Minutes 1960-11-09 .228 Arroyo Grande, Calif. November 9, 1960 The City,Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen_Lee, Pence and Hart- wig. A7asent Councilman Jacobs. The minutes of tY~e October llth and 25th meetings were approved as prepared. The ~earing on changing the name of Walnut Street to Bennett Avenue, was held and there:were no pro~kests. RESOLUTION N0.465 A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE NAME OF WALNUT 3TREET, IN THE CITY OF ARRO~O GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA° -On motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Pence, and on the following roll ca],l vote, to-wit: r,YES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence and Hartwig NOES: None ~sBSENT: Councilman ~acobs the ~oregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day_of November, 1960. The hearing on changing the name of High-Street to Le Point Street was held.and there were no protests. . RESOLUTION NO. 466 A RESOLUT30N OF CHANGING THE NAME OF HIGH STREET, IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. On motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Council- man Pence, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: ?,YES: Mayor Burt, Councimen Lee, Pence and Hartwig NOES: .None l~BSEPtT: Councilman Jacobs the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day of Navember, 1~960 . Several property owners in Western Addition as7~ed the ~ Council for relief from the drainage situation. Mr. Andesson was given permission to hire an engineer and if possible, present plans for immediate relief, at ~he next meeting. The Council approved hiring engineers to set curb grades on ~'aeh 2,venue, Arroyo ~venue, Rena Street, Cornwall Street and ~,lpine Street. Mr. New,~an protested installation of approximately 400 feet of water line outside of his Tract No. 202 to connect the water line within_the tract to the Grand<?~venue main. Mr. Newman stated he would b,e willing to extend the main to the end of his tract and give the City $500.00 towards the installa- tion of the loop to Grand 1~venue, if an easement could b~e ob~ined. 229 Mr. And~rson was to contact property owners and report at the next meeting if an easement could be obtained, as the Planning Commission had approved the tract subject to two lots being held for ponding and easement. It was agreed the two Fire H~drants to be installed within the tract and the valves would be supplied by the City, and the contractor would stand the cost of the installation. Councilman Lee said that he for one would like to go on record as stating that in as much_as the City of Arroyo Grande, has tried in all ways to make it easier for s subdivider to come in,with none of the attended fees that most of th,e surround- ing eities have put into effect, he ~ee],s that each and every one of the contractors who are still here should assist the City of Arroyo Grande where these bad situations won't occur. 2, motion was ~ade by Council~tnan Pence, seconded by Council- man Lee that Lopez Sewer Contractors be awarded_the Contract for the Wilton Flace Sewer line and the mayor be authorized to sign for the City. ~il.i members present voted "Aye". ?~bsent Councilman Jacobs. ~tion was made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Lee that Dallas Wilson be awarded the Contract for the ~rroyo ?,venue sewer line and the Mayor be authorized to sign for the City. ~11 members present.voted,"~,ye°. ?,bsent Councilman Jacobs. The drain ditch by the High-School on Va11ey Road was discussed but no action was taken,at this time. Councilman Hartwig reported he and Alton_Lee and Kenneth Beck had discussed the Halcyon:Road and Huasna Road improve- ~ent. A motion_was made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded by . Cour~cilman Pence to pay : the Count~r $2, 5QO ~OO as the _~City of Lrrr~yo_Grande~port~on of the improuement:of Halcyon Road~ : and Huasna Road. r,ll members present voted_:"P~~e":. r,bsent Councilman_Jacobs. RESOLUTION NO. 467 RESOLUTION OF ARROYO GRr,NDE REG~RDING r,PPLIC?,TI~N ?~IJD ~I++IENDMENT TO ~PPLICATION 1dUMBERED 42357 TO TI3E -PUBLIC i~ILITIES COMMISSION t1F THE STl,TE OF C~,I,IF- FORNI?, BY THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COM- P?~NY . On motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Counci~.man_Hartwig, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: 2,YESs Mayor Burt, Gouncilman _Lee, Pence, Hartwig NOES: NONE ?,BSENT: Councilman Jacobs the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day of November, 1960. RESOLUTION N0. 468 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY • OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, ELIMINATING CERTAIN RESERVE SPACE ON A ROADWAY < 0n motion of Councilman Lee, seconded,by Councilman_Pence, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: ?~YESz Mayor Burt, Councilman Lee, Pence, Hartwig None 2iBSENT: Councilinan Jacobs the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 9th day of November, 1960. ~~o The Police and Street Departments were to make a study of cars being parked all day on the side streets, and_submit a recommendation to the Council. Chief Richardson was to contact the California Highway Patrol to determine if something could be done about the garking problem in_front of Williams'Bro~hers Market. It was aqreed Lew J'ones would do the radio maintainence. Chief Richardson was given permission to hire a patrolman and to purchase two radio reCe~ver's and two fire extinguishers. Mr. De1,Robe~s of Division ~#~f Highways offered any assistance his department could give the City. _ Mr. l.nderson n~ade a progress report on the Rena Street ~sssessment District, and reported the work would possibly be started within two weeks. The drainage on Tally-Ho Road was discussed and Mr. Anderson reported_work had been started to relieue the drairiage situation. Mr. Peterson of South County Sanitary Comgany requested payment of the cash ~ond that.was submitted with-the Garbage Franchise-Bid and the matter was referred to Mr. Harris. On motion of Counciin~an Lee, seconded by Councilman Hartwig warrants against the General Fund for $4,290.26 for the October 25th, 1960 meeting and warrants against the Genexal Fund $9,114.48, the Water Fund for $2,580.74 _and the Water Deposit Fund for $24.00 were approved and ordered paid. Al1 members present voted "~,ye". On motion of CouncilmAan Lee, seconded by Councilm,an F~et~ce, Vouchers No. 25 thru 30 were approved and ordered trans~[erred. l,ll members p~esent voted "Aye". No further business appearing, upon motion the meeting adjourned at 9:45p.m. , ATTEST: ~ .~~~1' ITY CLERK Mr, ~