Minutes 1962-02-27 ~~2 Arroyo Grand.e, Calif. February 27, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presid.ing. Present were Councilmen Pence, Jacobs, and Hartwi~. Absent was Councilman Lee. The minutes of.the regular meeting of February 13th, 1962 were approved as prepared. Correspond:ence was received.from Richard.A. Waltiere request- ing his employment as a patrolman on the Arroqo Grand.e Police Department be terminated. as of February 28, 1962. A motion was mad:e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by G~cxuncilman Hartwig that the low bid. of the Richfield. Oil Gompany to supply gasoline to:the Gity from March l, 1962 to February ~6, 1963, be accepted.. All members present voted. ttAyeT'. The hearing for the aband.onment of Cross Street w~.s continued to the next regular meeting. Mr. Harris ad.vised, the Council the agreement for the Police Rad.io at the Rad.io Stat~Qn was being prepared.. Jerrold. Electronics Carporation requested. that it be granted. an ord.inance to erect a cQmmunity antenna system in the City of Arroyo Grand.e. Mr. And.rew David., Attorney,, and. Lee Druckknaan from the Jerrold.Corporation d.iscussed. with the Council the ad.vantage~ of having such a system installed., The Central California Cammunications Corporation submitt~d an application for a franchise or license tc~ install coaxial cable and. accessories within the City. Herbert C. Grund.ell, Attorney and. Arthur J. HapgQOd., Vice Presid.ent of the Gentral Galifornia Communications Carporatian d.i~~cussed. with the Council the ad.vantages and disad.vantages af such a system. The applications from both companies were taken und.er ad:vise- ment at this time and the matter continued. until the meeting of March 13th, 1962. Mr. Arthur Garey advised. the Council, interested. persons felt parking lots for the Branch ~treet area would. not be sufficient and a master plan was needed.. Mayor Burt appointed. a Citizens Committee of Howard.Sharp, ~hairman, Jack Pence, Leo Brisco, Don Ghristianson and.Mr. Garey to make a stud.y of the Branch Street problem to d.etermine wha.t would. be necessary and. the method. of achieving the improvement. Mr. And.erson was to cooperate with the Committee when possible. Use mf the Council Chambers was to be regu.lated. by the Ci~y Clerk and. the Police Department. Mr. James Scravani requested.Whiteley Street be improved., with curb and gutter being installed. by some property owners now, with dykes being used. at the properties that would. install curb and. gutter at a later date. The matter was referred. to Mr. Hartwig and. Mr. And.erson to see what could. be worked. out and. a recommen- d.ation be made ~t a later meeting. ~ A motion was made by Councilman JacQbs, second.ed. by Gouneil- man Pence th~t the City accept a service agreement for the accounting machine, with the National Cash Register Company. All members present voted. 'TAye't , A motion was mad.e by Cauncilman Jacobs, second.ed by Councilman Pence that Warrants against the General Fund.for $4,960.85 be approved. and ord.ered paid. All members present voted. 'tAyet'. Arroyo Grand.e, Calif . February 2T, 1962 - Page 2 RESOLUTION N0. 517 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING TTS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN SANITARY SEWERS AND APPURTENANT WORK WITHIN SAID CITY; DESCRIBING THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT; SPECIFYING THE EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES OF THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFIT~D BY SAID WORK AND TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY~THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF; DETERMINING THAT B~NDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRES~NT ASSESSMENTS T0 BE LEVIED; PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSAL OF ANY SURPLUS REMAINING IN THE IMPROVEMENT FUND 1~.FTER THE COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENT ; AND REFERRING T'HE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT TO THE CITY ENGINEER AND DIRECTING SAID CITY ENGINEER TO MAKE AND FIL~ A WRITTEN REPORT WITH THE CITY CLERK. (Huasna Sewer Assessment District No. 70-61-1) On motion of Councilman Pence, seconded. by Gouncilman Hartwig, and. by the following r~oll call vote, to-wi~: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Pence, Jacobs, Hartwig. NOES- None ABSENT: Councilmen Lee the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 27th day of February,l962. The Mayor asked. whether the recommend.ation of the San Luis Obispo Gounty Health Officer had. been received.. The City Clerk read. the letter received.from the Health Officer of the Gounty of San Luis Obispo, Calif. The Mayor stated. it would. be in ord:er to ad.opt the resolution find.ing construction of sanitary sewers necessary as a health measure.: RESOI~UTION NO. 518 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FINDING GONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND.APPURT~NANCES AND APPURTENANT WORK AND PROCEEDINGS THEREFOR NECESSARY AS A HEALTH MEASUR~. (Huasna Sewer Assessment District No. 70-61-1) On motion of Councilman Pence, second.ed. by Couneilman Jacobs, and. by the following roll call vate, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Pence, Jacobs, Hartwig. NOES : None ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 27th d.ay of February,l962. The City Clerk informs the City Council that the report of the Gity Engineer as called fc~r~in the resolutian of intention has been filed. with her. The Ci~y Engineer ~riefly d.escribed. the contents of the report and. the Couricil reviewed. the report. The Mayor announced. that there being no further d.iscussion of the report, it would. be in order to ad.opt the resolution approving the report and..fixing the time and. place of the hearing thereon. R~SOLUTION N0. 519 RESOLUTION OF THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~F ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REFORT AND FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING THEREON. (Huasna Sewer A~sessment District No. 70-61-1) 3~4 Arroyo Grand.e, Calif . February 27th, I962 - Page 3 On motion of Councilman Hartwig, second.ed. by Councilman Jacabs, and. by the following roll eall vote, to-wit: AY~S: Councilmen Burt, Pence, Jacobs, and Hartwig NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 27th d.ay of February, 1962. Mayor Burt announced that the City Goun~il now has jurisd.iction to call for constrv.ction bid,s for the work and, that it would. be in ord.er for the Council to ad.opt its r~solut~on ord.ering publication of notice inviting bid.s for improvements. RESOLUTION N0. 520 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING PUBLIGATION OF NOTICE INVITING SEAI~D PROPOSA.LS OR BIDS FOR TMPROVEMENT. (~iuasna Sewer Assessment District No. 70-61-1) On motion of Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman Hartwig, and. by the following rall ca11 vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Pence, Jacobs, and. Hartwig NOES : None ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted this 27th d.ay of ~ebruary, 1962. RESOLUTION N0. 521 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND ORDERTNG THE EXECUTION OF A GONTRA.CT EMPLOYING SPEGIAL ATTORNEYS. (Huasna Sewer Assessment District No. 70-61-1) ~n motion of Gouncilman Hartwig, second,ed. by Councilman Jacobs, and. by the following roll call vote, ~Q-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Pence, Jacobs, and. Hartwig. NOES: None ABSENT: Couneilman Lee the foregoing Resolution was adopted. this 27th d.ay of Febru.ary,1962. RESOLUTION NO. 522 , RESOLUTION QF THE CITY COUNGIL OF THE GITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING MAP SHOWING THE LOGATION OF CERTAIN PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER WORK, AND REQUESTING RECOMMENDATI4N OF HEALTH OFFICER. On motion of Councilman Pence, second.ed by Councilman Jacobs, and. by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Burt, Pence, Jacobs, and. Hartwig. NOES : NQne ABSENT: Councilman Lee the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted this 27th d.ay of February,1962. Na further business appearing, upon. motion the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ATTEST• ~ GITY CLERK YO