Minutes 1961-08-22 ~S~ Arroyo Grande, California August 22, 1961 The City Council met in regular scssion_with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen I.~e, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig. The minutes of the regular mceting of August 8, 1961 and special meeting of August 14, 1961 were approved as prcpared. Co~respandence was read ~rom the Police Department, regarding Jim Kell~~.4s resignation ~ffective Sept~er 7, 1961. The councilmen expressed their appreciation of.patrolman,Kelly's service to the city and instructed the City Clerk to write a letter to Offic~r~~ Kelly thanking him for h~:s service to the city. Motion by ~ouncilman Lee seconded by Councilman Jacob to accept Offic~r,:~Kelly's resignatian. All members present voted ~~A~e . Mr. Hartwig, chairman for the Smith Road_Committee, re- commended the road be named Traffic Way. Motion by Councilmen Hartwig, seconded by Councilman Jacobs. All members pres~nt voted "Aye". Mr. McCulla from Marchant Calculators presented the price of a new calculator ins~ead of a used one the Council was considering. No action_was tak.en at this time. Mr. Pfankuck discussed zoning of his property fronting on Halcyon Road extending through to the new Rena Street. In the proposed zoning ordinance map his propexty on Rena Street,is R-1 while his prpperty fronting on Halcyon Road is R-3. He would like to request the property be zoned-R-3 from-Halcyon` Road through to-Rena Street. He has an interested buyer and _because of txie confusion on zoning it is holding up the sale. - Mr. and Mrs. Bulmaster also have a residentiai 1ot on Fair V~.ew they,would like included in the resident~al zoning or R-1 instead of C-2, where it is now zoned. Mr. Harris suggested rather then hold up the first.reading of the s~aning ordinance, people on both side of the street be notified as to-the,proposed - zoning change and for the interested parties to present their recommendations at the next regular:mee~ing,.before.the second rS~ding of the zoning ordinance. The Zoning.;Ordinanee was read,~for the first time. ~ The hearing was held on Ledo Heights, after a lengthy discussi,on_by the City Council. Mr. Lee made a motion_the City Council go along with the Planning Commission reco~nnendation, 'the Ledo Heights Subdivision Tentative Map be considered as a new subdivision requiring curbs and sidewalks and all the xequirements to come up to the specifications of subdivision ordinance.', seconded by Councilman Jacobs. All members present voted "Aye". . „ , , ~ :s... _ _ ~ ~ , Joe Anderson,presented t~he petit~.ons regarding,the Huasna < Road.Sewers, 65.4/ have signed the petitions. Mr. Harris suggested there be a complete check of both.area vaiuatian and aseessed valuation. He also wi11_have the ~e~essary resolutions_by the next meeting for the.Council to accept.the petitions. 'rhe High School is to be contacted for.their_approval in the Huasna Sewer project. _ _ , ~ . . ~ ~ _ . c~~ ~ ~ . _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ 284 RESOLUTION NO. 496 B,E~OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE LEVYING:TAXES FOR THE CURRE~1'T F~SCAL YEAR 1961-~2 UPOAT .ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY . WITHIN THE CITY_~F ARROYO GRANDE AND FIXING THE RATE OF SUCH TAX. On motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by'Councilman Jacobs, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 22nd day of August, 1961. Mr. L. A. Brisco inquired as to the xequirement that the Tel.ephone Company ~.mprove a 12' strip on $ennett Street-for access to their property.ad,jacent to the cemetary. The • City Council,verified that permission had been-granted with the condition that at any time it deems necessary, they are to increase the 12' width to 20'. There was a further discussion on the Joint Sewer Agreement by the Councilmen. It.was suggested by Mr. Harris that he will get,in touch with Mr. Nlitchell and Mr. Jinks to further explain the letter received from Stone & Youngberg. There will be a special meeting calle~, h~tr~:rl~~~~~~ ~~ill notify the City Clerk j when both-men will be ava~lable for a meeting. Chaffins ~'ewlery check was accepted:by the Councilmen. Mation by Councilmen.Lee, seconded by Councilman ~'acobs the check from Chaffins Jewlery be accepted. A11 members present voted,"Aye". Motion by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Pence to pay Mr. Ladwig $519.00 ~or property acquired on Rena Street Improvement District and also to accept the de~d from Mr. Ladwig. All Councilmen present voted "Aye~'. RESOLUTION No. 497 RES~LUTIORT 7'f) P,CCEPT NEW WATER METER RATES, EFFECTIVE January 1, 1962 0n mo~kion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilmen Hartwig, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Pence, Lee, Jacobs,.Hartwig the foregoing,Resolution was adoQted this 22nd day of August, 1961 ~~u.ncilman Hartwig, road _ commissioner, reco~runended the Council approve spending Gas Tax mon3~es available at this time for the improvement on Grand Avenue from lO1 Freeway to Halcyon Road. Motion made by Councilman Hartwig, secanded_by Councilman Jacdbs. All members present voted "Aye". A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Lee, that warrants against the General Fund for $5,451.59 be approved and ordered paid. AI.l members present voted "Aye". No further business the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ATTEST; '~~i'~Q , ~ ~~'j0u Paula Howard Mayor - ~