Minutes 1960-07-26 2~1 Arroyo Grancle, ~alif. ,~uly 26, 1960 The City Council met in regular session with-Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Council.men_I~e, Jacobs and Hartwig9 pence. The minutes of the July 12, 1960 meeting were approved as prepared. Correspondence was received from_the Grovex° City Council regarding Grand Avenue being taken into the state highway system. Cou~~ilman Hartwig_and Joe Anderson were to meet with:Senator Erhart an.d Grover City Officials re- garding inclu~ion of the City portion of Grand Avenue in State Highway System and report back to the City Cauncil. A letter from_ Kenneth Beck _concern.ing the City' s acceptance of impr~vements in Tract 108 was discussed. Mr. Harris was to write to Mr. Beck advising him that the City Council preferred holding acceptance of improve- ments until all indebtedness against the tract had been cleared. The recording of the Lions Club property and the HTillow Park City Park was postponed.-:until Mr. H~rris could check clearing delinquent taxes on_both parcels. Councilman Pence reported on the meeting regarding the Garbage Franchise, and stated A+ir. Johns suggested that the City call for new bids and terminate his exist- ing franchise. Councilman Pence made a motion ta.terminate the existing franchis~ upon tY~e e£feative : date of the new franchise. Motion was seconded by Councilman_Lee ar~d a11 se~mbers vated ,~A}re,~,, _ _ , , _ , . _ _ Councilman_Lee made a motion to call for bids to award a new garbage franchise, b.~ds to be opened:August 9, 1964 at:8:30 p.m. Mo~ion;was seeor~ded by=Couneilman _Hartwig ~nd a].1 members voted "Aye". Councilman_Lee made a motion th:e new franchise:be effective October 1, 1960 to run for a geriod of 10 years. Councilman Jacobs seconded the motion and all members r'V~t~'d ,,iA~e n - - - - r RESOLI~TION NO. 451 ~ . BE IT <RESOF.~D:_ 2'EiA.T : THE MAYOR BE AND IS : ' HERE~VTTH_: AUT~iORIZED TO..EXECUTE THE CON- ~ TRACT WITIi THE OCEAtd4 WATER COMPANY FOR US~ OF F3RE HYDRANTS. BY,~~ TF~E CI~Y : W.@iEN ` SAID AGREEMENT HAS BEEN -FREPARED BY TE3E CITY ATTQRNEY. On motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Council- man I.ee and on the following roll call.vote,,to-wit; AYESs Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Hartwig NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing,Resolution_was adopted this 26th_day of J~i.ly, 1960. ~i~ f+ Mr. Godfrey requested permission to connect to the existing 2" water line to the $hannon progerty, in order to start construc- tion on the Church of Latter Day Saints. The Council requested " the Church submit a signed letter stating their policy on the water line and that the church would agree to participate in a larger main when deem`ed n~cessary by the Council. Councilman Pence made a motion the church be allowed a temporaty connection at this time, contingent upon_the effect to the other users on the line. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lee and-all members vot~d "Aye°. _ Mr. ~riebs irrigation line in the. Willow:Park su?~division was discussed-and the matter referred to Mr. Harri~ to report on at a later meeting. ~ Mr. Willing asked for a street light and street sign to be installed on High Street and requested High-Street be changed to LePoint.Street. Mr. Anderson notified the Council an ease- ment had to be obtained in order to cont~~ct the two streets. The Council approved,commencing proceedings to change High-Street to;:LePoint Street upon receipt of the easement.. The Street sign would be installed when the name is changed. Street li~hts will be considered in the overall lic~hting program. The presentation o£ the Water Master Plan was postpon~d until the Council had time to study the report. The Variance for the concre:te block fence on Grand Avenue was referred to the Pianning Commission. Councilman.Lee ma.de a motion instructing the City Clerk to write to Mr. R. A. Miller, of Southern Pacific Railway, and notify him it is the desire of the City Gour~cil that~ the Agent be retained at the Oceano Station_and th~ present status of the station be continued. Councilman Pence stated in his opinion the shipping point was a decided asset to the Valley and seconded the motion. All members present voted "Aye". Councilman Hartwig made a motion instructing the City Clerk to write to the Public Utilities Commission and request the City;of Arroyo Grande be given sgecial notice in.advance of any hearings or other action regarding the change of status in the station at Oc~ano. Councilman Jacbbs seconded the motion and all members voted "Aye". Joe Anderson was granted permission_to set grade~ for the Baxter property on Newport A~enue. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilm.an ' Hart~rig, warrants against the General Fund for $4,208.54, be approved and ordered paid: All members voted "Aye". No further business, upon_motion the meeting adjourned at 9z30p.m. < ~l ATTEST•~_ ' ~ ~ ~ ~,x CITY CLERK _s. -C~R