Minutes 1960-08-09 213 Xrre~a ~anda; - Cal:~.f. ' , ~.~~~t 9, _~.96~ ' The City ~ou~cil met in re~gular sessir~n with Nlayer Burt presiding. Present ~ere Cauncsi~,~en L~e, Ja~ecrbs, Pence a~ad Harts~i~. The minutes e~~ the July 26, 19~ ~e~~~8 ~ere approved as prepared. Bids received fr~m the Va11ey Paqing and ~ot~true~ian Coi A. J. Diaai Gonstructio~ C~:, Ted Taatkins' ~4. J. Hermrecl~, Inc. and Madar~a. CoAatruct3,on Cc. for the Ren~ Street Assess~nt District s~ere opeAed and the bids were taken w~der advisement by the Gity ~ovneil~ A~ti<an taas ~ade by Coun~ilman ge~ace to aecept t,he Willow Park City Paxk and the Lions C1ub Prc?pert~ and an applicatian be filed for tsa re~- ~.asioa. Motiou was seconded by Councilmat~ Lee, and a13. ~ae~bers voted ~~~e+" o Mr. Griebs irrigation line i.z~ ~il].t~w Park ~ras di~scussed, Na actioa ~a~ taken at this ti~?e. Couneilman Hartsaig rep0rted on the ~reeting with arc~ver ~ity Officia:Ls +~n incluaion ef Grand Avet~ue in the ~tate Highway syst,er~. Council~ H~artwi.~ reco~ended the Citg of ~.rrQye ~rande take r~c~ action until he eould ~eet srith Sen~ator Erhart. ~rai.~age of a pcrti~n of ~ally Ho Road w8~ discusseei. 2'he ~ouncil requested P~r. MeLeranar~ report Qn means af relieving ~he drains.ge proble~. Doa Coc~~ ~ade a reque~t that the drain dit~h en Tal7.~ Ha be eleaned betore r~e~t fall' and the ~ouncil suthorized ~r. ~nderson to have the work do~e. The ~buncil granted pex~aaissio~i for the ~amd-Will (}rgar~itiatian fi?o $0licit wit~hi.n the Gity' fer the purpose of colZ.ecting donatians c~nly. Bids ~rere recaived fr~~a ~ri-~ity I33.sposal and ~outh ~ouaty Sa~itary Service for the (~arbage F`ranchise. Mr~ Johns ala~o ~ubmitted Petitior~ t~ the Council that ~l~e ~igners were ~atiafied. ~rith the garbage c~l.leetio~ and requeatin~ the Co~ur~c31 giae ~'u7.1 cora~ideration t,~ ~r. Jchn' a bid for s new garbage ~o~tract. Bids were taken u~ader ~dviaeme~t~ Counci.lnar~ ~ee left the council at 9:05 p.ffi. letter received from l~r. & Mrs. I,. Me~sker regarding t}~~, drai~age sf upper ~L~n St~ and $ri~ht~n 5t, o~~ their proper~y. 13o actiox~ xaa tal~een. A~str~eet lighti.ng map wa~ presented by P~r. Andex~on inclieating the pr~po~ed l~?cation of 34-2500 Lumen, 4-bOt)0 Zuxen, and 7- 10s~J Lt~a Street lights. ~muncil appr4ved the number, ~ize and location as preas~nt~ed and authorized ~~r. Anderson to contact the Pacifi~ Cias and Electric ~e f~r installation. A 7.etter frt~m the Plannin~ Co~nmi.ssion reco~uending Mr. Talley~ and Mr. Kithcart be ~ppoin~ed to the existin~ vs~cancies on ~he ea~at.ssi~~a ~as ~i.scussedp ~'he Couneil agreed tn delay appointii.n~ new ~mbers until the first aieeting in ~eptember. l~r. Strother's 7.etter of resignation froa~ the Planning ~~n~.ssion ~ read~ Aio ~.ctibn t~a~ taken thi~ time, Counei].man Jacabs ~aade a motion to adopt the 19b~-61 ~ud~e~~ the fi~e ysar ~rage seale and the rules governing ~th~ ~cale. ~ti.o~ ~ras secox~dei by Counci7.n~an ~artwig and all members presen~ voted "~ye". Abeent C~ww~ccil~ man Lee. ~ . Cmrrespandenee received f~ram the Pacifi~ '~elephone and Telegraph Co~pa~ng regarding 3.mprvving a partic~n of Walnut St~ xa.~ reYerred to P~rsHarri~. .2~4 August 9, 1960 Page 2 _ ~soLr~rzo~ uo. i~52 ' RF.50I,IITIqAT OF ~HHE GI~.'Y COUPTCIL OF THE CITY OF ARR4Y0 GRgNND'E, LL~VYING TAXES FOR TIiE CURRF.~1T FISCAL YEAR 196a-61 UPOI~ ALL TAXABLE , PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ARROYO aRANDE~ AND FIXING THE RATE OF SUGH T1~. On moti~r~ of ~ounci].r+~an Jacobs and se~onded by Caunc3.lmein pence, ~nd an the following rmll call vote: AYES: Burt~ Pence~ Jacobs, Hartwi~. ~ A10ES : Rtone ' ~,BSffi~iT: Lee ths f~regoing reso2utian xas adopted the qth day of Atzgust~ 196a ~n motian of ~ouncilms.n Hartwi.g~ seconded by C~uncilman Jacabs~ Warrants against the ~eneral ~und for ~7,985.13, the ~ater F~and fc>r ~2, 785.(}!t, and the Water Depasit ~'und ~ar ~1.50 w~ere approved and ardered paid. A11 me~abers preeent voted ~Ay~". ~baant Coun~i].- ma~ Lee. ~n rr~tic~ af Counci].m~an Jacobs~ seconded by ~ouncilraan Pe~ce Vauehers No. 1 thru No. 7 tar'an~farring fUncia ~rere approeed. .A1.]. msmbers present voted "~re". .A,bsent ~ouncilman Ze~. ' No further business~ upon moti0n the meeting ad~ourned at 9:50 p.~. ~ ~ .~,T"f'~'.STs~~~~ ~ ` s~ ~ ~ ~ ,