Minutes 1961-03-14 "~~Lr . Arroyo Grande, Calif. March 14, 1961 The.City Council.met in regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. Absent Councilman Lee. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 28th, 1961 and the adjourned rneeting of March 6th, 1961, were approved as prepared. Mr. Denton, from the Arroyo Grande ~Jnion High-Schoal discussed the abandonment or the closing af.Crown H~r~et to vehicular traffic, with the Council. It was agreed a letter should be submitted to the Council from the school board requesting their desires for Crown_Street and stating the reasons they,wished the street closed. Mrs. Trene Sharps re~tresenting the Woman's Club, re- - quested a five ye.ar extension of time on their agreement with the city to build on the lot donated by Mr. Beckett. A motion was made by Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Hartwig to authori~e the City Attorney to prepare a new agreement with the Woman's Club to extend the agreement for another five years. All members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Lee. Mr. Born, the County Hydraulic Engineer, discussed the County overall drainage plans for the s~uthern pc~rtic~~.s of the county with the Council, and stated the financing ` would be difficult to obtain. Mr. Born was to meet;.with Mr. Anderson to discuss the drainage problems concerning the City, develop a g~iorty sys~em,:and xeport to:the Council at a Zater meeting, different possibilities of solving some of the drainage problems at the present ti~e,.~tha~_will eventually work in with the.overall plan. Permission was granted to Joe Keplinger to conduct a dance one night a week in the .Arroyo Gran.de Ha11 . Association building. ~~:~mission v,~as granted to Edward Rosa to conduct a dance one night a week in the Arroyo Grande Hall Association building. , Mr. Schussman inquired of the Council of the status of his request ~Qr annexation of his~property on Halcyon Road to the City. There was no action taken on the annexation as the property:housed a Trailer Park and the number of registered voters involved could not be deter- rnined at this time. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, to accept the profiles of Halcyon Road at Fair 0aks Avenue as presented by Mr. McLennan. All members present voted "A~e". Absent Councilman Lee. The request of Andrew David to abandon portions o£ O1d Highway lOl was referred to the Planning Commission. ~ The Planning Commission recommended a zoning ordinance to the City Council, and it was taken under advisement at this time. A sign ordinance referred to the Council-by the Planning Commission was discussed but no action was taken at this time. RESOLUTION NO. 479 (Resolution designating J. E.Anderson, Jr. as the agent of the City of-Arroyo Grande to purchase surplus material and/or equip- ment for Civil Defense) On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Pence, and an the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Coun~ilmen Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig NOES: None ~ ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing;Resolution was adopted this 14th day of March, 1961. Councilman Pence inquired as to the status of.purehasing the Machado property adjacent to the City Hall. Mr. Harris ' reported the lease-purchase agreement would be ready within a few days. ~ouncilman Jacobs suggested writing the County Board of-Supervisors to determine what plans the County has for recreation facilities in the South County Area and their method a~ distribution of the funds a~ailable for this purpose. Chief Richardson was given permission to attend-the Zone 3 meeting in Santa Maria. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, secand~d by Councilman Fence, to diseontinue the present system for tax assessment purpo~?es and tax billing and change to the National Cash Regist~~.~ system of tax_assessment and t~ billing. All members present voted,"Aye". Absent Council- men Lee. On rnotion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, warrants again~.t the General Fund for $8,767.37 the Water ~'und for $2, 292.57, and the Water-Deposit Fund for $12.00 were approved and ordered paid. Al1 members present voted "Aye°. Absent Councilman Lee. On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Couneilman Hartwig, Vouchers No. 54 thru 59 were approved and ordered transferred. All members present voted "Aye". Absent Councilman Lee. No further business appearing, upon motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. P, ` ~ . ~ A~sT: ~~a Y.~~, ) - ; City'Clerk M or