. Harris read the Ordinance for the Rezonin~ of the Biddles
property for the first time.
~ouncilma.n Jacobs requested all ~epartments to submit ~udgets
for study.
2'he lease submitted by the ~ounty f'or rental of the Justice
~ourt qtzarters was taken under discussion and no action was taken '
, at this time.
; : ~r~J'~
A motion was made by ~ouncilman Jacobs to purchase an A. H,~ Dick
duplicating machine., i~lotion was seconded by ~ouncilman Pence and all
members ~resent voted 'tAye~~,
~ motion was made by Councilman Pence to rehire Richard ~erst to
serve at the pleasure of the Gouncilp Niotion was seconded by ~ouncil-
man Jacobs and all members present voted "Aye~~~
The ~ouncil moved to accept the one bid submitted of $60~00 for
three ~'olice helmets,
l~ayor Burt appointed a committee of Councilman Jacobs, ~ouncilman
Pence and Joe Anderson to rneet with officials of ~rover Gity to discuss
the feasibility of combining the ~uilding Inspection liepartments of
both citiesz The com~.ttee to report at th~; next regular council
~ written request was received from ~r~ ~rville Johns requesting
his contract with the ~ity be terminated.
~ouncilman yence made a motion to authorize the City Attorney
to prepare the instrument for the termination desired by I~ir, Johns
and authorized the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City, and tha-t the
pro-rate of the contract be set on the effedtive date of the
instrument~ ~ouncilman Jacobs seconded the motion and all members
present voted '~Aye'~ t
The council agreed ~o hold Mr. ~illiford's bond until outstanding
debts could be clarified,
On motion of Councilman Jacob~,, second d by Co~cilman Perts~
Warrants against the General und for ~13,358~37, the Water ~'und
for ~3,136~35~ the ~ewer Rental Fund for ~12~.,,25 and the F~ater Depasit
Fund for ~2~~,00 be approved and ordered paid~ and ~ouchers No, 67 thru
No, 73 be authorized for transfer. All members present voted "Ayen~
No further business, upon motion the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p~m~
a~. _1
~ A,,TTEST: c~ ~ ~
I CL'r~'tK . YO