Minutes 1961-01-24 Arroyo Grande, Calif. ` January 24, 1961 The City Council met in regular session with.Councilr~an Pence, as Mayor Pro-Tem presiding. Fresent were Councilmen Lee and-Hartwig. Absent Mayor Burt and-Councilman Jacobs. The minutes of the January l0th ~eeting were appx'oved as prepared. The State Division of Highways presented to the City Council plans for_the landscaping of the free~ay thru Arroyo Grande. The proposed roadway between Rena Street and Halcyon _ Road was discussed and the Cour~cil agreed if the roac~ was constructed it would be done at the full expense of the adjacent property owners and not be a portion of the Rena Street Assessment-District. It was agreed the property owners on the north side of the street would not have to participate at this time. Mr. Harris was to prepare an easement for the City own.~~ property to be presented at a rneeting when_all Council members were present. Mr. McLennan prese~ted a report.and estimate for the extension of sewer mains to the areas not presently being served in the Grand Avenue and in Fair 0aks area. Mr. Harzis read the heading af the Animal Ordinance for the 2nd reading. A motion was made by Councilman;Lee, seconded }~y Councilman Hartwig, to dispense with seading the balance of the Ordinance. All ~embers present voted ~~Aye . ORDINANCE NO. 150 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, PROVIDING FOR.LICEN3ING OF ALL=DOGS; PRO- HIBITING UNLICENSED DOGS FROM RUNNIPdG AT LARGE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS DF THE CITY ~F ARROYO GRANDE; AUTHORIZING THE IM- POUNDING OF DOGS; SETTING F4RTH THE PC~iERS AND DUTIES OF THE POUNDMASTER, PRC)VIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE CONTROL OF OTHER TYPES OF ANIMALS AND SETTfNG~FORTH MISCELI,FiNEOUS RELATED RULES AND REGULATION3; REPEALING ALL ORDZNANCES AND PORTIOATS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PRO- VIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by CauneilFnan Pence, and on the following roll call votes AYES: Mayor Pro-Tem Pence, Councilmen Lee and Hartwig ` NOES: NQne ABSENT: Mayor Burt, Councilman Jacobs the foregoing Ordinance was adopted this 24th day of January, 1961. ~ A motion was mac~e by Councilman Fiartwig, seconded by Councilman Lee to call for'bids,to supply gasoline for the City from March l, 1961'to February 27, 1962, bids to be opened February 14, 1961 at 8:00 p.m. 'Al1 members presEnt voted "Aye". Correspondence was read from Mr. Elmo P. Martin re- questing the City Water service be ~xtended to his property south east of Arroyo Grande. Mr. And~rson was to contact Mr. Martin and request a meeting,with the Council xaefore any action svas taken regarding the water service. Proposals were received from John A.~.Carallo, Engineering- Science, Inc., Whipple, Adamson, Murphy and Pearson, engineering firms regarding the installation,of a water reservoir on Brisco Hill. No action was taken at this time and it ~ras agreed.to discuss the reservoir.at an adjourned meeting; January 31, 1961 at 5:30 p.m. RESOLUTION N0.470 RE30LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY -OF ARROYO GRANDE STATING ITS INTENTION TO ABANDON 20th.STREET AND SETTING TIME FOR A A PUBLIC HEARING On motion of Councilman Hartwiq, seconded by Lee Coun,cilman, and on the following roll call vote AYES: Councilmen Lee, Pence, Hartwig NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Burt, Councilmen:Jacobs the foregoing resolution was adopted the 24th day of January, 1961. , RESOLUTION NO. 471 RE50LUTION RELATIVE TO OCCUPANCE QF THE HOUSE ON THE CITY'S SEWAGE DISPOSAL FARM On motion of Councilman Hartwig, secanded by Council- man Lee, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Lee, Pence, Hartwig NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Burt, Councilman Jacobs the foregoing Resolution was adopted the 24th_day of January, 1961. A motion was made by.~ouncilman_Lee, seconded by Councilman Hartwig, that Chief Richardson's salary be restored to the salary schedule basis when_he had vacated the city owned house on.Elm Street. All members voted "Aye". Supervisor A1ton:Lee requested a member of tk~e Council be appointed to serve as an honorary member of.Zone3committee. It was agreed to wait until Mayor Burt saas present to appoint a Councilman. RESOLUTION NO. 472 BE IT RESQLVED BY THE CITY.COUNCIL OF THE CITY -0F ARRQYO GRANDE AS FOLLOWSs (CRAND AVENUE BE INCLUDED IN THE CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM.) 24~ 4n motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Hartwig, and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilm~n.Lee, Pence, I~artwig NOES: None : ABSENT: Mayor Burt, Councilman Jacobs the.foregoing Resolution was adopted this 24th,day of January, 1961. . _ ~1ton Lee diseussed the school crossing at Halcyon Road >and Fair 0aks Avenue with thi,e Council but no solution to the traffic pro~lem was available at tl~~:s'~tz~~. Mr. Anderson stated Cor_Vi~ser requested an agreement with the City to have his property restored to original state, afte~ Rena Street has been improved. There was no action taken at this meeting. Mr. Harris was to prepare a Resolution for condemr~ation of property on the Rena 5treet Assessment District, and present it at the Janw~a.ry 3~, 1961 adjourned meeting. Purchase of th~ property adjacent to the City Hall was discussed and it was agreed more information was necessary before any action was taken. A1ton Lee reported the County had started work on Halcyon Road by .the Will:r~w kark Subdivision. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Hartwig, warrants against the General Fund for $4,266.21 were approved and ordered paid. All members present voted "Xye". On motion of Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Lee, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. to January 31st, 1961 at 5:30 p.m. -A~ members present voted "Aye". ~ _ ~ r, ~ z ~ ~ _ r , ~ . . , ~ ~ . ~ . ~ . . , _ ,1.~ . „ _ . . .i 8 - F.~_ - +.,-~-J . ~ : , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ~ . . . , . . . ~ . . _ f , f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ' . ' ' x r„ ,r.~c a . ' „ ......a ~ , ~ ~.~L ATTE S T z /d~~ ~ i~City Clerk yor ~