Minutes 1960-08-30 a ~1? Arroyo Grande . ~ugust 30, 1960 Z:30 p.m. The City Council me~ in an adjourn~d ~rteeti~g vaith -Mayor ~urt presiding. Present.were Cauncilmen Lee, Jacobs, Pence, Hartwig. Absent none. This meeting_was a continuance of the protests of the Rena Street ??ssessmento The following oral protests or questions were pre~enteds Mr. ~Iooker protested the 150 depth on parcel:l. % Mr. Hipple protested the preliminary valuatic~n set on property °to be acquir~d. , Mr. O'Connar questioned the need for two laterals and pre- liminary valuation ~et.on property ~cquis<ition. ~ Mr. Frie~en questiflned the method of-payment of aasessment~ RESOLUTION NO. 455_ . A RESOLLTTION ' O'~T'ERRULING -~Rt~ESTS ON . : RESOLUTIQN OF INTENT70N Z+ZO. 446. On motion of Councilman Hartwig, ~econded by ~ouncilman Aence, and on the following roll-call vote, to-wit: . ~ . aYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Jacobs~ Pence, Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENTs None the foregoing_Resolution-was adopted ~this 30th day of hugust, 1960. , : _ _ ~:t. _ Garbage Franchise Bid was awarded to the South-County Sanitary Serv3.ce, alternate bid nomber 2, with the following clause "if there is a request:for any change in rates the contrac~t ~w~iil~ be ~placed ~up for-~ new ~.d~" Motion by Mr. Lee seconded by M~'.F FTartwig. ?,11 ayes on -a roll call vote. Mr. ~zvedo requ~sted permission to have a dance at the I.D.E.S. Hall. Fe~i.ssion was granted by ~the Council to hold the dan.ce:.: on Friday night. Meeting was adjourned to August 31, 1960, 5:30 p.m. at 9:50 p.m. - . r' = ATTEST. ~ _ C. , ~ 1 ~ ~t ~ . . , . : . . OR ~ ~ . s_ ~3~ ~ . , , . , . . , J . ~