Minutes 1962-05-08 ~29
Arroyo ~rande, California
May 8th, 1962
The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Burt
presiding. Present were Councilmen Wood, Jacobs and McNeil.
Absent was Councilman Lee.
The minutes of the regular meeting of April 24th, 1962
were approved as prepared.
The purchase of a public address system was discussed and
one estimate has been received. Mr. Anderson advised the
Council at least one more estimate would be presented before
the next meeting and it was agreed to hold over any action
until that time.
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by
Councilman McNeil that an employee be hired to serve at the
pleasure of the Council for the purpose of ground maintain-
ence, building maintainence, and janitorial work and the City
Clerk be responsible for his duties. All members present
voted "Aye.°
(Huasna Sewer Assessment District No. 70-61-1)
On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman
Jacobs, and by the following roll call vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Wood, Jacobs and McNeil
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman Lee
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 8th day of May, 1962.
Mr. Lou Wright introduced Chester A. Porter as a candidate
for a member of the Board of Supervisors. ~
Mrs. Murray requested the council consider the improvement
of Clarence Avenue in conjunction with the installation of the
Huasna`Sewer line, as the Planning Commission had indicated_it
might be possible for the improving to be done at that time.
The matter was referred to Mr. Anderson, to have a recommen-
dation for the next meeting.
Mrs. Murray felt the assessment on her property for the
sewer district was unfair because some of the property would
not have access to the sewer. Mr. McLennan said, in his opinion,
the property would have access to the line.
Mr. Yeager requested the status of the property t~sed as a
road be definitely determined before the installation of the
sewer line. It was agreed to request the Planning Commission to
determine if a road would be desirable at that location. A
"Dead End" sign was to be placed on the property now being used .
for road purposes.
The hearing was opened for the appeal to the Council for
property lying south of Dodson Way between Halcyon Road and
Alpine Street for a variance allowing R-3 use in RA-B3 zone.
Mr. C. C. Christianson explained the Planning Commission had
denied the variance reguest and he felt it was partly due to
his not being at the meeting to fully explain, the reasons for
the variance being requested. Mr. Christianson said he felt
Arroyo Grande, California
May 8th, 1962 - Page 2
his property was adjacent to R-3 zones and the shape of the
property made it undesirable for any other use. Mrs. Hobbs and
Mr. Campbell sai~ they owned property in the area and they were
in favor of the variance,being granted. Mr. Burt Huston and
Robert Walker felt the variance should be denied as R-1 zones
were involved and the value of the R-1 property would be affected.
The report from the Planning Commission was read and it was felt
any RA-B3 zones should be changed by rezoning and not by variance.
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Council-
man McNeil that the recommendation made by the Planning Commission
be accepted, their reasons for the denial be supported and the
Council deny the request for variance. Ayes: Mayor Burt, Coun-
cilman Jacobs and McNeil. Noes: Councilman Wood. Absent:
Councilman Lee. ~
Councilman McNeil recommended the City install a sprinkler
system, plant lawn seed and maintain the park in Tract 131. Mr.
Anderson was to have a cost estimate for the park development to
be presented at the June l2, 1962 meeting.
Mr. John Robertson advised the Council the insurance had been
arranged for the'little league ball park and was being submitted
to Mr. Har~is for approval.
The ordinance adopting the "Uniform Housing Code, 1961
Edition" was read for the first reading.
The Council asked to have the agreement with the CYiurch of
Latter Day Saints specifying the refunds to be made to them for
the installation of the sewer line be approved by the Church
before City Council approval.
A motion was made by Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman
Jacobs that it be approved for Mr. Joe Anderson to attend the
Asphalt Design Gourse at Cal Poly for two weekends, tuition and
meals included. All members present voted "Aye."
Mr. McLennan advised the Council the plans and specifications
for the Gr~nd Avenue Project had been approved by the state.
Discussion followed regarding the installation of curbs and gutters
and it was decided they be included in the bid.
A motion was made by Councilman McNeil, seconded by Council-
~ man Wood that the Council approve the plans, specifications and
wage scale for the Grand Avenue Project as presented by Mr.
McLennan and call for bids to be opened at 8:00 p.m. June 12, 1962.
All members present voted "Aye.°
The Council approved having plans and specifications pre-
pared for the improvement of Valley Road to be presented at a
later meeting'.
Don Shaffer representing the Planning Commission invited the
Council to attend a joint dinner meeting on May 16th, 1962.
The request of the Rotary Club for someone to speak on
Annexatinn at their meeting was referred to Mr. Anderson, as the
date conflicted with the Channel Division Counties meeting.
The Council approved a donation of $600,00 to the Arroyo
Grande Chamber of Commerce for area development.
The Council requested Mr. Harris prepare a Resolution that in
the event of future annexations, the Oceano Fire District, Oceano
Sanittary District, the Oceano Improvement Association and the
Oceano Water Company would be notified in writing.
Arroyo Grande, California
May 8th, 1962 - Page 3
Approval was given for three 2500 lumen street lights to
be installed in the Rena Street - Dodson Way area and for an
existing 250,0 lumen light to be increased to 4000 lumen.~
Mr. Anderson was authorized to determine the dates for
a"Clean-up" week and have a notice published to that effect.
No decision was made regarding the request of Jeannie
Hart Tucker to landscape the island at Traffic Way and Bridge
Street as a memorial for Harry Hart, as it had been mentioned
at Planning Commission meeting that the island be surfaced
for a parking lot. _
After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Jacobs,
seconded by Councilman Wood, that the motion made by Council-
man Jacobs on April lOth, 1962 that multiple minimum water
billings serving one property be suspended until a study
could be made of the water ordinance be rescinded. All members
present voted "Aye."
A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, seconded by
Councilman Wood that the City support the Progress Edition of
the Arroyo Grande Valley Herald Recorder and purchase a full
page advertisment.
Wayne Mize requested one member of the Council meet with
the Harvest Festival Committee and for the Council to partici-
pate in the Elks"parade in Santa Maria. Gouncilman McNeil
was designated to attend the meeting to represent the'Council.
It was approved for Councilmen Wood and McNeil to attend
the New Councilmen's meeting in Sacramento from May 20th to
May 22nd, 1962.
Councilman Wood suggested the Council.consider having the
City Ordinances compiled and,printed in ],oos~ leaf form. Esti-
mates for the cost were to be received before budgets were
approved, if possible.
The Council went on record as being in favor of the Fair
Oaks - Arroyo Grande Annexation and urged the peo~~:r~ to give
this annexation tYi~ir full support.
. `
The Council approved Sgt. Hatley to attend the three day
California Highway Patrol emergency vehicle operation course
in Sacramento and authorized the Mayor to sign the waiver.
On motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman
Wood warrants against the General Fux~d for $11,505.11, the
Water Fund for $2,006.60 and the Water Deposit Fund for
$128.00 were approved and ordered paid. All members present
voted "Aye."
On motion of Council~nan Jacobs, seconded by Councilman
Wood, Vouchers No. 56 thru No. 61 were approved and ordered
transferred. All members present voted "Aye."
No further business appearing, upon motion the meeting
adjourned at llz'05 p.m.
' ~r~
. City Clerk May r