Minutes 1962-01-09 ~o~ Arroyo Grande, Calif . January 9th, 1962 , The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presid.ing. Present were Councilmen Lee and Jacobs, absent were Councilmen Pence and Hartwig. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 26th, 1961 were approved as prepared. Correspondence was read from G. S. Dana, Judge of the Fourth Judicial District Gourt, requesting the Council attend a;meeting on January 19th, 19b2, to discuss law enforcement. A cnotion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Lee, that the lot design for the Ladwig property on Dod.son Way be apgroved.. All members present voted "Aye". A motion was made by Councilman Lee, seconded by Council- man Jacobs, that the deed. for a 20' strip of land adjacent to Tract No. 175 be accepted and the Mayor be authorized to accept the deed for the City. • A11 members present voted "~4qef'. Plans and cost estimates were presented for improving portions of Whiteley and Poole Streets. The Council approved the street improvement as submitted, if the adjacen~ property owners would be willing to pay for the improvement and deposit the money with the City. The improvement of the property being used.for a street ~ between Allen. St. and Cherry Ave, was discussed. Mr. Ander~on was to prepare costs to the City and to the property owners for the street improvement, and contact the property owners to d.etermirr~e if they would be willing to install curb and gutters. Councilman Jacobs reported for the Committee,that the Planning Commission had. been contacted and the~ were awere of the failure of having a quorum and they felt the attendence would be better if an improved method of notifying them of the meetings in advance could be ~rranged.. Councilman Jacobs recommended Mr. Winslow Evans be reappointed and Mr. Newell Strother be appointed to re- place R. M. Bennett as a Planning Commissioner. Mayor Burt appointed Mr. W~nslow Evans and Mr. Newell Strother to serve as members of the Pianning Commission. The Council wished to express their thanks and. appreciation to Mr. Bennett for the years he had spent on the Planning Commission and for the invaluable service he had rendered the City. The Council approved having Mr. Pearson determine what would be neeessary in water Iines to connect the Addison Wood subdivision east of Arroyo Grande to the City Water System, the estitnate to cost approximately $L00.~0. The heading of the Zoning Ord.inance was read.for the second reading. A motion was made by Counciiman Jacobs, ~econded by Council~nan Lee, to dispense with reading the balance of the Ordinance. Al1 members present voted ''Aye". ORDINANCE N0. 157 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISFiING REGULATIONS PERTAINING ~ USES OF IAND AND USES, LOCATION, HEIGHT, BULK, SIZE AND TYPES OF BUILDINGS AND OPEN SPACES AROUND BUILDINGS IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS OF THE CITY, SPECI- FYING SAID DISTRICTS: PROVT~ING FOR THE ADMINISTRA- TION AND ENFORCEMENT OF SUCH REGULATTONS AND PRES- CRIBING PENALTIES F'OR VIOLATIONS THEREOF: REPEAL- ING ORLINANCES IN COI~?FLICT HEREWITH. _ ~o~ ~ Arroyo Grande, Calif, January 9th, 1962 Page 2 On motion o£ Councilman Lee, seconded. by Councilman Ja.cobs, and by the'following roll call vote, to-wit. AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee and Jacobs. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Pence and Hartwig. the foregoing Ord.inance and.Map was adopted this 9th day,of January, 1962. Mr. Anderson advised. the Council they had been requested to attend a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, January llth, 1962 at the Arroyo Grande City Hall regarding the Fair 0aks Arroyo Grand.e Annexation. B~iayor Burt requested. Councilman Lee attend the Civil Defense meeting, at the Supervisors Chambers, ~.n the Caurt House at 1:30 p.m. January 17, 1962. Approval was given for the expense of $507.00, to purchase the necessary equipment and supplies for the installation of the City radio equipcuent at the Radio Station site. It was agreed a let~Cer be written to the Civil Defense Office in Lc~s Angeles, to endorse the new radio station in Arroyo Grand.e, as the station would be an active part of the Civil Defense and Disaster plans of the City, and would be of vital importance to the City as it would. be in a fallout shelter and would. be a direct link with Vandenbur~ Air Force Base and other Civil defense units. The ordinance to establish set-backs was resd for the first reading. Mayor Burt appointed Councilman Lee to make a study of the dog problem, the agreement with Wood AnimaZ Shelter, the enEorcement of the agreement, and. report to the Council, as a request was mad.e by the Shelter for an inerease in payment. Bids were received from Maury Brennan and Christianson Chevrolet for three pickups, and were taken under ad.visement by the Council. Bids were received from Maurp Brennan for $2,367.16, and Christianson Chevrolet for $2,365.92, for a Van Type Truck for the Fire Department. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed by ~ Councilman Lee, to accept the low bid of Christianson Chevrolet. Al1 members present voted "Aye". Fire Chief Marsalek requested the city mechanic do the necessary work to equipment the truck and that no radio be considered. ~or the truck at this time. Chief Richardson requesfied a used radio be purchased for installation in a police car, but as the radio would cost approximately $400.00 and only $180.00 ha.d been-1~udgeted, it ' was agreed to ho2d. the matter over until another meeting. The plans and engineers assessment report for the Huaasna Road Sewers were discussed. The purchase of a Loader for $6,5~0.00 was d:iscussed and taken under advisement. ~o~ Arroyo Grande, Calif. January 9th, 19b2 Page 3 . A motian was made by Councilman Jacobs, ~econded by Council- man Lee, that bills against the General F`und.for $$,~3:4.S9, the Water Fund for $2,085.28, the Water Deposit Fund.for $9.10 and the Sewer:::Rental Fund for $87.84 be approved and ordered paid. All me~?bers present voted ''Aye't. A motion was made by Gouncilman Jacobs, seconded. by Council- man Lee, that Vouchers No. 27 thru No. 36, be approved and ordered transferred. All members present voted '~Aye". . Nc~ further business appearing, the meeting adjourned. at 9:45 p.m. e,~ , ~ ATTEST = CITY CLERK ~ IwlAY R