Minutes 1962-04-10 ~20 Arroyo Grande, California - ` April 10, 1962 The City Council met iri~regular session with Mayor Burt presiding. Present were Councilmen-Pence, Jacob~ and Hartwig. Absent was Councilman Lee. The minutes of the regular-meeting of March 27th, 1962 were approved as prepared. Mayor Burt announced the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. having arrived, this is the time and place fixed for the hearing of protests, objections or appeals in respect of the assessment and work under and pursuant to Resolution of Intention, Resolution No. 517, the report of the City Engineer prepared and filed, and the Municipal Improvement Act.of 1913. The affidavits of pub- lication, mailing and posting notice of hearing were presented. The Mayor called upon the City Engineer for a description of work and assessment. The City Engineer stated that in his apinion, all of the territory in the assessment district will be benefited by the impr~ovement. The City Clerk read`a written protest from Delmar and Lois Murray,' Rt. I, Box 542 C, A'rroyo G~~nde, CaTiforn.ia, that'`~they` felt they had been improperly ~ssessed as'they were assessed for some property which would not have access to the sewer ~nd for some property that would not benefit from`the s~wer. ~ The City Clerk read a written protest from Grace M.'Thompson,` P. O. Box 1Q4, Arroyo Grande, California, protesting and objecting to the proposed improvement, the extent of the assessment district and to the proposed assessme~t. Andrew David, Attorney, spoke for Mrs. Thompson and indicated the objection was the cost estimates, and if the ass~ssment was based on frontage the full amount of frontage was not available, and if the assessment was based on`acre~ge, another''residence would not be possible on the land. Mr. David also questioned the purchase of easements for $.60 per foot and what,,provisions would be made to restore the property to the original state. It was explained to Mr. Yeager the difference in the amount of the bid and the total cost of the assessment district was because the bid covered construction only. Mr. Yeager sug~ested the ownership of the alley or street adjacent to his property be determined before being used for easement purposes: The method of payment for the assessment was explained on request of Mr. Kofahl. The City Engineer explained to Mrs. Bernice Lapp, Mr. Kofahl, and Tony Azevedo, the basis for the assessment of their property. , Pr+btests were referred to Mr. McLennan for. review. '1'he City Engineer advised the Council that less than 10/ of the land within the assessment district was represented by written protests. A motion was made by Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilman , Jacobs that the hearing be closed. Al1 members present voted ~~Aye . Further action on the Huasna Road Sewer Assessment District was to be taken up at the adjourned meeting on April 17, 1962. Chief Richardson advised the Council Lew Jones had resigned and would no longer maintain the City radio equipment. The Council approved Mr. Perry D. Stilley to maintain the radios under the same terms and price as Mr. Jones had. Chief Richarson requested a color change be made in the Police uniform from blue to tan. After discussion it was agreed to see a tan uniform before making a decision. . ~21 Arroyo Grande, California April 10, 1962 - Page 2 Correspondence was received from the Superintendent of 3chools of the County of San Luis Obispo requesting the City make no decision on granting a T. V. Antenna Franchise until the County Board of Education and the San Luis Obispo County Comm'~.ttee on Instructional Television could discuss such a system with the Council. Correspondence was:received from Ted R. Frame, Attorney, re- garding the drainage for Young Brothers Market and the agreem~nt prepared by Mr. Harris was returned unsigned. Mr. Frame requested the agreement stipulate a five year term and the provision that no construction be allowed on the Lawrence Young property be deleted. Mr. Harris was ~o contact Mr. Frame regarding the pro- visions of the agreement. Mr. Bill Arnold r~quested permission to conduct an auction on the Ba~ter property on Grand Avenue and said off-street parking would be provided and the property would be completely fenced if necessary. The reqtrest was referred to Mr. Harris with a recom- mendation to be presented at the April 17th, 1962 meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Pence that multiple minimum water billings serving one property be suspended until a study could be made of the water ordinance. ~,ll members present voted "Aye". The agreem~nt for the Little League Ball Park was read and given to Mr. John Robertson for signing and to be returned to the Council for execution. ~ ~ A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Pence that the final Map of Tract 176 be approved subject to the-following: l. Inspection`Fee of $553.00 being 2/ of Total Estimated Construction Cost 2. Bond of $7,000.00 for Estimate Cost of Remaining Con- struction 3. Approval by the County of San Luis Obispo of the Drainage 4. The Construction Details being Approved by City Engineer All members present voted "Aye". The second ~eading of the Ordinance regulating to Civil Defense and Disasters was postponed until a later meeting when Mr. Angel could be present. The abandonment of Cross Street was postponed until Mr. David could be contacted and the recommendation of the Planning Commission coulr3 be clarified. Mr. Harris advised the Council, the agreement for the collection of taxes had been sent to the County of San Luis Obispo for their ~pproval and execution. A motion was made by Councilman Hartwig, seconded by Council- ~ man Jacobs, that the agreement with the Arroyo Grande Union E3,e- mentary School District for the Ocean View School be approved for the construction of sewers. All members present vgted "Aye". Discussion of the Grand Avenue Construction Project was post- poned until the next regular meeting. ~22 Arroyo Grande, California April 10, 1962 - Page 3 Construction of a water line on Grand Avenue between Halcyon Road and Barnett was discussed. The Council agreed a six inch line should be installed at this time before the improvement of Grand Avenue. Temporary water service from Bell Street to the Folkert property on Grand Avenue was not to be made until a charge of $1.50 per front foot for the Grand Avenue line had been paid. Councilman Hartwig recommended that no participation lbe made by the City for ~he drainage on a portion of Valley Road, as requested by the County. Mr. Eric 0'Neil requested permission to conduct dances at t31e I. D. E. S. Hall. Permis~ion was grara,ted by the Council subject to the payment of the lic~nse fee, obtaining insurance and the hiring of an officer for patroling the premises. A motion was made by Councilman Pence, seconded by Council- man Hartwig, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a map of the South Alpine and Rena Street area, that it could be put on record. All me~bers present voted "Aye". A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council- man Pence that warrants against the General Fund for $16,348.29, the Water Fund for $2,472.24, th~ Water Deposit Fund for $22.25 and the Treasurers Departmental Trust Fund for $250.00 be approved and ordered paid. All members present voted "Aye". A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman I3artwig that Vouchers No. 49 thru No. 55 be approved and ordered transferred. All members present voted "Aye". Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, April 17th, 1962 for the purpose of canvassing Election Returns and reconvening the Council. ATTEST: ~ ~ , Gh~ City Clerk Mayor