Minutes 1962-04-24 - 32'7
Arroyo Grand.e, Calif .
April 24th, 1962
The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt
presid.ing. Present were Councilmen Wood., Jacobs, and.McNeil. Absent
was Counci].,~Zan Lee.
The minutes of the regular meeting of April lOth, 1962'and. the
ad.journed. meeting of April 17th, 1962 were approved. as prepared.
Walter C. Bowman, Attorney for the Oceano Sanitary District,
read. and.presented. to the Council, a resolution passed. by the Oceano
Sanitary District, approving the formation of a County Sanitation
District, as soon as possible. The Gouncil referred the resolution
to Mr. Har"ris, City Attorn.ey.
Walter C. Bowman, Attorney, read. and. presented. to the Council,
-a resalution signed. by Chas. A. Gailbraith, presid.ent of the Oceano
Fire District, Carl A. Smith, presid.ent of the Oceano Sanitary
District, and. Eliot E. Rasenfeld., presid.ent of the O~ceano Improvement
Association, requesting unincorporated. areas of the County be given
notice before annexations, zaning or rezoning of any property in an
unincorporated.area is mad.e.
Mr. Gailbraith, Mr..Smith, Mr, Rasenfeld. and. Mrs. Castanares
ad.d.ressed. the Council, protesting approximately 9 acres south of
Pike Street being includ.ed. in the f'Fair~ Oaks-Arrayo Grand.e''
Annexation, ind.icating the loss of the property would. affect the
revenue of the Fire District, the Sanitary District and the Water
Company. Mr. Bad.er said. Oceano and. Arroyo Grand.e had. always worked.
together to everyonets satisfaction and. he felt the annexation
would. affect the harmonious relations.
Mr. Harris ad.vised. the annexation could. not be stopped. at this
point, but if the annexation passed., it would. be at the Couneilrs
d.iscretion whether the 9 acres would. be withd.rawn frorn the ~3ceano
Mr. Gailbraith requested. the property stay in the Oceano Fire
District. There was no d.ecision mad.e at this time.
Mr. Harris ad.vis~d.the Council he had. instructed.Mr. Arnold.
to apply to the City Planning Commission regarding the zonin~
on property on Grand.Ave. where he wanted. to c~nduct an auction.
A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, seconded. by Councilman
Wood, that a hearing be held.May 22, 1962 at 8:00 p.m. with notice
being served. by pasting the property and. publishing a notice, to
consid.er the amendments to City Zoning 0~d,inance No. 157 for the
three zaning changes as recomemended: by the Plannin.g Commission.
All members present voted. tfAye't.
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Councilman
McNeil, that the agreement fQx Freeway Maintainance for the Valley
Road.Overcrossing be returned. to the Division of Highw~ys unsigned.
for tl~e following reasons as recommend.ed. by J. E. And.erson: That ~
said. structures have created. ad.d.itional liabilities and.maintenance
costs that were not present prior to their erection; and., as these
structures were erected.for the convenience and. safety of the high-
way users in general and. not for the primary use of the citizens
of Arroyo Grand:e, these costs should be bor~n.e wholely by the State
of California. All members present voted 'tAye't.
Mr. John Robertson requested.more time before returning the
Little League Ball Park agreement as the insurance cost was so
great, a method. of insuring with less expense was being d.etermined..
Mr. Harris ad.vised. it might be possible to gain insurance in
conjunction with the city's policy.
Arroyo Grand.e, Calif.
April 24th, 1962 - Page 2
The ord.inance to ad.opt the Uniform Housing Cod.e, 1961 ed.ition
was held over until copies of the code could. be obtained. and.
consid.ered.by the Council.
On motion of Councilman Wood., second.ed. by Councilman Jacobs,
and. by the following roll call vote, to-wit;
AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Wood., Jacobs and. McNeil.
NOES: None
ABSENT: Gouncilman Lee
the foregoing Resolution was ad.opted this 24th d.ay of April, 1962.
Mr. Harris asked. the Council their wishes regard.ing a new
water ord.inance and. the Council d.ecid.ed. not to change the ord.in~
ance until further d.iscussion and. more information was available.
Mr. Harris ad.vised.Mr. Arthur Gar~ey to file a claim with the ,
City for~ water bills paid: und.e~ protest.
Correspond.ence was received from Mrs. J. H. Krovious stating
the parkittg limit signs on Branch Street were misleading and.
requested. the signs be placed. so the~e would be no question of
~ the parking spaces includ.ed. in the time limit zone. .Chief
Richard.son ad.vised. the Council, the signs would. be moved.,
Jani~orial Service for the City Hall was d.iscussed. and. it was
agreed. to contact several janitor services for estimates before
making a d.ecision. An application had. been received.from Schultz
Lawn Maintenance applying for the ground.maintainance for the
City Hall, Annex, Brid.ge and. Branch Street island.s, and. the
reservoir site for a cost of $8~,00 per month and. the City
purchase any s~,~.pplies, fertilizers, etc. No d.ecision was mad.e on
janitor service or ground. maintainence at this time.
A motion was mad.e by Councilman Jacobs, second.ed. by Gouncilman
McNeil, that warrants against the General Fund.for $5,174.39 be
approved. and. ord.ered. paid.. All members present voted. 'rAyet'.
Mr. Harris requested. all Councilmen make an effort to attend a
meeting May 4th, 1962 for the purpose of d.iscussion of the franchise
for a T.V. Community Antenna.
Councilman Wood. suggested the Council consid.er the purchase of
a public ad.d.ress system for the council chambers and. Mr. And.erson
was to obtain information on var~ous systems.
No further business appearing, upon motion the meeting ad.jQUrned.
at 9:~5 p.m.