R 2227 288 RmOLUTlON NO. 2227 A RmOLUTlON OF THE CITY OOUNClL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE GRAN'nNG A VARIANCE, CASE NO. 88-120, APPIJED FOR BY PRANK AND OONNIB FREITAS AT 602 CERRO VISTA LANE WHEREAS, the Oty Council of the Oty of Arroyo Grande hils considered Variance Application No. 88-120, filed by Frank & COnnie Freitas, for a Variance fl'OO1 the maximum building height of 15 feet at 602 Cerro Vista Lane In the "R-l" Single FBmIly Residentl81 District; and WHEREAS, the Oty Council hils held a public hearing on this application In accordance with the my Code; and WHEREAS, the C1ty Council finds that the f~ clrcunstances exist: 1. That the adjustment authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privilege i inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties In the vicinity and district , In which the subject property Is situated; 2. That become of special circurstances app1icable to the subject property, including size, shope, topography, location, or SIa'I'OUIId!ngs, the strict application of the provisions ot this chapter Is tound to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties In the vicinity and under Identical zone classifi- cations; 3. That the granting of the Variance win not be contrary to the intent of this chapter or to the public safety, health and welfare; 4. That due to spoc1al conditions or exceptional olwacterlst1cs ot the property or Its location, the strict application of the provisions of this chapter would result in diCtlculties and unnecessary hardship; 5. The granting of the Variance will not be /IBterlally detrimental to other properties or land uses In the area became the views currently enjoyed by the surrounding properties win not be significantly Impacted by the proposed development; 6. There are exceptlon81 or extraordinary clrcurstances applicable to thc intended use that do not apply to other properties In the same zone. The property has no apparent or significant vlewsl1eds, nor does It appear to affect surrounding viewsheds. 7. The striet application of the ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other properties In the vicinity or In the same zone becau;e the 15- foot restriction would limit the bullclabJe potential ot the lot, and other porcels In the area have been developed with tm-story hcmes; and I 8. The granting ot the Variance Is cali'8tlble with the objectives, policies, and general land uses specified In the General Plan became the Intent of the urgency ordinance Is bel~ met, 18 there Is substantial protection of the vlewsheds on adjacent property, and the proposed develqment Is In contOntl8l\ce with the goals, policies and. objectives of the General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RPSOLVED that the Oty Council of the Oty of Arroyo Grande hereby approves said Variance subject to the standard conditions ot the City and those listecl below: 1. The developnent ot the site shall oocur In substantial conContl8l\ce with the plans -~.' approved by the PlannIng CatnUsJon on April 19, 1988. , On motion by CouncIl Member Johnson, seconded by Council Member I"oots, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: A11BS: Council Members Johnson, Moots, Porter, Millis and Mayor Mankins NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 26th day of Aprn, 1988. )t~ fI" j:...... ~CI- "t~:"-1 - MAYOR All~T: ~ {l. ~ CITY CLERI .-~-~--~._---_.. ---_._..__._~---