Minutes 1960-08-23 ` 215 a ~ ~,rr~y~ Gr~nde, Calif. , l,ugust 23, 1964 The City Council met in regular sessiqn with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilm~~ Lee a~nd Pence, ~bsent Councilmen Jacobs ~.nd Hartwig. The minutes of the ~w,gust 9, 1;~60 m~eeting wex~ ~?pprov~d as prepared~ . . The Protest Hearing for the Rena Street Improvem~:nt District ~opened at 7:30 p.m. Written prate~t~ were receiv~d ~ram tl~e Diocese of Mon~erey-Fresna: Ed~ac~tion and Welfai~:~Cta,~poration, Hal Iaadwig, Frank~:L. and Dori~ F. :G~.aire, and ~2r. and Mrs. John.Friesen. R motion was made 2ay'Couneilman Pence, seconded ° by Councilman I,ee to continue the ~rotest ~iesring to ~,ugu~~ 30, 1960 at 7s30 p,m. All mem~rs pre~ent voted "l~,ye".. r,.b~ent CQUncilmen Ja.cobs and Hartwig. _ The Council agr~ed to put oil mix on Newgort Street if ttiE prop,~rty owners in€~talled the base. curb and gutters. 1~Lr. Harper requested permi~sion-to install a sign across Barnett Street from the 101 1~,uto Court. The Council gra~nt~d permisgion for the sign ta be in~talled until such time as the sign-con€licted with Ordinance No. 135. No action-was ta]~en on the request to operate.~ dance in the I«D.E.S. Hall~ A~r« Cha~e of Pacific Telephone and-T~legraph Coo requested a change in wording in the new Zaning Ordinanc~o Rec~,uest was referred to Mr~ Murphy for considerationo The request of the Commercial Comgany for a 15 minute ~rking zone on Mason Street_wa~ referr~d to Mr~. H~rris, to have a R~solution drawn. Mr. Willing was notified the 3treet Lights haa been ordered for High-Street and would probably be installed within 90 days . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RSSOLUTIOW NOa 453 ~ RESOLUTION AUTHORSZING TH~ MAYOR TO J~iCCE~T A.ND C4NSENT TO RECORUI~iTION OF DEEDS OR GRl~N'PS TO THS CITY Olo' ARROYO GRAN'DL . On motion of Councilman Pence and seeonded by Councilman Lee, and on the folZowing ro11 call vote, to-wit: AYESz M~ayar Burt, Councilmen Lee and Pence NOEB's Non~ a,BS~NTz Councilm~n Jacob~ and Fiartwig the foregoing ,Resolution wa~ adopted tlai~ 23rd .day of Aug~ast, 1960. RSSOLLTTI~N No. 454 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY-OF ~RROYO GRANDE, DECLARINC: ITS INTENTION TO V~~??TE, I~N~N, ~?ND C7A38 A FQRTION OF i~th STREET AND R~MONA 1,VENUE IAT THE CITY OF RRROYO GRANDE, COUN~Y OF S~N LUIS OBISPO, ST7~TE OF C1?LIFORNIA. , ~~s Ox~ motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman-Pen~e, and on the,following roll-call vote, to-wit: ~,YES: Mayor Burt, Council~en Lee, Pence NOE&: Nane a,bSENTs Councilmen Jacobs, amd Hartwig. the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 23+~d day of~a.ugust, 1960. On Mc>tion of Councilman Lee, seconded by.Councilman Pence, W~rrants again~t the General _Fund for $4, 901.27, the Water &~~~it Fund~ for $14.~0, and the- TnTater Fund for ~150.0~., w~~~ approved and ordered paid. " No f~rther busin~ss, upon-motion the meeting adjourned at 9s54 p.m~ - to August 3E3, 1960 at 7z30 p.m. , , ~~f ~ /f 3 p ~ , ~ ~'4 ??TTEST - _ C- CLERK Me~YOR,< , ,