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Minutes 1960-12-15 Arroyo Grande, Calif.
. ~ . Decembex 15, 1960
_ 5z 30 p.m.
The City Council met in an adjourned session with Mayor
Burt presid~,.ng.. Present were Councilmen. Jacobs and Iiartwig.
Absent_Councilmen Lee and Pence. ~
The water line £or Tract No. 202 was ta]~en under dis-
cussion and the following.action taken: Mr.: Newman.will be
required to install a 6 inch-water line from the exis~ing
6 inch water line.on.Grand Avenue northerly to his subdivi-
sion, thence westerly through his subdivision fio the exis~-
ing 4 inch line on Brisco Road, According,to the improvement
Qlans submitted._ In the event that the ease,ment ne.cessary
~ to extend the 6.inch line northerl.y:from-Grand:Avenue to his
subdivision cannot be obtained sai.d line may be omitted and
f Mr . Newmar~ wi ll- depc>s i t wi th the C i ty o f Arroyo .Grande an
amount of money ~qual to the total cost of installation,and
material as approved by the Hirector of-Public. Works, for
all such line omitted. Said money to be used by the City of
Arroyo Grande in replacing the 4 inch line on Brisca Road,
between Grand.Avenue and Tract No. 202 with a 6 inch line
when deemed necessary by the City of Arroyo Grande........
It was agreed subdivisions would not be allowed to con-
nect to 4 inch water mains in the future.
Chief Richardson was given approval to call for bids for
a new police car. Any monies received from the Police Car
that was wrecked will be applied to the purchase of the
new car.
Cour~cilman Pence joined the Council at 6:30 p.m.
The Council approved having ten (10) 4000 lumen and~
two (2) 250D lumen street lights installed in Tract No. 186.
No further business apQearing, upon motian the meeting
.adjourned to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 20, 1960.
, City- Clerk -May