Minutes 1961-01-10 Go~ 6
-Arroyo Grande, Calif.
January 10, 1961
The City Council met in regular session with Mayor
Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Lee, Pence,
Jacobs and Hartwig. ,
The minutes of the ,~~cerab~r 13, 1960 meeting were
approved as pxepared. The December 27, 1960 meeting was
cancelled due to lack of quorum.
A letter was read from Mr. Leo O. High regarding the
possibility of having sewer service extended to his
property in the Crown Hill Addition and to other areas in
the eastern_portion of the City. Mr. High discussed the
problem with the Council and suggested an assessment dis-
trict might be formed. The Council advised_him the xe-
~ sidents of the area had been contacted within the last
few months ~egarding sewer service and the majority`had
been against the installation.
A motion was made by Councilman Lee that the_Mayor
accept the lease with Mr. Hiyama for the sewer property
and the Mayor be authorized to sign for the City. Motion
was seconded by.Councilman Pence. Al1 members voted
~~Aye .
A request from the Church of Latter Day Saints to
extend the sewer line from Traffic Way to their church
-property was granted sul~ject to requirements of the City
Mr. Johns, Mr. Wood, and Mr. David discussed the
garbage franchise with the Council. Mr. Harris advised
Mr. Johns his existing c~ontract is in full force and_effect
and will be until the end of the period to which it runs.
On adviae from_Mr. Harris and the recommendation of the
garbage committee the Council stated they would do noth-
ing at this meeting,regarding the garbage franchise, as
there was an initiative petition being airculated to
change the Ordinance from Franchise to business license,
" The Council"design~?ted the City Clerk attend the
dog licensing at the Grover-City Fire Station, January
14, 1961.
The Council agreed t~z set the dog license fees at
$2.00 for males and spayed females and $3.00 for_unspa~ed
females, and a Resolution be ma:de to that effect.
The Dog Ordinance as amended was read for,the first
time by Mr. Harris.
' Mr. Anderson was to obtain intormation and prices on
street sweepers.
It was agreed to get cost comparisons for construction
of a_new water reservoir, and to cont ct E,}~vq~i~eering firms
for proposals o~s the engineering, anc~/~n~s vailable for
this purpose, Councilman Lee stated he would like to go
on record as saying, he for one, thought the new reservoir
should be installed as soon as possible and the expense
was a necessary_one.
y?r;.` Anderson was to request a letter from M. J.
Hermreck extending the starting,date an_his contract with
the~'~City for the Rena Street Assessment District Project.
Chief Richardson,suggested the City license bicycles as there
was no means of identification at this time. The request
was referred to Mr. Harris. ~
On motion of Coucilman_Jacobs, seconded by Councilman.Lee,
warrants against the General Fund for $8,684.21 for the Decembcr
27, 1960 meeting were approved and ordered paid. Al1 members
present voted "Aye". '
On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman
Hartwig, warrants against the General Fund for $8,091.64, the
Water Fund for $1,678.20 and the Water Deposit Fund for $16.00
were approved and ordered paid. All members present voted
~~Aye .
On motion of Councilman JacQbs, seconded by Councilman
Lee, Vouchers No. 37 thru No. 44 were approved and ordered
transferred. All members present voted "A~e.~~.
l~c~ further business appearing, upan motion the meeting
adjourned at 9s~2 p.m.
~ .
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