Minutes 1960-12-13 Arroyo Grande, Calif, December 13, 1960 ~ The City Council met in regular session with-Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee and Hartwig. Absent were Councilmen Pence and Jacobs. " The minutes of the November 22, 1960 mee~ing-:were approved as prepared. Correspondence was read from the Va11ey Garbage and Rubbish-Company,Inc. from Santa Maria requesting they be considered a prospective bidder for the City Garbage Franchise. J Mr. Harris reported the Garbage Companies had agreed to sign releases on the bids previously submitted. The Council agreed that when the releases had been received the bonds would be returned to the bidders and the franchise fees paid by Mr. Johns be prorated to October l, 19Fi0. A motion was made by Councilman-Lee to set the rates and call for bids for the garbage franchise, when the releases had been submitted. Motion-was seconded by Councilman Iiartiwg and-all members present voted "Aye". . M~yar Burt requested the Committee of Councilmen Hartwig, Lee and Pence prepare the rates and requirements for the ~garbage franchise bids. Mr. Harris reported he would meet with Mr. Schneider of Woods Animal Shelter and would present the Doq Ordinance at a future meeting. - A motion was made by Councilman-Hartwig to:accept an agreement with Woods Animal Shelter, and ~he ;Mayor ]ae authori- zed to sign far the City. Motion was seconded by Counci].man -Lee, and all mernbers pre~ent voted "Aye".._ : The Council approve d the water_line extension of ~ approximately 590 feet on-Farrell Road to the Newman property at $3.OC1 per fo+ot.- . _ , ~ ; - _ Mr. Anderson reported he had not been able to contact the property owner to discuss the easement for a water line from- Tract No, 202 to_ ~rand .Avenue. .:No action. wass taken at this ~ime ~and. the :easement _and water line was to be: discussed at the adjourned meeting December 16, 1960. _ The Cauncil approved extending an 8 inch water line from Tract No. •i86 _to: Halcyon Road and. als~ng Halcy~n Road to tie into the .8.:inch lin~ -on Virginia Court, a distance of approx- imately 850 feet. at:-$3.0~ .per foo~ and •$1.50. will be refunded to the subdivider wh~n adjoining properties conneet to the 1ine. _ It.. was approved the. water :meter ; for the Hobbs :.property be:moued fr~m Halcyon~Road ta:Rena.St~eet. ~ : _ , . . _ . f; ' Mr. John Baxter's letter requesting the abandonment af a port~ion of:2Oth Stre~t was taken under discussimn. Mr. Harris was to prepare a Resolution for the notice of abandonment and . setting a date for hearing. Mr. Anderson reported Mr. Hoffnnan of,Pacifie Gas and Electric stated_the street lights:that were_requESted by the City were.beins~ installed as of December 12, 1960. A motion was made by Councilman Lee, seconded_~y Council- man Hartwig,that the Fire Departrnent Mutual Aid Agreement with the City of Pismo Beach, the She11 Beach Fire District, the City-of Grover and the Oceano Fire District be accepted and the Mayor be authorized to sign for the Cit~. A11 members present voted "Aye". Councilman Lee was to have Mr. Hiyama sign the lease for the rental of the sewer_farm proper~y and return the lease to the Council. Correspondence received from the High School requesting the City clean-a drain-ditch on School property was referred to Mr. Harris. Mr. Anderson was to prepare figures on the cost of a road between Rena Street and Halcyon Road adjacent to the Catholic Church progerty, and submit them later. The Council approved the bid of B. E. Walker for $378.t?0 for installation of a 80,000 BTU heating element for the Justice Court addition. A motion was made by Councilman Lee that Mr. Anderson be authorized.to acquire all property within the area necessary for.the Rena Street Improv~ment District not to exceed.-$3,OOO.QO per acre. Motion_was seconded by Council- man-Hartwig, and all members present voted "Aye°. Mr. McLex~nan repor~ed on the Western Addition and Arroyo Avenue drainage problems. Mr. Adderson_was todiscuss the ~ drainage with Mr. Born, the C~unty:Engineer. The Council agreed reguests for curb and gutters would have to be re- ferred to the Council before any iastallations wo~ld be made in these areas. The traffic count at the Halcyon Road and Grand_Avenue ~.ntersection-was reported at 9,767 vehicles. Mr. Anderson ~ was to discuss tlae traffic problem with Mr. Beck and try to determine a mutual solution for the intersection. The intersection at H~lcyon Road and Fair Oaks Avenue was discussed and Mr, Anderson was to determine if a caution_blinker light and school crossing sign would re- lieve the hazard at this intersection. The Council was notified the Planning Commission had set a hearing date on the zoning map, subs~vision ordinance and zoning ordinance ~or January 17, 1961, at 7r30 p.m. Ordinance No. 22 was referred to Mr. Harris for revision.' A motion was made by Councilman-Lee to permit Counc:ilman Hartwig to leave the state from December 16, to Decembex 31, 1960. Motion was seconded by Mayor Burt, and ~.ll members present voted "Aye". A motion,was made by Councilman Hartwig to perntit Margaret Wilson-.to leave :the state from December 26, 1960 to January-3rd, 1961. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lee and-all members present voted "Aye". On motion of Councilman Lee, Seconded by Councilman ~ Hartwig warrants against the Ceneral Fund for $7,809.81 the Water Fund for $2,446.50, the Special Gas Tax Fund $333.41 and the Water_Deposit Fund for $28.Q0 were approved and ardered paid. Al1 members present voted_"Aye". On motion of Councilman-Lee, seconded by Councilman Hartwig Transfers No. 31, to No. 36 were approved and ordered transferred. All members voted "Aye". No further business appearing, upon motion the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. to Thursday, December 15, 1960 at 5s30p.m.` ATTE ST : GG~~CI ~ ~%~~~ity Clerk M or