Minutes 1962-03-27 3~.~ Arroyo Grand:e, Calif . March 27, 1962 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt presid.ing. Present were Councilmen Pence and. Jacobs, absent were Counc~.lmen Lee and.Hartwig. ~ The minutes of the regular meeting of March 13th, 1962 were approved. as prepared.. The City Clerk notified. the Gouncil no protests had. been received. for the 'tFair Oaks-Arroyo Grand.et' Annexation. RESOLUTION N0. 523 A RF,SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ~NDE CALLING A~ SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD THE 22'nd.DAY OF MAY, 1962, PERTAINING TO THE ; °~~EXATION OF 'tFAIR OAKS-ARROYO GRANDE ANNEXATION't TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GR~NDE. On motion of Councilman Pence, second.ed. by Councilman Jacobs, and. by the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Pence and. Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Lee and. Hartwig the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 27th d.ay of March, 1962. The following bid.s were received.for construction of the Hu~sna Road. Sewer District : J. A. Roberts $49, 995. 93, Smee's Plumbi~a.~~~:and. Heating $46,241.50, Ince Bros. Pipeline Construction Co. $47,846.00 and.Sewer and. Drain Const~uction $36,391,25. All bid.s were taken under ad.visement. The d.iscussian regard.ing multiple structures being served.from one water meter was held.over to another meeting. -Mr. And.erso~. ad.vised the CounciL-, Mr. Norman would. like a d.efinite answer as to where the road. would be constructed. that would. connect Halcyon Road. to Valley Roadi The Gouncil took no action as the street commissioner was absent from the ~tleetin~. ~:'he following recommend.ation was received.from the Planning Commission:~ l~ The aband.onme~.~ of Cross Street and. the aLignment of Railroad Avenue w~.re reviewed~ The Planning Commirssion feels that, d.ue to a proposal to relocate Highway 1 or the Arroyo Grand.e-San Lu~is Obispo Road. along the lines of the Pacific Coast Railroad. right of way, any aband.onment and permanent imgrovements along the ri~ht of way would. possibly interfere with future d.evelopment. It is our recommend.atian that Cross St~eet_be aband.oned. and: that Railroad. Avenue remain as it is, except that the City oil the present traveled. portion to prevent the d:ust problem, 2) The Planning Commissian reviewed. the attached. Street Improvement Stand.ard.s, and. they recommend. that they be ado~3~ed if the ad.joining communities adopt them, and. 3) the Halcyon Road: alignment was reviewed., and. we feel that a,~proposal of this nature should.be d:one with full knowled.ge of the peQple. We are therefore calling for a public hearing for our April 3, 1962, meeting. ~ ; The ResQlution for the sewer installation for the Ocean View~. Sehool was not read.y at this time. RESOLUTION N0. 524 , _ ~y.~ . -t'- ~ ~ ~ u < ~ ~ / r, r r t,'`x c~~ut, 4,, ~ -c:.t~l--C.~ _ ~ ; ~:~'•arrl'.~-~ ,C , , t`~ ~ f t; ~ ~ r ,~.x.., t : r „ ;i ~ L~„ . ~L,/ ~ I'1"~l~/~-.~. r r~i ~ f ~ f , ~ On-motic~n of Councilman Pence, second.ed by-Counei~.man Jacobs, and. by the following roll caZl vote, to-wit: ~~`s Arroyo Grand.e, Calif . March 27, 1962 - Page 2 AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Pence and. Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Lee and.Hartwig the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 27th day af March, 1962. A motion was mad.e by Cauncilman Jacobs, second.ed by Council- man Pence that the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement for the installation of the City Rad.io equipment at Rad.io Station KCJH as prepared by Mr. Harris. A11 members present voted 'tAye'f. The papers for the Little League Ball Park had. not been prepared and. would. be presented. at a later mee.ting. Mr. Harris read. the agreement he had. prepared. for the d.rainage of the Young B.rothers property and: it was to be sent to Yaung Bros, for their approval and. signing. The necessary papers for the sale of obsolete persc~nal property were to be prepared. by Mr. Harris. A proposed. sewer district in the Tally-Ho Area was d.iscussed. and. Mr. And.erson was to comp~ate ind.ivid.ual cost estimates and.Mr. Harris was to prepare the necessary gc~titions. The improvement of Whiteley St. was to be taken up at a later meeting. The Grand,Avenue Construction project was to be held over until the next regular meeting. Correspond.ence was received.from the Grover City Civic Association inviting the Council to attend.their meeting on April 9, 1962 when the consolid.ation of the South County into one municipality will be d.iscussed., An application had. been received. from the H& B Commun- ications Corporatian for a community antenna franchise. Mr. Harris ad.vised. the Council a meeting was being planned.for the d.iscussion of all applications for community antenna franchises and. the various Cauncils and. interested. parties would be notified. of the agend.a and. time of the meeting. Mrs. McGQwn requested the Council take some action regarding her property on Halcyon Road, as a permit had been issued.for structures to be built within one foot of the property line on the ad.jacent property and had. caused. the value of her property to d.ecrease. Mr~. McCown ~elt the structures were nQt built in accord.ance with the City Ord.- d.inanee. The matter was referred to Mr. Harris. Mr. Born's request that the City participate $687.00 for d.rainage on a portion of Valley Road that is within the City, the work to be d.one in conjunction with proposed. work on a portion of Valley Road with the County, was referred. to Mr. Hartwig. An Ord.inance relating to Civil Defense and. Disasters was read. for the first read.ing. Norman and.Towery discussed. the e~tension of Fair Oaks Ave, with the Council. This raa.d. would tie in with their d.evelopment of the George_~rieb property on the Eas~ sid.e of the Arroyo Grande creek. The Council recommend.ed the Planning Co~mission call a meeting, to be attend.ed. by the Council, of'all property owners on the twa proposed road.ways from Halcyon Road. to Valley Road. to ascertain their feelings regard.ing each road. and. possibility of acquiring right of wayts; the meeting to be held. April 3rd, 1962 in conjunction with the regular Planning Commission meeting. ~ Arroyo Grand.e, Calif. March 27, 1962 - Page 3 The recommendation from the Planning Commission regard.ing Cross Street aband.onment was d.iscussed. and. it was Mr. Strothers suggestion the Railroad. right of way be oiled. to keep the d.ust d.own but the street not be altered. at this time. RESOLUTION N0. 525 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO ~RANDE AUTHORIZING EXECUTION , OF A QUITCLAIM DEED. (Spierling) On motion of Councilman Pence, second.ed. by Councilman Jacobs, and. by the following ro11 call vote, to-wit: AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Pence and Jacobs NOES: None ABSENT:Councilmen Lee and.Hartwig the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted. this 27th d.ay af March,l962. A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jaeobs, second.ed. by Councilman Pence, that a representative of the firm of 0'Melveny and. Myers be requested. to attend. the meeting o£ April lOth, 1962 for the Protest Hearing for the Huasna Road. Setaer District . All members present voted 'tAyet' . Mr. Angel appainted Luther Wri~ht as Assistant Director of Civil Defense and. the appointment was approved. by the Council. ~ A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded: by Councilman Pence that warrants against the General Fund.for $11,327.54 be approved. and ordered paid.. A11 members present vot ed. 'tAye't . No further business appearin~, upon motion the meeting adjour~n.ed. at 10:15 p.m. ~ ATTEST : ~ ity lerk M a~'